Team:Valencia Biocampus/Attributions


Revision as of 22:02, 28 October 2013 by PedroLDM (Talk | contribs)

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Attributions in a nutshell

Wormboys has been totally performed by us, ten undergraduate students, organized in sub-teams. The work has personally been done by us, and distributed as follows:

  • Jessica de Loma: Human Practices, E. coli, talk.
  • Pedro Dorado: E. coli, worms, biobricks, electron microscopy, poster.
  • Alba Iglesias: Human Practices, Biobricks, Pseudomonas, communication.
  • Marina Mañas: modelling, hardware, worms, poster.
  • Samuel Miravet: Human practices, worms, Pseudomonas.
  • Tonny Ruiz: wiki, modelling, design.
  • Alejandro Torres: modelling, hardware, software, wiki.
  • Alejandro Valero: modelling, hardware, software, wiki.
  • Guillermo Zafrilla: Pseudomonas, worms, poster.
  • Alba Corman: poster, wiki, E. coli, design.

Attributions in detail

Project: the idea. We came to Wormboys after a couple of brainstorming meetings including all the team. It would be impossible to define authors here: we all contributed to the design of the project.

  • The riding. Biofilm formation on C. elegans was attempted on Pseudomonas by Guillermo Zafrilla and finally achieved in E. coli by Samuel Miravet, Alba Iglesias and Guillermo Zafrilla, with the collaboration of Pedro Dorado. Pedro also prepared all samples for electron microscopy by carefully following the instructions of Joaquín Baixeras, an entomologist of our University and an expert on S.E.M. (see acknowledgements).

  • Biobricks. Pedro Dorado and Alba Iglesias performed all the work to amplify, clone and submit the Biobricks to the registry. Pedro and Alba also prepared most of the characterization data for the Registry.

  • The Calling. Attraction experiments were designed and conducted by Samuel Miravet and Pedro Dorado, with the collaboration of Alba Corman.

  • The Clumping. E. coli , iRNA and worm altered behavior stuff was done by Samuel Miravet and Pedro Dorado.

  • The building. Plastic production, media characterization and field test experiment were performed by Pedro Dorado.

  • Software. Simuelegans, a program designed to run simulations in our modeling work, and C++ elegans, our image-based analysis software, were imagined and designed by Alejandro Valero.

  • Hardware. The Lego-based scanner was conceived and built by Marina Mañas and Alejandro Torres.

  • Human Practices. Alba Iglesias was in charge of a major part of the work on RRI, including the survey and the report. Samuel Miravet wrote in Spanish the book “Ten tales on synthetic Biology” with the collaboration of Jessica de Loma, who translated all the original tales into English. All original illustrations were by Alba Corman.

  • Modelling. Our engineering students (Tonny Ruiz, Alejandro Valero, Alejandro Torres and Marina Mañas) developed our modeling.

  • Wiki. Tonny Ruiz passionately designed, built and maintained the wiki. Graphic design and illustrations were done with the collaboration of Alba Corman.

  • Poster. We prepared two different posters, one for the European Jamboree and another for Boston. The former was designed and made by Alba Corman, Guillermo Zafrilla and Marina Mañas. The second was mainly prepared by Guillermo Zafrilla and Jessica de Loma.

  • Talk. Jessica de Loma led this important responsibility.

  • Other issues. General design was conducted by Tonny Ruiz and Alba Corman; communication and crowdfunding, internet videos and other dissemination activities were done by Alba Corman and Alba Iglesias, with the collaboration of all the team.

Main advisors and supervisors

The truth is that not all of our supervisors did a hard work supervising Wormboys. Of these, two of the most active ones were graduate students. Their implication in the project as well as their email addresses in case it was required to contact them, are as follows:

  • Wetlab work mainly supervised by Cristina Vilanova (PhD student: and Manuel Porcar (Researcher at the University of Valencia. Instructor.
  • Modelling. Mainly supervised by Lucas J. Morales (grad student.
  • Human Practices. Supervised by Manuel Porcar.
  • Bioplastic and worms. Supervised by Marta Tortajada (Biopolis, SL,
  • Communication and logistics. Juli Peretó (professor at University of Valencia).


We are indebted to Dr. Joaquín Baixeras (professor at the University of Valencia for his technical assistance ( with the scanning electron microscopy; to Soledad Rubio and Rafa García Martínez (University of Valencia) for making possible funding and logistics; to Paco de la Torre for his advices on general design and layout; and, finally, to the staff in the University of Valencia who kindly helped us and made possible Wormboys.