

Revision as of 07:16, 20 August 2013 by Ggirelli (Talk | contribs)

{ "date" : "2013-08-15", "author" : "emil", "title" : "Emil's(re)begins", "content" : "I screened 5µl of the two PCR that I started the day before(5 of K823025 and 2 of E0840, These are the results:

Unfortunately there isn't the ladder I loaded only the pure dye, otherwise can reasonably consider the PCR correct, after this I purified 3 backbone and the 2 GFP following the purification protocol with the following results:

GFP 170.5 ng/6micro;lGFP 252 ng/6micro;lPXyl 1110.4 ng/6micro;lPxyl 277.7 ng/6micro;lPxyl 3137 ng/6micro;l
Sample Quantities
After that I did a digestion overnight of 3 µl of the GFP1 and the PXyl1 following the digestion protocol.",

"tags" : "PXyl-GFP" }