Template:Team:BGU Israel/tabs.js

From 2013.igem.org


* @license 
* jQuery Tools 1.2.5 Tabs- The basics of UI design.
* http://flowplayer.org/tools/tabs/
* Since: November 2008
* Date:    Wed Sep 22 06:02:10 2010 +0000 

(function($) {

// static constructs $.tools = $.tools || {version: '1.2.5'};

$.tools.tabs = {

conf: { tabs: 'a', current: 'current', onBeforeClick: null, onClick: null, effect: 'default', initialIndex: 0, event: 'click', rotate: false,

// 1.2 history: false },

addEffect: function(name, fn) { effects[name] = fn; }


var effects = {

// simple "toggle" effect 'default': function(i, done) { this.getPanes().hide().eq(i).show(); done.call(); },

/* configuration: - fadeOutSpeed (positive value does "crossfading") - fadeInSpeed */ fade: function(i, done) {

var conf = this.getConf(), speed = conf.fadeOutSpeed, panes = this.getPanes();

if (speed) { panes.fadeOut(speed); } else { panes.hide(); }

panes.eq(i).fadeIn(conf.fadeInSpeed, done); },

// for basic accordions slide: function(i, done) { this.getPanes().slideUp(200); this.getPanes().eq(i).slideDown(400, done); },

/** * AJAX effect */ ajax: function(i, done) { this.getPanes().eq(0).load(this.getTabs().eq(i).attr("href"), done); } };

var w;

/** * Horizontal accordion * * @deprecated will be replaced with a more robust implementation */ $.tools.tabs.addEffect("horizontal", function(i, done) {

// store original width of a pane into memory if (!w) { w = this.getPanes().eq(0).width(); }

// set current pane's width to zero this.getCurrentPane().animate({width: 0}, function() { $(this).hide(); });

// grow opened pane to it's original width this.getPanes().eq(i).animate({width: w}, function() { $(this).show(); done.call(); });


function Tabs(root, paneSelector, conf) {

var self = this, trigger = root.add(this), tabs = root.find(conf.tabs), panes = paneSelector.jquery ? paneSelector : root.children(paneSelector), current;

// make sure tabs and panes are found if (!tabs.length) { tabs = root.children(); } if (!panes.length) { panes = root.parent().find(paneSelector); } if (!panes.length) { panes = $(paneSelector); }

// public methods $.extend(this, { click: function(i, e) {

var tab = tabs.eq(i);

if (typeof i == 'string' && i.replace("#", "")) { tab = tabs.filter("[href*=" + i.replace("#", "") + "]"); i = Math.max(tabs.index(tab), 0); }

if (conf.rotate) { var last = tabs.length -1; if (i < 0) { return self.click(last, e); } if (i > last) { return self.click(0, e); } }

if (!tab.length) { if (current >= 0) { return self; } i = conf.initialIndex; tab = tabs.eq(i); }

// current tab is being clicked if (i === current) { return self; }

// possibility to cancel click action e = e || $.Event(); e.type = "onBeforeClick"; trigger.trigger(e, [i]); if (e.isDefaultPrevented()) { return; }

// call the effect effects[conf.effect].call(self, i, function() {

// onClick callback e.type = "onClick"; trigger.trigger(e, [i]); });

// default behaviour current = i; tabs.removeClass(conf.current); tab.addClass(conf.current);

return self; },

getConf: function() { return conf; },

getTabs: function() { return tabs; },

getPanes: function() { return panes; },

getCurrentPane: function() { return panes.eq(current); },

getCurrentTab: function() { return tabs.eq(current); },

getIndex: function() { return current; },

next: function() { return self.click(current + 1); },

prev: function() { return self.click(current - 1); },

destroy: function() { tabs.unbind(conf.event).removeClass(conf.current); panes.find("a[href^=#]").unbind("click.T"); return self; }


// callbacks $.each("onBeforeClick,onClick".split(","), function(i, name) {

// configuration if ($.isFunction(conf[name])) { $(self).bind(name, conf[name]); }

// API self[name] = function(fn) { if (fn) { $(self).bind(name, fn); } return self; }; });

if (conf.history && $.fn.history) { $.tools.history.init(tabs); conf.event = 'history'; }

// setup click actions for each tab tabs.each(function(i) { $(this).bind(conf.event, function(e) { self.click(i, e); return e.preventDefault(); }); });

// cross tab anchor link panes.find("a[href^=#]").bind("click.T", function(e) { self.click($(this).attr("href"), e); });

// open initial tab if (location.hash && conf.tabs == "a" && root.find("[href=" +location.hash+ "]").length) { self.click(location.hash);

} else { if (conf.initialIndex === 0 || conf.initialIndex > 0) { self.click(conf.initialIndex); } }


// jQuery plugin implementation $.fn.tabs = function(paneSelector, conf) {

// return existing instance var el = this.data("tabs"); if (el) { el.destroy(); this.removeData("tabs"); }

if ($.isFunction(conf)) { conf = {onBeforeClick: conf}; }

// setup conf conf = $.extend({}, $.tools.tabs.conf, conf);

this.each(function() { el = new Tabs($(this), paneSelector, conf); $(this).data("tabs", el); });

return conf.api ? el: this; };

}) (jQuery);