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Curabitur venenatis, ipsum vel facilisis fringilla, libero dui porttitor odio, nec egestas turpis leo sed massa. Donec blandit scelerisque pharetra. Nunc et est ligula . Etiam aliquam viverra quam id placerat. Integer sodales, urna vel elementum bibendum, sapien lacus cursus tortor, eu mollis risus diam non orci. Suspendisse tristique blandit faucibus. Nam mattis erat vel purus sagittis fringilla. Nullam eget velit purus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed nisi massa, dignissim ut molestie porttitor, gravida quis tellus.
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You can use references like thisMcMahonDIACESTM.T. McMahon, New "Multicolor" Polypeptide Diamagnetic Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (DIACEST) Contrast Agents for MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 60, 803-812 (2008):
{{:Team:TU-Eindhoven/Template:Ref| id=McMahonDIACEST | author=M.T. McMahon | title=New "Multicolor" Polypeptide Diamagnetic Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (DIACEST) Contrast Agents for MRI | journal=Magnetic Resonance in Medicine | edition=60 | pages=803-812 | year=2008 }}
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