Team:DTU-Denmark/Notebook/25 July 2013


Revision as of 12:59, 25 July 2013 by Gosia (Talk | contribs)



Main purpose

  • PCR of AMO and HAO using USER primers and as a template using AMO and HAO extracted from chromosomal DNA with non-uracil primers
  • verification of PCRs
  • ON cultures and re-plating of Nir USER transformants from Colony PCR ( 17-07-2013)

Who was in the lab

Kristian, Gosia, Julia


PCR in order to amplify AMO and HAO with USER primers

gel electrophoresis

ON cultures and re-plating of Nir USER transformants from Colony PCR

Positive Nir USER transformants obtained by colony PCR:

  • Samples 25 and 26 were inoculated in 5 mL LB medium + 30 ug/ml kanamicyn for ON cultures preparation.
  • Samples 25, 26 and 27 were re-plated in LB agar + 30 ug/ml kanamicyn


Gel 1

  1. 1 kb ladder
  2. AMO 5uL template, 1
  3. AMO 5uL template, 2
  4. AMO 10uL template, 1
  5. AMO 10uL template, 2
  6. HAO 5uL template, 1
  7. HAO 5uL template, 2
  8. HAO 10uL template, 1
  9. HAO 10uL template, 2
  10. restriction analysis cyc EcoRI
  11. restriction analysis cyc HindIII
  12. 1 kb ladder

2013-07-25 AMO HAO and restriction cyc EcoRI HindIII.jpg

Gel 2

  1. 1kb ladder
  2. pZA21 plasmid backbone, USER primers
  3. pZA21 plasmid backbone, USER primers
  4. Nir1, extraction PCR, 5uL template
  5. Nir2, extraction PCR, 5uL template
  6. Nir whole fragment, extraction PCR, 5uL template
  7. Nir1, extraction PCR, 10uL template
  8. Nir2, extraction PCR, 10uL template
  9. Nir whole fragment, extraction PCR, 10uL template
  10. Nir 1, 5 uL, U
  11. Nir1, 10uL, U
  12. Nir2, 5uL, U
  13. Nir2, 10uL, U
  14. Nir 25 colony PCR
  15. Nir 26 colony PCR
  16. Nir 27 colony PCR
  17. Nir 28 colony PCR
  18. 1kb ladder

2013-07-25 Nir with new primers.jpg


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