Team:NTU Taiwan/javascript/jquery.stellar.js


Revision as of 02:38, 27 July 2013 by Ddmail2009 (Talk | contribs)
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(function($, window, document, undefined){

var pluginName = 'stellar', defaults = { scrollProperty: 'scroll', positionProperty: 'position', horizontalScrolling: false, verticalScrolling: true, horizontalOffset: 0, verticalOffset: 0, responsive: false, parallaxBackgrounds: true, parallaxElements: true, hideDistantElements: true, viewportDetectionInterval: 100, hideElement: function($elem) { $elem.hide(); }, showElement: function($elem) { $; } },

scrollProperty = { scroll: { getTop: function($elem) { return $elem.scrollTop(); }, setTop: function($elem, val) { $elem.scrollTop(val); },

getLeft: function($elem) { return $elem.scrollLeft(); }, setLeft: function($elem, val) { $elem.scrollLeft(val); } }, position: { getTop: function($elem) { return parseInt($elem.css('top'), 10) * -1; }, setTop: function($elem, val) { $elem.css('top', val); },

getLeft: function($elem) { return parseInt($elem.css('left'), 10) * -1; }, setLeft: function($elem, val) { $elem.css('left', val); } }, margin: { getTop: function($elem) { return parseInt($elem.css('margin-top'), 10) * -1; }, setTop: function($elem, val) { $elem.css('margin-top', val); },

getLeft: function($elem) { return parseInt($elem.css('margin-left'), 10) * -1; }, setLeft: function($elem, val) { $elem.css('margin-left', val); } }, transform: { getTop: function($elem) { return (getComputedStyle($elem[0])[vendorPrefix('transform')] !== 'none' ? parseInt(getComputedStyle($elem[0])[vendorPrefix('transform')].match(/(-?[0-9]+)/g)[5], 10) * -1 : 0); }, setTop: function($elem, val) { setTransform($elem, val, 'Y'); },

getLeft: function($elem) { return (getComputedStyle($elem[0])[vendorPrefix('transform')] !== 'none' ? parseInt(getComputedStyle($elem[0])[vendorPrefix('transform')].match(/(-?[0-9]+)/g)[4], 10) * -1 : 0); }, setLeft: function($elem, val) { setTransform($elem, val, 'X'); } } },

positionProperty = { position: { setTop: function($elem, top) { $elem.css('top', top); }, setLeft: function($elem, left) { $elem.css('left', left); } }, transform: { setTop: function($elem, top, startingTop) { setTransform($elem, top - startingTop, 'Y'); }, setLeft: function($elem, left, startingLeft) { setTransform($elem, left - startingLeft, 'X'); } } },

vendorPrefix = (function() { var prefixes = /^(Moz|Webkit|Khtml|O|ms|Icab)(?=[A-Z])/, style = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].style, prefix = , prop;

for (prop in style) { if (prefixes.test(prop)) { prefix = prop.match(prefixes)[0]; break; } }

if ('WebkitOpacity' in style) { prefix = 'Webkit'; } if ('KhtmlOpacity' in style) { prefix = 'Khtml'; }

return function(property) { return prefix + (prefix.length > 0 ? property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1) : property); }; }()),

supportsBackgroundPositionXY = document.createElement('div').style.backgroundPositionX !== undefined,

setBackgroundPosition = (function() { return supportsBackgroundPositionXY ? function($elem, x, y) { $elem.css({ 'background-position-x': x, 'background-position-y': y }); } : function($elem, x, y) { $elem.css('background-position', x + ' ' + y); }; }()),

getBackgroundPosition = (function() { return supportsBackgroundPositionXY ? function($elem) { return [ $elem[0].style.backgroundPositionX, $elem[0].style.backgroundPositionY ]; } : function($elem) { return $elem.css('background-position').split(' '); }; }()),

setTransform = function($elem, val, dimension /* 'X' or 'Y' */) { var currentTransform = getComputedStyle($elem[0])[vendorPrefix('transform')];

if (currentTransform === 'none') { $elem[0].style[vendorPrefix('transform')] = 'translate' + dimension + '(' + val + 'px)'; } else { $elem[0].style[vendorPrefix('transform')] = replaceNthOccurence(currentTransform, /(-?[0-9]+[.]?[0-9]*)/g, (dimension === 'X' ? 5 : 6), val); } },

replaceNthOccurence = function(original, pattern, n, replace) { var parts, tempParts, indexOfNthMatch;

if ( === -1) { return original; }

parts = original.split(pattern);

indexOfNthMatch = n * 2 - 1;

if (parts[indexOfNthMatch] === undefined) { return original; }

parts[indexOfNthMatch] = replace;

return parts.join(); };

function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);

this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName;

this.init(); }

Plugin.prototype = { init: function() { = pluginName + '_' + Math.floor(Math.random()*10000);

this._defineElements(); this._defineGetters(); this._defineSetters(); this._handleWindowLoadAndResize();

this._detectViewport(); this.refresh({ firstLoad: true });

this._startAnimationLoop(); }, _defineElements: function() { if (this.element === document.body) this.element = window; this.$scrollElement = $(this.element); this.$element = this.element === window ? $('body') : this.$scrollElement; this.$viewportElement = (this.options.viewportElement !== undefined ? $(this.options.viewportElement) : (this.$scrollElement[0] === window || this.options.scrollProperty.indexOf('scroll') === 0 ? this.$scrollElement : this.$scrollElement.parent()) ); }, _defineGetters: function() { var self = this;

this._getScrollLeft = function() { return scrollProperty[self.options.scrollProperty].getLeft(self.$scrollElement); };

this._getScrollTop = function() { return scrollProperty[self.options.scrollProperty].getTop(self.$scrollElement); }; }, _defineSetters: function() { var self = this;

this._setScrollLeft = function(val) { scrollProperty[self.options.scrollProperty].setLeft(self.$scrollElement, val); };

this._setScrollTop = function(val) { scrollProperty[self.options.scrollProperty].setTop(self.$scrollElement, val); };

this._setLeft = function($elem, left, startingLeft) { positionProperty[self.options.positionProperty].setLeft($elem, left, startingLeft); };

this._setTop = function($elem, top, startingTop) { positionProperty[self.options.positionProperty].setTop($elem, top, startingTop); }; }, _handleWindowLoadAndResize: function() { var self = this, $window = $(window);

if (self.options.responsive) { $window.bind('load.' +, function() { self.refresh(); }); }

$window.bind('resize.' +, function() { self._detectViewport();

if (self.options.responsive) { self.refresh(); } }); }, refresh: function(options) { var self = this, oldLeft = self._getScrollLeft(), oldTop = self._getScrollTop();

this._setScrollLeft(0); this._setScrollTop(0);

this._setOffsets(); this._findParticles(); this._findBackgrounds();

// Fix for WebKit background rendering bug if (options && options.firstLoad && /WebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent)) { $(window).load(function(){ var oldLeft = self._getScrollLeft(), oldTop = self._getScrollTop();

self._setScrollLeft(oldLeft + 1); self._setScrollTop(oldTop + 1);

self._setScrollLeft(oldLeft); self._setScrollTop(oldTop); }); }

self._setScrollLeft(oldLeft); self._setScrollTop(oldTop); }, _detectViewport: function() { var viewportOffsets = this.$viewportElement.offset(), hasOffsets = viewportOffsets !== null && viewportOffsets !== undefined;

this.viewportWidth = this.$viewportElement.width(); this.viewportHeight = this.$viewportElement.height();

this.viewportOffsetTop = hasOffsets ? : 0; this.viewportOffsetLeft = hasOffsets ? viewportOffsets.left : 0; }, _findParticles: function(){ var self = this, scrollLeft = this._getScrollLeft(), scrollTop = this._getScrollTop();

if (this.particles !== undefined) { for (var i = this.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.particles[i].$'stellar-elementIsActive', undefined); } }

this.particles = [];

if (!this.options.parallaxElements) return;

this.$element.find('[data-stellar-ratio]').each(function(i){ var $this = $(this), horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, positionLeft, positionTop, marginLeft, marginTop, $offsetParent, offsetLeft, offsetTop, parentOffsetLeft = 0, parentOffsetTop = 0, tempParentOffsetLeft = 0, tempParentOffsetTop = 0;

// Ensure this element isn't already part of another scrolling element if (!$'stellar-elementIsActive')) { $'stellar-elementIsActive', this); } else if ($'stellar-elementIsActive') !== this) { return; }


// Save/restore the original top and left CSS values in case we refresh the particles or destroy the instance if (!$'stellar-startingLeft')) { $'stellar-startingLeft', $this.css('left')); $'stellar-startingTop', $this.css('top')); } else { $this.css('left', $'stellar-startingLeft')); $this.css('top', $'stellar-startingTop')); }

positionLeft = $this.position().left; positionTop = $this.position().top;

// Catch-all for margin top/left properties (these evaluate to 'auto' in IE7 and IE8) marginLeft = ($this.css('margin-left') === 'auto') ? 0 : parseInt($this.css('margin-left'), 10); marginTop = ($this.css('margin-top') === 'auto') ? 0 : parseInt($this.css('margin-top'), 10);

offsetLeft = $this.offset().left - marginLeft; offsetTop = $this.offset().top - marginTop;

// Calculate the offset parent $this.parents().each(function(){ var $this = $(this);

if ($'stellar-offset-parent') === true) { parentOffsetLeft = tempParentOffsetLeft; parentOffsetTop = tempParentOffsetTop; $offsetParent = $this;

return false; } else { tempParentOffsetLeft += $this.position().left; tempParentOffsetTop += $this.position().top; } });

// Detect the offsets horizontalOffset = ($'stellar-horizontal-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-horizontal-offset') : ($offsetParent !== undefined && $'stellar-horizontal-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-horizontal-offset') : self.horizontalOffset)); verticalOffset = ($'stellar-vertical-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-vertical-offset') : ($offsetParent !== undefined && $'stellar-vertical-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-vertical-offset') : self.verticalOffset));

//Add our object to the particles collection self.particles.push({ $element: $this, $offsetParent: $offsetParent, isFixed: $this.css('position') === 'fixed', horizontalOffset: horizontalOffset, verticalOffset: verticalOffset, startingPositionLeft: positionLeft, startingPositionTop: positionTop, startingOffsetLeft: offsetLeft, startingOffsetTop: offsetTop, parentOffsetLeft: parentOffsetLeft, parentOffsetTop: parentOffsetTop, stellarRatio: $'stellar-ratio') !== undefined ? $'stellar-ratio') : 1, width: $this.outerWidth(true), height: $this.outerHeight(true), isHidden: false }); }); }, _findBackgrounds: function() { var self = this, scrollLeft = this._getScrollLeft(), scrollTop = this._getScrollTop(), $backgroundElements;

this.backgrounds = [];

if (!this.options.parallaxBackgrounds) return;

$backgroundElements = this.$element.find('[data-stellar-background-ratio]');

if (this.$'[data-stellar-background-ratio]')) { $backgroundElements.add(this.$element); }

$backgroundElements.each(function(){ var $this = $(this), backgroundPosition = getBackgroundPosition($this), horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, positionLeft, positionTop, marginLeft, marginTop, offsetLeft, offsetTop, $offsetParent, parentOffsetLeft = 0, parentOffsetTop = 0, tempParentOffsetLeft = 0, tempParentOffsetTop = 0;

// Ensure this element isn't already part of another scrolling element if (!$'stellar-backgroundIsActive')) { $'stellar-backgroundIsActive', this); } else if ($'stellar-backgroundIsActive') !== this) { return; }

// Save/restore the original top and left CSS values in case we destroy the instance if (!$'stellar-backgroundStartingLeft')) { $'stellar-backgroundStartingLeft', backgroundPosition[0]); $'stellar-backgroundStartingTop', backgroundPosition[1]); } else { setBackgroundPosition($this, $'stellar-backgroundStartingLeft'), $'stellar-backgroundStartingTop')); }

// Catch-all for margin top/left properties (these evaluate to 'auto' in IE7 and IE8) marginLeft = ($this.css('margin-left') === 'auto') ? 0 : parseInt($this.css('margin-left'), 10); marginTop = ($this.css('margin-top') === 'auto') ? 0 : parseInt($this.css('margin-top'), 10);

offsetLeft = $this.offset().left - marginLeft - scrollLeft; offsetTop = $this.offset().top - marginTop - scrollTop;

// Calculate the offset parent $this.parents().each(function(){ var $this = $(this);

if ($'stellar-offset-parent') === true) { parentOffsetLeft = tempParentOffsetLeft; parentOffsetTop = tempParentOffsetTop; $offsetParent = $this;

return false; } else { tempParentOffsetLeft += $this.position().left; tempParentOffsetTop += $this.position().top; } });

// Detect the offsets horizontalOffset = ($'stellar-horizontal-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-horizontal-offset') : ($offsetParent !== undefined && $'stellar-horizontal-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-horizontal-offset') : self.horizontalOffset)); verticalOffset = ($'stellar-vertical-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-vertical-offset') : ($offsetParent !== undefined && $'stellar-vertical-offset') !== undefined ? $'stellar-vertical-offset') : self.verticalOffset));

self.backgrounds.push({ $element: $this, $offsetParent: $offsetParent, isFixed: $this.css('background-attachment') === 'fixed', horizontalOffset: horizontalOffset, verticalOffset: verticalOffset, startingValueLeft: backgroundPosition[0], startingValueTop: backgroundPosition[1], startingBackgroundPositionLeft: isNaN(parseInt(backgroundPosition[0], 10)) ? 0 : parseInt(backgroundPosition[0], 10), startingBackgroundPositionTop: isNaN(parseInt(backgroundPosition[1], 10)) ? 0 : parseInt(backgroundPosition[1], 10), startingPositionLeft: $this.position().left, startingPositionTop: $this.position().top, startingOffsetLeft: offsetLeft, startingOffsetTop: offsetTop, parentOffsetLeft: parentOffsetLeft, parentOffsetTop: parentOffsetTop, stellarRatio: $'stellar-background-ratio') === undefined ? 1 : $'stellar-background-ratio') }); }); }, destroy: function() { var particle, startingPositionLeft, startingPositionTop, background, i;

for (i = this.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { particle = this.particles[i]; startingPositionLeft = particle.$'stellar-startingLeft'); startingPositionTop = particle.$'stellar-startingTop');

this._setLeft(particle.$element, startingPositionLeft, startingPositionLeft); this._setTop(particle.$element, startingPositionTop, startingPositionTop);


particle.$'stellar-startingLeft', null).data('stellar-elementIsActive', null).data('stellar-backgroundIsActive', null); }

for (i = this.backgrounds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { background = this.backgrounds[i]; setBackgroundPosition(background.$element, background.startingValueLeft, background.startingValueTop); }

this._animationLoop = $.noop;

$(window).unbind('load.' +'resize.' +; }, _setOffsets: function() { var self = this, $window = $(window);

$window.unbind('resize.horizontal-' +'resize.vertical-' +;

if (typeof this.options.horizontalOffset === 'function') { this.horizontalOffset = this.options.horizontalOffset(); $window.bind('resize.horizontal-' +, function() { self.horizontalOffset = self.options.horizontalOffset(); }); } else { this.horizontalOffset = this.options.horizontalOffset; }

if (typeof this.options.verticalOffset === 'function') { this.verticalOffset = this.options.verticalOffset(); $window.bind('resize.vertical-' +, function() { self.verticalOffset = self.options.verticalOffset(); }); } else { this.verticalOffset = this.options.verticalOffset; } }, _repositionElements: function() { var scrollLeft = this._getScrollLeft(), scrollTop = this._getScrollTop(), horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, particle, fixedRatioOffset, background, bgLeft, bgTop, isVisibleVertical = true, isVisibleHorizontal = true, newPositionLeft, newPositionTop, newOffsetLeft, newOffsetTop, i;

//First check that the scroll position or container size has changed if (this.currentScrollLeft === scrollLeft && this.currentScrollTop === scrollTop && this.currentWidth === this.viewportWidth && this.currentHeight === this.viewportHeight) { return; } else { this.currentScrollLeft = scrollLeft; this.currentScrollTop = scrollTop; this.currentWidth = this.viewportWidth; this.currentHeight = this.viewportHeight; }

//Reposition elements for (i = this.particles.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { particle = this.particles[i];

fixedRatioOffset = particle.isFixed ? 1 : 0;

//Calculate position, then calculate what the particle's new offset will be (for visibility check) if (this.options.horizontalScrolling) { newPositionLeft = (scrollLeft + particle.horizontalOffset + this.viewportOffsetLeft + particle.startingPositionLeft - particle.startingOffsetLeft + particle.parentOffsetLeft) * -(particle.stellarRatio + fixedRatioOffset - 1) + particle.startingPositionLeft; newOffsetLeft = newPositionLeft - particle.startingPositionLeft + particle.startingOffsetLeft; } if (this.options.verticalScrolling) { newPositionTop = (scrollTop + particle.verticalOffset + this.viewportOffsetTop + particle.startingPositionTop - particle.startingOffsetTop + particle.parentOffsetTop) * -(particle.stellarRatio + fixedRatioOffset - 1) + particle.startingPositionTop; newOffsetTop = newPositionTop - particle.startingPositionTop + particle.startingOffsetTop; }

//Check visibility if (this.options.hideDistantElements) { isVisibleHorizontal = !this.options.horizontalScrolling || newOffsetLeft + particle.width > (particle.isFixed ? 0 : scrollLeft) && newOffsetLeft < (particle.isFixed ? 0 : scrollLeft) + this.viewportWidth + this.viewportOffsetLeft; isVisibleVertical = !this.options.verticalScrolling || newOffsetTop + particle.height > (particle.isFixed ? 0 : scrollTop) && newOffsetTop < (particle.isFixed ? 0 : scrollTop) + this.viewportHeight + this.viewportOffsetTop; }

if (isVisibleHorizontal && isVisibleVertical) { if (particle.isHidden) { this.options.showElement(particle.$element); particle.isHidden = false; }

if (this.options.horizontalScrolling) { this._setLeft(particle.$element, newPositionLeft, particle.startingPositionLeft); }

if (this.options.verticalScrolling) { this._setTop(particle.$element, newPositionTop, particle.startingPositionTop); } } else { if (!particle.isHidden) { this.options.hideElement(particle.$element); particle.isHidden = true; } } }

//Reposition backgrounds for (i = this.backgrounds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { background = this.backgrounds[i];

fixedRatioOffset = background.isFixed ? 0 : 1; bgLeft = this.options.horizontalScrolling ? (scrollLeft + background.horizontalOffset - this.viewportOffsetLeft - background.startingOffsetLeft + background.parentOffsetLeft - background.startingBackgroundPositionLeft) * (fixedRatioOffset - background.stellarRatio) + 'px' : background.startingValueLeft; bgTop = this.options.verticalScrolling ? (scrollTop + background.verticalOffset - this.viewportOffsetTop - background.startingOffsetTop + background.parentOffsetTop - background.startingBackgroundPositionTop) * (fixedRatioOffset - background.stellarRatio) + 'px' : background.startingValueTop;

setBackgroundPosition(background.$element, bgLeft, bgTop); } }, _startAnimationLoop: function() { var self = this, requestAnimFrame = (function(){ return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(callback, element){ window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); }; }());

this._animationLoop = function(){ requestAnimFrame(self._animationLoop); self._repositionElements(); }; this._animationLoop(); } };

$.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { var args = arguments; if (options === undefined || typeof options === 'object') { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); } else if (typeof options === 'string' && options[0] !== '_' && options !== 'init') { return this.each(function () { var instance = $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName); if (instance instanceof Plugin && typeof instance[options] === 'function') { instance[options].apply(instance,, 1)); } if (options === 'destroy') { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, null); } }); } };

$[pluginName] = function(options) { var $window = $(window); return $window.stellar.apply($window,, 0)); };

//Expose the scroll and position property function hashes so they can be extended $[pluginName].scrollProperty = scrollProperty; $[pluginName].positionProperty = positionProperty;

//Expose the plugin class so it can be modified window.Stellar = Plugin; }(jQuery, window, document));