Team:Groningen/Labwork/9 August 2013


Revision as of 15:42, 9 August 2013 by Sebas (Talk | contribs)

Claudio and Sander

Monitoring the grow of biofilm in liquid medium, LB agar and on titanium only.


2 colonies on Pdes::cheY in munich backbone plate, did colony pcr the expected 675bp band was visible with some
aspecific bands. Inoculated both colonies in 3ml/LB/amp o/n at 37degrees celcius.
There were approx 150 colonies on the Munich+hyperspank+CFP plate. Inoculated 4col. in 3ml/LB/amp o/n 37degerees.
There were approx 100 colonies on the Pdes::cheY:eYFP in Munich backbone plate. All colonies were red indicating
that the P::RFP was still there.
Did a digestion on munich backbone with pstI and EcoRI with 1ug DNA for 30min at 37degrees celcius.
cut out the backbone from gel and stored at -20 degrees celcius
The 6 colonies for GFP and YFP in b.sub grew on new plates -> stabbed colonies on starch plate and incubated o/n
at 37degees celcius.