B. subtilis transformation
Losick protocol
-1 Day: Streak out strain and incubate plate o/n at 37 °C.
Transformation (D-Day):
1. Pick up a nice big colony and drop it in 2 ml of completed MC (1x)(see sub1).
2. Grow at 37 °C for 5 hours (more if culture is not really turbid).
3. Mix 400 µl of culture with DNA* in fresh tube (i.e. 15 ml tubes loosely closed – aeration) (*usually 1 µl. Then 10 µl of Quiagen plasmid miniprep or <1 µl of chromosal prep)
4. Grow for an additional 2 hours at 37 °C.
5. Plate all on selective antibiotic plates, and incubates at 37°C o/n.
Sub1: Copmpetence medium (MC completed)
H20 | 1,8 ml | |
10x MC (sub2) | 200 ul | filter sterilize |
MgSO4 | 6,7 ul | autoclave sterilize |
Tryptophan 1% | 10 ul | filter steralize, wrap in Al |
Sub2: MC 10x
for | 100 ml | 10 ml |
K2H PO4 | 14,036g | 1,4036g |
KH2 PO$ | 5,239g | 0,5239g |
Glucose | 20g | 2g |
Sub2: MC 10x
Tri-Na Citrate 300mM (Sub3) 10ml 1ml
Ferric NH4 citrate (Sub4) 1ml 0,1ml
Casein Hydrolysate 1g 0,1g
Potassium Glutamate 2g 0,2g
Add 50ml H2O, Mix, add H2O till 100ml, Filter sterilize and freeze at -20 °C
Sub3: Tri-Na Citrate 300mM Tri-Na Citrate 0,8823g H2O 10ml Wrap in aluminum
Sub4: Ferric NH4 citrate Ferric NH4 citrate 0,22g H2O 10ml Wrap in aluminum