

Revision as of 22:51, 3 October 2013 by JuliaS1992 (Talk | contribs)


NRPS – Delfibactin project

by Ilia

1. delfibactin:

  • export from biocompartiments: unspecific outer membrane transporter (so delfibactin gets into medium)
  • synthesis: pathway known, e.coli strain for production (maybe not clone DelC)

2. NRPS: introduction

  • modular enzymes: 3 modular domains (together 110 kDa)
  • steps: adenylation, acylation, condensation

3. software: input

  • match amino acid to known A-domain substrates
  • recognize easy modification (in amino acids) for which substrate you need it
  • method: substructure based algorithm for searching and predicting substrate specifity
  • it works in a R-package
  • 10 amino acids are important for the substrate specifity

4. biobrick library

  • there is no standard for the Biobricks of NRPS


by Flo and Nils

1. Jugend forscht: done a test (we do not understand how it works)

  • not reached the supervisor yet
  • she didn't win anything
  • detect it via Spectrometry

2. 3 ideas for integrating the receptor

  • artifiial membranes are not an option (you can't predict how the protein is located)
  • in vitro expression of GPCRs (takes too long)
  • Luciferase activity under directt ligand-dependent control of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor

=> measurments possible (very sensitive: represses glowing a little bit, a bit more... but never completely) (integrate it is fast, but the mutagenesis takes a long time)

Artificial yeast-cells for sensing Insulin-level and producing/distribute the Insulin

by Flo

  • presentation of the idea and past igem projects regarding this theme
  • semipermeable biocapsules (with cells inside)
  • the cells (yeast , bacillus subtilis, e.coli... ) for producing insulin if it is necessary
  • there exists a famous lab for synthetic biology which works on insulin production

Software Project

by Julia, Konrad and Hanna

  • parameters for statistical analysis and how they correlate (like teammembers, advisors, organsims, score regarding a scoring funtion)
  • graphics: basically histograms

work for the next weeks

1. software project

  • look on the focus of the team!
  • better definition of the parameters
  • estimate the cost of an IGEM project (there exists something for the nature paper... just looking at the methods etc...)
  • already made something with these parameters
  • clustering for example, not only directed
  • software project should be finished before the lab phase: end of June/ July

2. Gold Project

  • working on this project: Nils, Ilia, Julia, Ralf, Hanna
  • find stuff we have to order and send Dominik an email => done!
  • talk to companies (interested, is it done already and how, are there established assays)
  • find succesful examples

3. general information

  • we have to register and then apply for the team. LogIn
  • send an email for getting the contact details (parameters which here already used)

Agenda for next meeting (29.04.2013 at 5 pm)

  1. results of pilot project (delfibactin in the lab)
  2. present a project plan (goals, time etc.)
  3. update on the software project. How to proceed etc.