Team:Groningen/Labwork/15 August 2013



Plates that were made yesterday showed no difference betweeen the supposed motile and no motile bacteria.
New plates are made with agar concentration of 0.4%, 0.2% and 0.1% to see if the concentration of agar could be the problem.
Plates are to dry overnight.


Did a colony PCR op deltaDES/CheY tet with primers HM07&HM10 (Fw tet with Rev downstream des) colony 2 had the right
insert. Inoculated 3ml LB with colonie 2.

Did a miniprep on the other backbone with GFP and digested it with XbaI and PstI. Digested the hyperspank
backbone with XbaI and PstI and did a ligation O/N in a beaker with RT water in the fridge.

There where ~10 colonies on the negative control, ~30 on the 100µl plate and ~300 on the extra concentrated.
plate. Picked 3 colonies and grew them O/N