Little Summary with Keywords
Incubated a 50mL overnight culture of E. coli M15[pRep4] cells (Qiagen, Venlo, Netherlands), containing the pQE30::αSNAP vector, in preparation for midiprep.
Midi-prepped pQE30::αSNAP. The DNA sample concentration was only of 10 ng/µL. The experiment has to be re performed.
Incubated a 10mL overnight culture of E. coli M15[pRep4-pQE30::αSNAP] cells, in preparation for miniprep.
Mini-prepped pQE30::αSNAP/pRep4 and got a 98,9 ng/µL DNA sample.
Digested pQE30::αSNAP with BamHI and KpnI restriction enzymes. Separation of the gene of non interest (αSNAP) from the pQE30 vector backbone by gel electrophoresis (1.2 % agarose, 30 min, 135V).