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Key features of Circuit+

Search, simple as you can imagine

As a registry, Circuit+ provide simple ways to find circuits in the database, search box, circuit list and mindmap. If you have used Google, then you can find no problem to use the search box to find something you want. And the keywords matching search function is powerful, which can be proved by its popularity. The search box in Circuit+ is not an ordinary search box. You can search by genetic circuit name, description and tags. You can also find search box in circuit list and circuit information page and start your search convenient.

Clearly shown searching result

When you have entered your words in the search box and press Enter, a well-designed result page appears. The results make a list in a certain order. The keywords you input in the search box are highlight to be outstand. In the left part of this page is a list of categories. The number besides some categories show the number of related circuit in the categories. You can click one of it to restrict the result in the category. In the top of the page, some filter and sort options can be found. They all can optimize your searching experience. If you use circuit list, the page is almost the same like this. You can firstly choose a category to exclude the unneeded result and then use search box to do some keywords matching searching.


Mindmap is a most interesting to do retrieving, and actually it’s more than that. By clicking bubbles one and another, you can go into a deeper level of the classification and eventually find some circuits. You can use this way to have an overlook of circuits we have here and get some idea about synthetic biology. And most importantly, it can work as a medium of brainstorm. In fact, the first version of mindmap was the result of our brainstorm when we were collecting previous iGEM projects. The classification in mindmap is somewhat different. It is idea-driven and can make you to think more. If you are freshman to synthetic biology, you can find it useful to spend some time in mindmap.

Information page

After finishing your retrieving and click one of the circuit in the result list or the deepest level bubble of mindmap, an information page will jump out. The information of a circuit is divided into four parts, information, LGD, feedback, and comment. We will discuss information here. The information part holds information defined in RFC 102, including basic information, ranking, circuit construct, input, output, regulatory information and result. Information such as reference is also included. You can find as many as information that defined in the RFC standard in a prime way. You can also start a new search by clicking the tags. The circuits which have same tag can be found in a result page.

SBOL supported

The information of circuit can be exported as SBOL, which can be used for sharing and data exchanging. The SBOL in our software is an extension of core SBOL and it can record additional information that defined in the RFC 102.


LGD is short for logical genetic diagram. LGD can utilize an algorithm behind to draw a dynamic diagram of genetic circuit. It is a powerful tool to show the structure of circuit and regulatory relations between parts. And the concept of circuit and the important role of regulatory relations in our software are coordinate with our REF 101 and RFC 102.

Feedback and comment

We call for you to give experience feedback and comment about circuits. Feedback is experience of using this circuit by other people. They can tell the feel after repeat experiment from a perspective of users, not uploader. The feedback proposed must be checked by professional level users before they can be put on the site. If you haven’t use this circuit, you can also comment the circuit in your opinion. And there is no check when proposing comment.

Sharing by uploading

circuit by uploading. In upload page, you can fill out a form and upload. You can also import some information by SBOL. The method can be found in tutorial. Not every blank in the form is a must. You can feel free to fill the least required ones. You can always change or complement the information later. Both the information uploaded and edited must be checked by professional level users to ensure quality. And when the information can be put on the website, you can get an email from the software.