The field of synthetic biology in general and the iGEM competition in particular are not really well known by the public, and even by the scientists. That is why we think it is essential that we contribute to explain what it is by doing meetings and presentations as much as we can.
Since the beginning of our project, we have been doing several presentations to students from our engineering schools and universities in Grenoble and Saint-Etienne.
We presented the lab we worked in and our iGEM project to future engineer students (Fig 1.). We made presentations at opening classes of second year engineer students, and also for the associations forum of the engineering school Phelma (Fig 3.).
A French-American workshop was organized in Grenoble by the Giant Summer School Program for foreign students, and we made a speech and a poster presentation (Fig 2.).
Of course we also explained our project to everyone who asked us about it, or about iGEM.
Figure 1-2.
Presentation to future engineer students at the CIME.
Poster session during the French-American workshop.
Figure 3.
Associations forum of Phelma.
To promote synthetic biology and its interdisciplinary approach, our team has given several conferences in our hoste lab, at the scientific polygon of Grenoble "Minatec/CEA", in the LMGP and INRIA that was attended by more than 200 researchers and students from different specialties working in Grenoble laboratories. Showing the interdisciplinary interest and influence of synthetic biology.