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Team ITU MOBGAM Turkey - What is Synthetic Biology?
September 6, 2013
Team ITU MOBGAM Turkey - What is Synthetic Biology?

Team ITU MOBGAM Turkey also made a video asking the public to define synthetic biology: "Do you know ''chro-genetics''? If anyone find the answer let us know :)''

Team ITU MOBGAM Turkey - What is iGEM?
September 6, 2013
Team ITU MOBGAM Turkey - What is iGEM?

Check out Team ITU MOBGAM Turkey's Human Practices video! The team says: ''Hello everyone, It is our first year in iGEM, and we thought asking ''What is iGEM?'' question to public would be a good start to our human practice project. We hope you to enjoy it.''

Team TU-Delft - DIY Typhoon
September 6, 2013
Team TU-Delft - DIY Typhoon

Team TU-Delft is working on a low-cost DIY Typhoon as part of their Human Practices project! "Lab equipment is rather expensive, they usually range in several ten thousand dollars, which limits some iGEM teams in competing. The solution we are working on is by designing DIY lab equipment: easily assembled, low-cost equipment that still gives good performance. We are now designing a DIY Typhoon (name still to be decided), which can scan petri dishes and 96 well plates for expression of fluorescence at micrometer scale within 2 minutes for around 1500 dollars."

Photos of the designing and building process can be found on the team's Facebook album!

Team Bordeaux - Virtual Lab
August 30, 2013
Team Bordeaux - Virtual Lab

Team Bordeaux has created a software tool, and says: "For large teams with complicated assemblies strategies or team member rotating without easy way to keep track of what has been done it can be difficult to keep track of what step has been accomplished and which one is left to be done. We have created the Virtual Lab : a dedicated Online Information Management System to help Igem teams visualize the progress of their project in real time and share with their off-site team members. We would like to have the feed back from the Igem community to see if we can further improve the Users Interface and add more functionality. So please register your team and your project and let the Virtual Lab help you organize your remaining experiments."

Team Paris Bettencourt - survey
August 22, 2013
Team Paris Bettencourt - survey

"Dear iGEMers,

The team Paris Bettencourt is studying the motivations of students / advisors / instructors to participate in iGEM. It would be extremely helpful, if you could take 5 minutes to fill out this survey. Thank you!"

- Team Paris Bettencourt

Morph Bioinformatics
August 21, 2013
Morph Bioinformatics

'We are happy to present you Morph Bioinformatics from London- an iGEM-start up focusing on IT Solutions for Molecular Biology and aiming to become THE bioinformatics hub. Their iOS app 'OpenLabs' comprises various cloning features and makes molecular biology lab work more efficient, convenient and easily distributable. Check out the free beta-Version and help them adjust it to your needs!"

You can also check them out on Facebook, Twitter (@MBioinformatics), and YouTube!

Team METU Turkey - Why iGEM?
August 20, 2013
Team METU Turkey - Why iGEM?

Team METU Turkey made a video describing why the team joined iGEM! You can check it out here.

Team Baskent Meds - Legionary Pneumophilia vs Escherichiastein Coli
August 20, 2013
Team Baskent Meds - Legionary Pneumophilia vs Escherichiastein Coli

"Hello there. We are Baskent Meds, Baskent University's iGEM team. We lived in our lab to create a monster Escherichiastein Coli that designed to murder Legionary Pneumophilia. Enjoy a short horror movie that's about our iGEM adventure!"

Team Cornell - Fungal Biomaterials
August 19, 2013
Team Cornell - Fungal Biomaterials

"This year Cornell iGEM is creating a novel fungal toolkit for higher order basidiomycetes using Ganoderma lucidum. The toolkit will include constructs with antibiotic resistance for selection, constitutive and inducible regulatory elements, fluorescence markers to detect expression levels, and constructs to test the potency of homologous recombination. In addition, Cornell iGEM aims to improve current mycelium-based biomaterials, such as those produced by Ecovative Design, by introducing targeted antifungal genes as well as carotenoid biosynthetic pathways."

You can see their team video here!

Team TecMonterrey - A Typical Day in Lab
August 16, 2013
Team TecMonterrey - A Typical Day in Lab

Hang out with Team TecMonterrey for a day in their video! Says the team: "This is how iGEM Tec Monterrey deals with an average work day, preparing ourselves for the Regional Jamboree!"

Team Newcastle - Betty and Bertie
August 15, 2013
Team Newcastle - Betty and Bertie

"L-forms: a novel chassis for synthetic biology. Team Newcastle invites you to explore what's possible when bacteria lose their cell wall." Watch their video to find out more!

Team Baskent Meds - We Support Baskent Meds!
August 15, 2013
Team Baskent Meds - We Support Baskent Meds!

Team Baskent Meds says: "We walked around Ankara, went to our favourite places, talked people about iGEM and here is some of the people who support us. Lots of love to everyone!" See their video here!

Team METU Turkey - Bee Subtilis
July 30, 2013
Team METU Turkey - Bee Subtilis

Check out the video that Team METU Turkey made about their project, Bee Subtilis!

Team SydneyUni Australia - Strange Nature
July 29, 2013
Team SydneyUni Australia - Strange Nature

Team SydneyUni Australia says: "Strange Nature is an online platform for students and educators to explore synthetic biology. We showcase cool and informative videos, animations and resources, we host an opinion poll and a short quiz about common misconceptions, and most importantly, we are running a science-writing competition for high-school students. The theme is 'What problems will be caused or solved by synthetic biology?'"

Team Valencia Biocampus - WormBoys
July 26, 2013
Team Valencia Biocampus - WormBoys

Team Valencia Biocampus explains their project in this animated video!

Team York UK - Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Technology
July 23, 2013
Team York UK - Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Technology

Check out the video that Team York UK made about their project: " Improving Microbial Fuel Cell Technology"!

Team NTNU-Trondheim - Matchmaker website
July 17, 2013
Team NTNU-Trondheim 2013 - Matchmaker website

Team NTNU-Trondheim has updated their Matchmaker program for 2013! Says the team: "The iGEM Matchmaker [website] makes it possible for teams to share their strengths and what they would like help with, making it easy to get in touch with other teams."