- Metro JS for jQuery
- For details and usage info see:
Copyright (C) 2012, Drew Greenwell
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- /
$.fn.metrojs = {};
/* Preload Images */ // Usage: $(['img1.jpg','img2.jpg']).metrojs.preloadImages(function(){ ... }); // Callback function gets called after all images are preloaded $.fn.metrojs.preloadImages = function (callback) {
var checklist = $(this).toArray(); var $img = $("<img style='display:none;'>").appendTo("body"); $(this).each(function () { $img.attr({ src: this }).load(function () { var src = $(this).attr('src'); for (var i = 0; i < checklist.length; i++) { if (checklist[i] == element) { checklist.splice(i, 1); } } if (checklist.length == 0) { callback(); } }); }); $img.remove();
(function ($) {
$.fn.liveTile = function (method) { if (pubMethods[method]) { var args = []; for (var i = 1; i <= arguments.length; i++) { args[i - 1] = arguments[i]; } return pubMethods[method].apply(this, args); } else if (typeof method === 'object' || !method) { return pubMethods.init.apply(this, arguments); } else { $.error('Method ' + method + ' does not exist on jQuery.liveTile'); } }; $.fn.liveTile.State = { RUNNING: "running", STOPPED: "stopped" }; $.fn.liveTile.defaults = { mode: 'slide', // 'slide', 'flip', 'flip-list' speed: 500, // how fast should animations be performed, in milliseconds initDelay: -1, // how long to wait before the initial animation delay: 5000, // how long to wait between animations stops: "100%", // how much of the back tile should 'slide' reveal before starting a delay stack: false, // should tiles in slide mode appear stacked (e.g Me tile) direction: 'vertical', // which direction should animations be performed(horizontal | vertical) tileCssSelector: '>div,>li', // The selector used by slide, flip, and flip-list mode to choose the front and back containers listTileCssSelector: '>div,>p,>img,>a', // The selector used by flip-tile mode to choose the front and back containers.2 imageCssSelector: '>img,>a>img', // the selector used to choose a an image to apply a src or background to ignoreDataAttributes: false, // should data attributes be ignored pauseOnHover: false, // should tile animations be paused on hover in and restarted on hover out repeatCount: -1, // number of times to repeat the animation animationComplete: function (tileData, $front, $back) { }, preloadImages: false, // should the images arrays be preloaded fadeSlideSwap: false, // fade any image swaps on slides (e.g. mode: 'slide', stops:'50%', frontImages: ['img1.jpg', 'img2.jpg']) appendBack: true, // appends the .last tile if one doesnt exist (slide and flip only) triggerDelay: function (idx) { // used by flip-list to decide how random the tile flipping should be return Math.random() * 3000; }, alwaysTrigger: false, // used by flip-list to decide if all tiles are triggered every time frontImages: null, // a list of images to use for the front frontIsRandom: true, // should images be chosen at random or in order frontIsBackgroundImage: false, // set the src attribute or css background-image property frontIsInGrid: false, // only chooses one item for each iteration in flip-list backImages: null, // a list of images to use for the back backIsRandom: true, // should images be chosen at random or in order backIsBackgroundImage: false, // set the src attribute or css background-image property backIsInInGrid: false, // only chooses one item for each iteration in flip-list flipListOnHover: false, // should items in flip-list flip and stop when hovered useModernizr: (typeof (window.Modernizr) != "undefined"), // checks to see if modernizer is already in use useHardwareAccel: true, // should css animations, transitions and transforms be used when available $front: null, // the jQuery element to use as the front face of the tile; this will bypass tileCssSelector $back: null, // the jQuery element to use as the back face of the tile; this will bypass tileCssSelector };
var privMethods = { //a shuffle method to provide more randomness than sort //credit: //*avoiding prototype for sharepoint compatability shuffleArray: function (array) { var s = []; while (array.length) s.push(array.splice(Math.random() * array.length, 1)); while (s.length) array.push(s.pop()); return array; }, setTimer: function (func, interval) { return setInterval(func, interval); }, stopTimer: function (handle) { clearInterval(handle); return null; }, setExtraProperties: function ($ele, imageObj) { if (typeof (imageObj.alt) != "undefined") $ele.attr("alt", imageObj.alt); var $parent = $ele.parent(); if (typeof (imageObj.href) != "undefined" && $parent[0].tagName == "A") { $parent.attr("href", imageObj.href); if (typeof ( != "undefined") $parent.attr("target",; if (typeof (imageObj.onclick) != "undefined") { $parent.attr("onclick", imageObj.onclick); $ele.attr("onclick", ""); } } else { if (typeof (imageObj.onclick) != "undefined") $ele.attr("onclick", imageObj.onclick); } }, // changes the src or background image property of an image in a flip-list handleListItemSwap: function ($cont, image, isBgroundImg, stgs) { var $img = $cont.find(stgs.imageCssSelector); if (!isBgroundImg) { $img.attr("src", image.src); } else { $img.css({ backgroundImage: "url('" + image.src + "')" }); } privMethods.setExtraProperties($img, image); }, handleSlide: function (isSlidingUp, $cont, swapFrontSource, stgs, index) { if (!isSlidingUp && swapFrontSource) { var image; var $img = $cont.find(stgs.imageCssSelector); image = stgs.frontImages[index]; if (stgs.fadeSlideSwap == true) { $img.fadeOut(function () { $img.attr("src", image.src); privMethods.setExtraProperties($img, image); $img.fadeIn(); }); } else { $img.attr("src", image.src); privMethods.setExtraProperties($img, image); } }
}, // fired if an image swap is needed. gets the image and applies properties handleSwap: function ($cont, isFront, stgs, index) { var image = privMethods.getImage(isFront, stgs, index); var $img = $cont.find(stgs.imageCssSelector); $img.attr("src", image.src); privMethods.setExtraProperties($img, image); }, // get an image from the frontImages or backImages array getImage: function (isFront, stgs, index) { var imgs = (isFront) ? stgs.frontImages : stgs.backImages; var image; image = imgs[Math.min(index, imgs.length - 1)]; return image; } }; var pubMethods = { init: function (options) { // Setup the public options for the livetile var stgs = {}; $.extend(stgs, $.fn.liveTile.defaults, options);
//is there at least one item in the front images list? var swapFrontSource = (typeof (stgs.frontImages) == 'object' && (stgs.frontImages instanceof Array) && stgs.frontImages.length > 0); //is there at least one item in the back images list? var swapBackSource = (typeof (stgs.backImages) == 'object' && (stgs.backImages instanceof Array) && stgs.backImages.length > 0); var canTransform = false; var canTransition = false; var canTransform3d = false; var canAnimate = false; var canFlip3d = stgs.useHardwareAccel; if (stgs.useHardwareAccel == true) { if (stgs.useModernizr == false) { //determine if the browser supports the neccessary accelerated features if (typeof (window.MetroModernizr) != "undefined") { canTransform = window.MetroModernizr.canTransform; canTransition = window.MetroModernizr.canTransition; canTransform3d = window.MetroModernizr.canTransform3d; canAnimate = window.MetroModernizr.canAnimate; } else { window.MetroModernizr = {}; /***** check for browser capabilities credit: modernizr-1.7 *****/ var mod = 'metromodernizr'; var docElement = document.documentElement; var docHead = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var modElem = document.createElement(mod); var m_style =; var prefixes = ' -webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- -khtml- '.split(' '); var domPrefixes = 'Webkit Moz O ms Khtml'.split(' '); var test_props = function (props, callback) { for (var i in props) { if (m_style[props[i]] !== undefined && (!callback || callback(props[i], modElem))) { return true; } } }; var test_props_all = function (prop, callback) {
var uc_prop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1),
props = (prop + ' ' + domPrefixes.join(uc_prop + ' ') + uc_prop).split(' ');
return !!test_props(props, callback); }; var test_3d = function () { var ret = !!test_props(['perspectiveProperty', 'WebkitPerspective', 'MozPerspective', 'OPerspective', 'msPerspective']); if (ret && 'webkitPerspective' in { // Webkit allows this media query to succeed only if the feature is enabled. // '@media (transform-3d),(-o-transform-3d),(-moz-transform-3d),(-ms-transform-3d),(-webkit-transform-3d),(modernizr){ ... }' ret = testMediaQuery('@media (' + prefixes.join('transform-3d),(') + 'metromodernizr)'); } return ret; }; var testMediaQuery = function (mq) { var st = document.createElement('style'),
div = document.createElement('div'), ret;
st.textContent = mq + '{#metromodernizr{height:3px}}'; docHead.appendChild(st); = 'metromodernizr'; docElement.appendChild(div); ret = div.offsetHeight === 3; st.parentNode.removeChild(st); div.parentNode.removeChild(div); return !!ret; }; canTransform = !!test_props(['transformProperty', 'WebkitTransform', 'MozTransform', 'OTransform', 'msTransform']); canTransition = test_props_all('transitionProperty'); canTransform3d = test_3d(); canAnimate = test_props_all('animationName'); window.MetroModernizr.canTransform = canTransform; window.MetroModernizr.canTransition = canTransition; window.MetroModernizr.canTransform3d = canTransform3d; window.MetroModernizr.canAnimate = canAnimate; docElement = null; docHead = null; modElem = null; m_style = null; } } else { canTransform = $("html").hasClass("csstransforms"); canTransition = $("html").hasClass("csstransitions"); canTransform3d = $("html").hasClass("csstransforms3d"); canAnimate = $("html").hasClass("cssanimations"); } } canFlip3d = canFlip3d && canAnimate && canTransform && canTransform3d; /****** end capabilities check ******/ if (stgs.preloadImages) { if (swapFrontSource) $(stgs.frontImages).metrojs.preloadImages(function () { }); if (swapBackSource) $(stgs.backImages).metrojs.preloadImages(function () { }); } return $(this).each(function (tileIndex) { var $this = $(this); $this.slideTimer = null; var tdata = {}; //an object to store settings for later access tdata.state = $this.slideTimer == null ? $.fn.liveTile.State.STOPPED : $.fn.liveTile.State.RUNNING; tdata.speed = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"speed")) != "undefined") ? $"speed") : stgs.speed; tdata.delay = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"delay")) != "undefined") ? $"delay") : stgs.delay; if (tdata.delay < -1) tdata.delay = stgs.triggerDelay(tileIndex); else if (tdata.delay < 0) tdata.delay = 3500 + (Math.random() * 4501); tdata.stops = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"stops")) != "undefined") ? $"stops") : stgs.stops; tdata.stack = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"stack")) != "undefined") ? $"stack") : stgs.mode; tdata.mode = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"mode")) != "undefined") ? $"mode") : stgs.mode; tdata.direction = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"direction")) != "undefined") ? $"direction") : stgs.direction; tdata.useHwAccel = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"ha")) != "undefined") ? $"ha") : stgs.useHardwareAccel; tdata.initDelay = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"initdelay")) != "undefined") ? $"initdelay") : (stgs.initDelay < 0) ? tdata.delay : stgs.initDelay; tdata.repeatCount = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"repeat")) != "undefined") ? $"repeat") : stgs.repeatCount; tdata.hasRun = false; // init delay flag tdata.loopCount = 0; tdata.slideIndex = 0; //convert stops if needed tdata.stops = (typeof (stgs.stops) == 'object' && (stgs.stops instanceof Array)) ? stgs.stops : ( + tdata.stops).split(','); //add the mode to the tile if it's not already there. $this.addClass(tdata.mode); var $tileContainer = $this.find(stgs.tileCssSelector); var $firstContainer = null; if(stgs.$front != null && stgs.$front.length > 0){ $firstContainer = (tdata.mode == "flip-list") ? null : (tdata.mode == 'slide') ?
stgs.$front.addClass('slide-front') : stgs.$front.addClass('flip-front');
}else{ $firstContainer = (tdata.mode == "flip-list") ? null : (tdata.mode == 'slide') ?
$tileContainer.first().addClass('slide-front') : $tileContainer.first().addClass('flip-front');
} var lClass = (tdata.mode == 'slide') ? 'slide-back' : 'flip-back'; var $scndContainer = null; if(stgs.$back != null && stgs.$back.length > 0){ $scndContainer = (tdata.mode == "flip-list") ? null : stgs.$back.addClass(lClass); }else{ $scndContainer = (tdata.mode == "flip-list") ? null : ($tileContainer.length > 1) ?
$tileContainer.last().addClass(lClass) : (stgs.appendBack == true) ?
$('').appendTo($this) : $('');} var height = $this.height(); var width = $this.width(); var margin = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ? height / 2 : width / 2; var isReversed = false; var staticCount = 0; var staticIndexBack = 0; var staticIndexFront = 0; var doAnimations = false; var flistData = []; // an array to cache flip list selectors var frontRandomBag = []; var prevFrontIndex = -1; var backRandomBag = []; var prevBackIndex = -1; /* Mouse over and out functions*/
if (stgs.pauseOnHover) { $this.find(stgs.tileCssSelector).hover(
function () { tdata.stopTimer(false); }, function () { tdata.setTimer(); });
} // prep tiles if (tdata.mode == 'flip-list') { $this.find(stgs.tileCssSelector).each(function () { var $li = $(this); var $front = stgs.$front != null ? stgs.$front : $li.find(stgs.listTileCssSelector).first().addClass("flip-front"); if ($li.find(stgs.listTileCssSelector).length == 1 && stgs.appendBack == true) {$li.append("");
} var $back = stgs.$back != null ? stgs.$back : $li.find(stgs.listTileCssSelector).last().addClass("flip-back").css({ marginTop: "0px" }); if (canFlip3d && tdata.useHwAccel) { $li.addClass("ha"); $front.addClass("ha").data("tile", { animating: false }); $back.addClass("ha").data("tile", { animating: false }); if (stgs.flipListOnHover == true) { $front.bind("mouseout.liveTile", null, function () { $this.flipListItem(false, $li, $back, $front); }); $back.bind("mouseout.liveTile", null, function () { $this.flipListItem(true, $li, $front, $back); }); } } else { if (stgs.flipListOnHover == true) { $front.bind("mouseout.liveTile", function () { $this.flipListItem(true, $li, $front, $back); }); $back.bind("mouseout.liveTile", function () { $this.flipListItem(false, $li, $back, $front); }); } } }); } else if (tdata.mode == 'slide') { if (tdata.stack == true) { if (tdata.direction == "vertical") { $scndContainer.css({ top: -height + 'px' }); } else { $scndContainer.css({ left: -width + 'px' }); } } if (canTransition && tdata.useHwAccel) { $this.addClass("ha"); $firstContainer.addClass("ha").data("tile", { animating: false }); } } else if (tdata.mode == 'flip') { if (canFlip3d && tdata.useHwAccel) { $this.addClass("ha"); $firstContainer.addClass("ha").data("tile", { animating: false }); $scndContainer.addClass("ha").data("tile", { animating: false }); } else { var fCss = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ height: '0px', width: width + 'px', marginTop: margin + 'px', opacity: '0'} : { height: '100%', width: '0px !important', marginLeft: margin + 'px', opacity: '0' };
var fCss2 = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ height: '100%', width: '100%', marginTop: '0px', opacity: '1'} : { height: '100%', width: '100%', marginLeft: '0px', opacity: '1' };
$scndContainer.css(fCss); $firstContainer.css(fCss2); //temp fix // TODO: debug and remove instances of $.browser for compatibility with jq 1.8+ if (tdata.repeatCount > -1 && $.browser.msie) { tdata.repeatCount += 1; } // if (tdata.direction == "horizontal") // $scndContainer.css({ marginLeft: $scndContainer.width() / 2 + 'px', width: '0px' }); // else // $scndContainer.css({ marginTop: $scndContainer.height() / 2 + 'px', height: '0px' }); } }
//slide animation $this.slide = function (callback) { if (typeof (callback) == "undefined" || callback == null) callback = null; if (tdata.repeatCount > -1) { if (tdata.loopCount > tdata.repeatCount) { tdata.stopTimer(false); tdata.loopCount = 0; tdata.hasRun = false; $"LiveTile", tdata); return; } } if (!doAnimations) return; var clojIsReversed = isReversed; var fData = $"tile"); var stop = $.trim(tdata.stops[tdata.slideIndex]); var pxIdx = stop.indexOf('px'); var offset = 0; var amount = 0 var metric = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ? height : width; var prop = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ? "top" : "left"; if (pxIdx > 0) { amount = parseInt(stop.substring(0, pxIdx)); offset = (amount - metric) + 'px'; } else { //is a percentage amount = parseInt(stop.replace('%', )); offset = (amount - 100) + '%'; } if (canTransition && tdata.useHwAccel) { if (typeof (fData.animated) != "undefined" && fData.animated == true) return; fData.animated = true; var css = { WebkitTransitionProperty: prop, WebkitTransitionDuration: tdata.speed + 'ms', MozTransitionProperty: prop, MozTransitionDuration: tdata.speed + 'ms', OTransitionProperty: prop, OTransitionDuration: tdata.speed + 'ms', msTransitionProperty: prop, msTransitionDuration: tdata.speed + 'ms', KhtmlTransitionProperty: prop, KhtmlTransitionDuration: tdata.speed + 'ms', TransitionProperty: prop, TransitionDuration: tdata.speed + 'ms' }; if (tdata.direction == "vertical") { = (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? "0px" : stop; } else { css.left = (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? "0px" : stop; } $firstContainer.css(css); if (tdata.stack == true) { if (tdata.direction == "vertical") { = (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? -metric + 'px' : offset; } else { css.left = (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? -metric + 'px' : offset; } $scndContainer.css(css); } window.setTimeout(function () { var index = staticCount; if (swapFrontSource && stgs.frontIsRandom) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (frontRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.frontImages.length; i++) { //make sure there's not an immediate repeat if (i != prevBackIndex || stgs.frontImages.length == 1) frontRandomBag[i] = i; } frontRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(frontRandomBag); } index = frontRandomBag.pop(); prevFrontIndex = index; } privMethods.handleSlide(clojIsReversed, $firstContainer, swapFrontSource, stgs, index); fData.animated = false; $"tile", fData); if (!clojIsReversed && swapFrontSource) { staticCount += 1; if (staticCount >= stgs.frontImages.length) staticCount = 0; } stgs.animationComplete(tdata, $firstContainer, $scndContainer); if (callback != null) callback(); }, tdata.speed); } else { if ($':animated')) { return; } var uCss = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ top: (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? "0px" : stop} : { left: (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? "0px" : stop };
var dCss = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ top: (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? -metric + 'px' : offset} : { left: (clojIsReversed && tdata.stops.length == 1) ? -metric + 'px' : offset };
$firstContainer.animate(uCss, tdata.speed, function () { var index = staticCount; if (swapFrontSource && stgs.frontIsRandom) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (frontRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.frontImages.length; i++) { //make sure there's not an immediate repeat if (i != prevBackIndex || stgs.frontImages.length == 1) frontRandomBag[i] = i; } frontRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(frontRandomBag); } index = frontRandomBag.pop(); prevFrontIndex = index; } privMethods.handleSlide(clojIsReversed, $firstContainer, swapFrontSource, stgs, index); if (!clojIsReversed && swapFrontSource) { staticCount += 1; if (staticCount >= stgs.frontImages.length) staticCount = 0; } stgs.animationComplete(tdata, $firstContainer, $scndContainer); if (callback != null) callback(); }); if (tdata.stack == true) { $scndContainer.animate(dCss, tdata.speed, function () { }); } } //increment slide count tdata.slideIndex += 1; if (tdata.slideIndex >= tdata.stops.length) { tdata.slideIndex = 0; isReversed = !isReversed; tdata.loopCount += 1; } };
//flip mode $this.flip = function (callback) { if (typeof (callback) == "undefined" || callback == null) callback = null; if (tdata.repeatCount > -1) { if (tdata.loopCount > tdata.repeatCount) { tdata.stopTimer(false); tdata.loopCount = 0; // TODO: debug and remove instances of $.browser for compatibility with jq 1.8+ if ($.browser.msie) /* straighten out issue with loopcount in IE */ tdata.loopCount += 1; tdata.hasRun = false; $"LiveTile", tdata); return; } else { tdata.loopCount += 1; } } if (canFlip3d && tdata.useHwAccel) { var spd = (tdata.speed * 2); // accelerated flip speeds are calculated on 1/2 rotation rather than 1/4 rotation like jQuery animate var duration = spd + 'ms'; var aniFName = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ? 'flipfront180' : 'flipfrontY180'; var aniBName = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ? 'flipback180' : 'flipbackY180'; var data = $"tile"); if (typeof (data.animated) != "undefined" && data.animated == true) { return; } data.animated = true; if (doAnimations) { if (isReversed) { var uCss = { WebkitAnimationPlayState: 'running', WebkitAnimationName: aniBName, WebkitAnimationDuration: duration, MozAnimationPlayState: 'running', MozAnimationName: aniBName, MozAnimationDuration: duration, OAnimationPlayState: 'running', OAnimationName: aniBName, OAnimationDuration: duration, msAnimationPlayState: 'running', msAnimationName: aniBName, msAnimationDuration: duration, AnimationPlayState: 'running', AnimationName: aniBName, AnimationDuration: duration }; $firstContainer.css(uCss).data("tile", data); uCss.WebkitAnimationName = aniFName; uCss.MozAnimationName = aniFName; uCss.msAnimationName = aniFName; uCss.OAnimationName = aniFName; uCss.AnimationName = aniFName; $scndContainer.css(uCss).data("tile", data); window.setTimeout(function () { if (swapBackSource) { // change the source image when the animation is finished var isRandom = stgs.backIsRandom; var index = staticIndexBack; if (isRandom) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (backRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.backImages.length; i++) { //make sure there's not an immediate repeat if (i != prevBackIndex || stgs.backImages.length == 1) backRandomBag[i] = i; } backRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(backRandomBag); } index = backRandomBag.pop(); prevBackIndex = index; } privMethods.handleSwap($scndContainer, false, stgs, index); staticIndexBack += 1; if (staticIndexBack >= stgs.backImages.length) { staticIndexBack = 0; } } stgs.animationComplete(tdata, $firstContainer, $scndContainer); if (callback != null) callback(); data.animated = false; $"tile", data); $"tile", data); }, spd); } else { var dCss = { WebkitAnimationPlayState: 'running', WebkitAnimationName: aniFName, WebkitAnimationDuration: duration, MozAnimationPlayState: 'running', MozAnimationName: aniFName, MozAnimationDuration: duration, OAnimationPlayState: 'running', OAnimationName: aniFName, OAnimationDuration: duration, msAnimationPlayState: 'running', msAnimationName: aniFName, msAnimationDuration: duration, AnimationPlayState: 'running', AnimationName: aniFName, AnimationDuration: duration }; $firstContainer.css(dCss).data("tile", data); dCss.WebkitAnimationName = aniBName; dCss.MozAnimationName = aniBName; dCss.msAnimationName = aniBName; dCss.OAnimationName = aniBName; dCss.AnimationName = aniBName; $scndContainer.css(dCss).data("tile", data); window.setTimeout(function () { if (swapFrontSource) { // change the source image when the animation is finished var isRandom = stgs.frontIsRandom; var index = staticIndexFront; if (isRandom) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (frontRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.frontImages.length; i++) { //make sure there's not an immediate repeat if (i != prevBackIndex || stgs.frontImages.length == 1) frontRandomBag[i] = i; } frontRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(frontRandomBag); } index = frontRandomBag.pop(); prevFrontIndex = index; } privMethods.handleSwap($firstContainer, true, stgs, index); staticIndexFront += 1; if (staticIndexFront >= stgs.frontImages.length) { staticIndexFront = 0; } } stgs.animationComplete(tdata, $scndContainer, $firstContainer); if (callback != null) { callback(); } data.animated = false; $"tile", data); $"tile", data); }, spd); } } //an interval isnt needed isReversed = !isReversed; } else {
//crossbrowser single tile flip illusion (works best with images) if (isReversed) { var upCss = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ height: '0px', width: '100%', marginTop: margin + 'px', opacity: '0'} : { height: '100%', width: '0px', marginLeft: margin + 'px', opacity: '0' };
var upCss2 = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ height: '100%', width: '100%', marginTop: '0px', opacity: '1'} : { height: '100%', width: '100%', marginLeft: '0px', opacity: '1' };
$firstContainer.stop().animate(upCss, { duration: tdata.speed }); window.setTimeout(function () { $scndContainer.stop().animate(upCss2, { duration: tdata.speed }); if (swapFrontSource) { var isRandom = stgs.frontIsRandom; var index = staticIndexFront; if (isRandom) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (frontRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.frontImages.length; i++) { //make sure there's not an immediate repeat if (i != prevFrontIndex || stgs.frontImages.length == 1) frontRandomBag[i] = i; } frontRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(frontRandomBag); } index = frontRandomBag.pop(); prevFrontIndex = index; } privMethods.handleSwap($firstContainer, true, stgs, index); staticIndexFront += 1; if (staticIndexFront >= stgs.frontImages.length) { staticIndexFront = 0; } } isReversed = !isReversed; stgs.animationComplete(tdata, $scndContainer, $firstContainer); if (callback != null) callback(); }, tdata.speed); } else { var dwnCss = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ height: '0px', width: '100%', marginTop: margin + 'px', opacity: '0'} : { height: '100%', width: '0px', marginLeft: margin + 'px', opacity: '0' };
var dwnCss2 = (tdata.direction == "vertical") ?
{ height: '100%', width: '100%', marginTop: '0px', opacity: '1'} : { height: '100%', width: '100%', marginLeft: '0px', opacity: '1' };
$scndContainer.stop().animate(dwnCss, { duration: tdata.speed }); window.setTimeout(function () { $firstContainer.stop().animate(dwnCss2, { duration: tdata.speed }); if (swapBackSource) { var isRandom = stgs.backIsRandom; var index = staticIndexBack; if (isRandom) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (backRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.backImages.length; i++) { //make sure there's not an immediate repeat if (i != prevBackIndex || stgs.backImages.length == 1) backRandomBag[i] = i; } backRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(backRandomBag); } index = backRandomBag.pop(); prevBackIndex = index; } privMethods.handleSwap($scndContainer, false, stgs, index); staticIndexBack += 1; if (staticIndexBack >= stgs.backImages.length) { staticIndexBack = 0; } } isReversed = !isReversed; stgs.animationComplete(tdata, $firstContainer, $scndContainer); if (callback != null) callback(); }, tdata.speed); } } }; // flip arbitrary number of items and swap sources accordingly $this.flipList = function (callback) { if (typeof (callback) == "undefined" || callback == null) callback = null; if (tdata.repeatCount > -1) { if (tdata.loopCount > tdata.repeatCount) { tdata.stopTimer(false); tdata.loopCount = 0; tdata.hasRun = false; $"LiveTile", tdata); return; } else { tdata.loopCount += 1; } } var fBag = []; // two bags to make sure we don't duplicate images var bBag = []; var $tiles = $this.find(stgs.tileCssSelector); //in case we want to pick one image per loop var fStaticRndm = 0; if (swapFrontSource) { if (frontRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.frontImages.length; i++) { if (i != prevFrontIndex || stgs.frontImages.length == 1) frontRandomBag[i] = i; } frontRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(frontRandomBag); } fStaticRndm = frontRandomBag.pop(); prevFrontIndex = fStaticRndm; } var bStaticRndm = 0; if (swapBackSource) { if (backRandomBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.backImages.length; i++) { if (i != prevBackIndex || stgs.backImages.length == 1) backRandomBag[i] = i; } backRandomBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(backRandomBag); } bStaticRndm = backRandomBag.pop(); prevBackIndex = bStaticRndm; } $tiles.each(function (idx) { var $t = $(this); if (flistData.length < idx + 1) { // cache the selector var data = {}; data.$front = $t.find(stgs.listTileCssSelector).first(); data.$back = $t.find(stgs.listTileCssSelector).last(); data.isReversed = false; flistData[idx] = data; } var $front = flistData[idx].$front; var $back = flistData[idx].$back;
var tDelay = stgs.triggerDelay(idx); var triggerSpeed = (tDelay > 0) ? (tdata.speed + tDelay) : tdata.speed; var trigger = (stgs.alwaysTrigger == false) ? ((Math.random() * 351) > 150 ? true : false) : true; var newImage; if (flistData[idx].isReversed) { if (trigger) { window.setTimeout(function () { flistData[idx].isReversed = false; if (!swapFrontSource) { $this.flipListItem(true, $t, $front, $back); } else { var isRandom = stgs.frontIsRandom; var isInGrid = stgs.frontIsInGrid; var isBground = stgs.frontIsBackgroundImage; var frontImages = stgs.frontImages; if (isRandom && !isInGrid) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (fBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.frontImages.length; i++) { fBag[i] = i; } fBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(fBag); } newImage = frontImages[fBag.pop()]; } else { if (!isInGrid) { newImage = frontImages[Math.min(idx, frontImages.length)]; } else { newImage = frontImages[Math.min(fStaticRndm, frontImages.length)]; } } $this.flipListItem(true, $t, $front, $back, newImage, isBground); } }, triggerSpeed); } } else { if (trigger) { window.setTimeout(function () { flistData[idx].isReversed = true; if (!swapBackSource) { $this.flipListItem(false, $t, $back, $front); } else { var isRandom = stgs.backIsRandom; var isInGrid = stgs.backIsInGrid; var isBground = stgs.backIsBackgroundImage; var backImages = stgs.backImages; if (isRandom && !isInGrid) { //make sure the random bag is ready if (bBag.length == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < stgs.backImages.length; i++) { bBag[i] = i; } bBag = privMethods.shuffleArray(bBag); } newImage = backImages[bBag.pop()]; } else { if (!isInGrid) { newImage = backImages[Math.min(idx, backImages.length)]; } else { newImage = backImages[Math.min(bStaticRndm, backImages.length)]; } } $this.flipListItem(false, $t, $back, $front, newImage, isBground); } }, triggerSpeed); } } }); window.setTimeout(function () { isReversed = !isReversed; }, tdata.speed);
//does the actual animation of a flip list item $this.flipListItem = function (isFront, $itm, $front, $back, newSrc, isBgroundImg) {
var dir = (!stgs.ignoreDataAttributes && typeof ($"direction")) != "undefined") ? $"direction") : tdata.direction; if (canFlip3d && tdata.useHwAccel) { // avoid any z-index flickering from reversing an animation too early isBgroundImg = isFront ? stgs.frontIsBackgroundImage : stgs.backIsBackgroundImage; var animating = isFront ? $"tile").animating : $"tile").animating; if (animating == true) { return; } var spd = (tdata.speed * 2); var duration = spd + 'ms'; var aniFName = (dir == "vertical") ? 'flipfront180' : 'flipfrontY180'; var aniBName = (dir == "vertical") ? 'flipback180' : 'flipbackY180'; var fCss = { WebkitAnimationPlayState: 'running', WebkitAnimationName: aniBName, WebkitAnimationDuration: duration, MozAnimationPlayState: 'running', MozAnimationName: aniBName, MozAnimationDuration: duration, msAnimationPlayState: 'running', msAnimationName: aniBName, msAnimationDuration: duration, OAnimationPlayState: 'running', OAnimationName: aniBName, OAnimationDuration: duration, AnimationPlayState: 'running', AnimationName: aniBName, AnimationDuration: duration }; var bCss = { WebkitAnimationPlayState: 'running', WebkitAnimationName: aniFName, WebkitAnimationDuration: duration, MozAnimationPlayState: 'running', MozAnimationName: aniFName, MozAnimationDuration: duration, msAnimationPlayState: 'running', msAnimationName: aniFName, msAnimationDuration: duration, OAnimationPlayState: 'running', OAnimationName: aniFName, OAnimationDuration: duration, AnimationPlayState: 'running', AnimationName: aniFName, AnimationDuration: duration }; $front.css(fCss).data("tile").animating = true; $back.css(bCss).data("tile").animating = true; window.setTimeout(function () { if (typeof (newSrc) != "undefined") { privMethods.handleListItemSwap($front, newSrc, isBgroundImg, stgs); } $"tile").animating = false; $"tile").animating = false; }, 0); // once the animation is half through it can be reversed
} else { var height = $itm.height(); var width = $itm.width(); var margin = (dir == "vertical") ? height / 2 : width / 2; var uCss = (dir == "vertical") ?
{ height: '0px', width: '100%', marginTop: margin + 'px', opacity: 0} : { height: '100%', width: '0px', marginLeft: margin + 'px', opacity: 0 };
var dCss = (dir == "vertical") ?
{ height: '100%', width: '100%', marginTop: '0px', opacity: 1} : { height: '100%', width: '100%', marginLeft: '0px', opacity: 1 };
$front.stop().animate(uCss, { duration: tdata.speed }); window.setTimeout(function () { $back.stop().animate(dCss, { duration: tdata.speed }); if (typeof (newSrc) != "undefined") { privMethods.handleListItemSwap($front, newSrc, isBgroundImg, stgs); } }, tdata.speed); } };
/* Delay the tile action*/ tdata.doAction = function () { var action = null; tdata.stopTimer(false); switch (tdata.mode) { case 'slide': action = $this.slide; break; case 'flip': action = $this.flip; break; case 'flip-list': action = $this.flipList; break; } var callBack = function () { tdata.setTimer(); }; if (action != null) { doAnimations = true; action(callBack); } }; tdata.setTimer = function () { var action = null; switch (tdata.mode) { case 'slide': action = $this.slide; break; case 'flip': action = $this.flip; break; case 'flip-list': action = $this.flipList; break; }
if (action != null) { if (tdata.hasRun == false) { window.setTimeout(function () { doAnimations = true; action(); tdata.setTimer(); }, tdata.initDelay); } else { if ($this.slideTimer != null) $this.slideTimer = privMethods.stopTimer($this.slideTimer); $this.slideTimer = privMethods.setTimer(function () { doAnimations = true; action(); }, tdata.speed + tdata.delay); } } tdata.hasRun = true; };
tdata.stopTimer = function (restart) { $this.slideTimer = privMethods.stopTimer($this.slideTimer); doAnimations = false;
if (typeof (restart) != "undefined" && restart == true) { tdata.setTimer(); } }; $"LiveTile", tdata); tdata.setTimer(); }); }, animate: function () { $(this).each(function () { var tData = $(this).data("LiveTile"); tData.doAction(); }); }, destroy: function () { $(this).each(function () { var $t = $(this); $t.unbind(".liveTile"); var $tile = $(this).data("LiveTile"); if ($tile != null) { $tile.stopTimer(false); $t.removeData("LiveTile"); $t.removeData("ha"); $t.removeData("tile"); delete $tile; delete $t.slide; delete $t.flip; delete $t.flipList; delete $t.liveTile; }
}); }, stop: function (restart) { $(this).each(function () { var $tile = $(this).data("LiveTile"); $tile.stopTimer(restart); $tile.loopCount = 0; $tile.hasRun = false; }); }, pause: function () { $(this).each(function () { $(this).data("LiveTile").stopTimer(); }); }, play: function () { $(this).each(function () { $(this).data("LiveTile").setTimer(); }); } };
$.fn.metrojs.theme = {}; $.fn.metrojs.theme.loadDefaultTheme = function (stgs) {
if (typeof (stgs) == "undefined" || stgs == null) { stgs = $.fn.metrojs.theme.defaults; } else { var stg = $.fn.metrojs.theme.defaults; $.extend(stg, stgs); stgs = stg; } //get theme from local storage or set base theme var hasLocalStorage = typeof (window.localStorage) != "undefined"; var hasKeyAndValue = function (key) { return (typeof (window.localStorage[key]) != "undefined" && window.localStorage[key] != null); }; if (stgs.applyTheme == true) { if (hasLocalStorage && (!hasKeyAndValue("Metro.JS.AccentColor") || !hasKeyAndValue("Metro.JS.BaseAccentColor"))) { //base theme window.localStorage["Metro.JS.AccentColor"] = stgs.accentColor; window.localStorage["Metro.JS.BaseAccentColor"] = stgs.baseTheme; $(stgs.accentCssSelector).addClass(stgs.accentColor).data("accent", stgs.accentColor); $(stgs.baseThemeCssSelector).addClass(stgs.baseTheme); if (typeof (stgs.loaded == "function")) stgs.loaded(stgs.baseTheme, stgs.accentColor); //preload light theme image if (typeof (stgs.preloadAltBaseTheme) != "undefined" && stgs.preloadAltBaseTheme) $([(stgs.baseTheme == 'dark') ? stgs.metroLightUrl : stgs.metroDarkUrl]).metrojs.preloadImages(function () { }); } else { if (hasLocalStorage) { stgs.accentColor = window.localStorage["Metro.JS.AccentColor"]; stgs.baseTheme = window.localStorage["Metro.JS.BaseAccentColor"]; $(stgs.accentCssSelector).addClass(stgs.accentColor).data("accent", stgs.accentColor); $(stgs.baseThemeCssSelector).addClass(stgs.baseTheme); if (typeof (stgs.loaded == "function")) stgs.loaded(stgs.baseTheme, stgs.accentColor); } else { $(stgs.accentCssSelector).addClass(stgs.accentColor).data("accent", stgs.accentColor); $(stgs.baseThemeCssSelector).addClass(stgs.baseTheme); if (typeof (stgs.loaded == "function")) stgs.loaded(stgs.baseTheme, stgs.accentColor); //preload light theme image if (typeof (stgs.preloadAltBaseTheme) != "undefined" && stgs.preloadAltBaseTheme) $([(stgs.baseTheme == 'dark') ? stgs.metroLightUrl : stgs.metroDarkUrl]).metrojs.preloadImages(function () { }); } } }
}; $.fn.metrojs.theme.applyTheme = function (tColor, aColor, stgs) {
if (typeof (stgs) == "undefined" || stgs == null) { stgs = $.fn.metrojs.theme.defaults; } else { var stg = $.fn.metrojs.theme.defaults; $.extend(stg, stgs); stgs = stg; }
if (typeof (tColor) != "undefined" && tColor != null) { if (typeof (window.localStorage) != "undefined") { window.localStorage["Metro.JS.BaseAccentColor"] = tColor; } var $theme = $(stgs.baseThemeCssSelector); if ($theme.length > 0) { if (tColor == "dark") $theme.addClass("dark").removeClass("light"); else if (tColor == "light") $theme.addClass("light").removeClass("dark"); } } if (typeof (aColor) != "undefined" && aColor != null) { if (typeof (window.localStorage) != "undefined") { window.localStorage["Metro.JS.AccentColor"] = aColor; } var $accent = $(stgs.accentCssSelector); if ($accent.length > 0) { var themeset = false; $accent.each(function () { $(this).addClass(aColor); var dAccent = $(this).data("accent"); if (dAccent != aColor) { var cleanClass = $(this).attr("class").replace(dAccent, ""); cleanClass = cleanClass.replace(/(\s)+/, ' '); $(this).attr("class", cleanClass); $(this).data("accent", aColor); themeset = true; } }); if (themeset && typeof (stgs.accentPicked) == "function") stgs.accentPicked(aColor); } }
// default options for theme $.fn.metrojs.theme.defaults = {
baseThemeCssSelector: 'body', // selector to place dark or light class after load or selection accentCssSelector: '.tiles', // selector to place accent color class after load or selection accentColor: 'blue', // the default accent color. options are blue, brown, green, lime, magenta, mango, pink, purple, red, teal baseTheme: 'dark' // the default theme color. options are dark, light