Team:ITU MOBGAM Turkey/safety


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iGEM Safety Form

     As ITU_MOBGAM_Turkey team, safety concerns is our first priority in both developing project and producing the prototype bacteria. Project is developed considering the BSL of our facility which is 1. Member of laboratory crew has been selected on experience. Holding at least one month laboratory experience was criteria for selection. MSDS files of chemicals were studied before using. All experiment carried in a convenient place (laminar hood, regular hood etc.). Waste both biological and organic materials were handled properly.

Offical Safety Form

1. Please describe the chassis organism(s) you will be using for this project. If you will be using more than one chassis organism, provide information on each of them:


Strain No

Risk Group

Risk Group Source Link

Disease risk to humans? If so, which disease?


Bl21 (DE3)


Yes. May cause irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract, may affect kidneys.




Yes. May cause irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract, may affect kidneys.

2. List and describe all new or modified coding regions you will be using in your project. (If you use parts from the 2013 iGEM Distribution without modifying them, you do not need to list those parts.)

Part Number

Where did you get the physical DNA for this part (which lab, synthesis company, etc)?

What species does this part originally come from?

What is the Risk Group of the species?

What is the function of this part, in its parent species?


Synthesized, Integrated DNA Technology

Homo sapiens


Binds and transports the B12 vitamine in small intestine


Synthesized, Integrated DNA Technology

E. coli (K12)


Inhibits the toxic effect of MazF


Synthesized, Integrated DNA Technology

E. coli (K12)


mRNA endoribonuclease

Do the biological materials used in your lab work pose any of the following risks? Please describe.

   a. Risks to the safety and health of team members or others working in the lab?


   b. Risks to the safety and health of the general public, if released by design or by accident?


   c. Risks to the environment, if released by design or by accident?

Maybe. Transfer of MazE or MazF plasmid to other bacteria may affect survivability of other bacteria

   d. Risks to security through malicious misuse by individuals, groups, or countries?


5. If your project moved from a small-scale lab study to become widely used as a commercial/industrial product, what new risks might arise? (Consider the different categories of risks that are listed in parts a-d of the previous question.) Also, what risks might arise if the knowledge you generate or the methods you develop became widely available? (Note: This is meant to be a somewhat open-ended discussion question.)

If the product become widely used in public, contamination may arise in environment due to the plasmid conjugation.

6. Does your project include any design features to address safety risks? (For example: kill switches, auxotrophic chassis, etc.) Note that including such features is not mandatory to participate in iGEM, but many groups choose to include them.

We have two kill switch mechanism for probable risk. One of them decrease risk of contamination of nature. Meanwhile, other one would inhibit overgrowth of bacteria we used.

7. What safety training have you received (or plan to receive in the future)? Provide a brief description, and a link to your institution’s safety training requirements, if available.

Yes. In our bachelor education we have a class name as 'Modern Techniques in Biology'. In that class, first lecture is biosafety training. However, the documents of the lecture is offline.

8. Under what biosafety provisions will / do you work?

   a. Please provide a link to your institution biosafety guidelines.


   b. Does your institution have an Institutional Biosafety Committee, or an equivalent group? If yes, have you discussed your project with them? Describe any concerns they raised with your project, and any changes you made to your project plan based on their review.

No. However we discussed our project safety with our project instructor. We choose the strain of E. coli based on this because overgrowth of some strains of E. coli may fatal to human.

   c. Does your country have national biosafety regulations or guidelines? If so, please provide a link to these regulations or guidelines if possible . The link provides you the biosafety law of Turkey but in turkish.

   d. According to the WHO Biosafety Manual, what is the BioSafety Level rating of your lab? (Check the summary table on page 3, and the fuller description that starts on page 9.) If your lab does not fit neatly into category 1, 2, 3, or 4, please describe its safety features [see for help].

   Biosafety level 1.



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