We divided the work in lab between us, so everybody could get some experience while working on our project.
Our Wiki was created by our computer sciences student, Paweł. The content was mostly written by Anna with grammar and spelling checking done by Paweł.
Theoretical part
Most work on theoretical part was done by Kasia. She’s the one that sacrificed herself and was buried under tones of scientific articles.
Everyone worked at lab but the one who spent the largest amount of time there is Tomek – without him we would never make it. Also, special thanks to Anna, our PCR master and Zofia, who knows the lab as nobody else.
Most of fundraising job was done by Anna & Anna, our special PR duet.
Human practice
Everyone worked hard on publishing articles in web and giving interviews. This time the main PR role was held by Anna and Paweł. |
We would aslo like to thank following people:
michal.w, Matejas91, sirkubax, Wojciech Marczak, Kosma Wilk, apadlo, matisk6, Iskierka, g00fer, AndrzejS, mad.magda, horajska, Piotr Tałan, izaa, hedrox, leshy, Anika Połom, teresaihenryk, karolinajaw, Mira Klęczek, beaprzy, ozymko, magsta, bylamlemtu, yasiu_s, romgaj, Filip Em, Jakub Dąbek, Alina Maciąg, piotrony, Paweł Dzięcioł, catty, Dorota Łuszpińska, maryl, wacekdziewulski. |