

(Difference between revisions)
Line 114: Line 114:
// var names = [
// "Rafael",
// "Inigo Montoya",
// "Vizzini",
// "Count Rugen",
// "Prince Humperdink",
// "Nupur",
// "Westley",
// "Fezzik"];
// var fullNames = [
// "Rafael Lizarralde",
// "Inigo Montoya",
// "Vizzini",
// "Count Rugen",
// "Prince Humperdink",
// "Nupur Bhatt",
// "Westley",
// "Fezzik"];
// var pics = [
// "",
// "",
// "",
// "",
// "",
// "",
// "",
// ""];
// var desc = [
// "I like pickled watermelons dipped in soy sauce. Also, I'm not as cool as Nupur.",
// "Hello there. Slow going?",
// "You're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen.",
// "Stop saying that!" ,
// "She is alive, or was an hour ago.",
// "The awesome",
// "Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist.",
// "You just wiggled your finger. That's wonderful!"];
Line 161: Line 121:
var name = info[i][0];
var name = info[i][0];
var n = 0;
var skip = false;
if(n%2 == 0 || firefox)  
if(skip || firefox)  
var ah = document.createElement('div');
var ah = document.createElement('div');
Line 194: Line 154:
skip = !skip;

Revision as of 17:49, 28 June 2013

function loadHref() { if(document.location != "") { var href = document.location.href; var i = href.substring(href.indexOf("#")+1); document.getElementById('week' + i + 'entry').style.display = 'block'; if(i != 'A') { document.getElementById('weekAentry').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('weekA').className = ; } document.getElementById('week' + i ).className = 'active'; } var techb = document.getElementsByClassName('nb-onetech-i'); for(var i = techb.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { techb[i].onclick = function() { showTech(this); } var teche = techb[i].parentNode.parentNode.children[1]; if(teche.innerHTML == "" || teche.innerHTML.indexOf("{{{tech}}}") != -1){ techb[i].className = 'nb-onetech-disabled'; teche.className = 'nb-tech-disabled'; } } } function filter(that) { var ele = that.children[0]; var show = == 'none'; (show ? 'block' : 'none'); that.parentNode.children[1].className = (show ? 'nb-only' : 'nb-only-i'); all(); var list = document.getElementsByClassName('nb-' +; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { list[i].style.display = (show ? 'block' : 'none'); } } function onlyFilter(that) { var filt = that.parentNode; var row = filt.parentNode;

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function findNames() {

var info = [ ["Rafael", "Rafael Lizarralde", "CornellProteinFoldingIsHard.gif", "I like pickled watermelons dipped in soy sauce. Also, I'm not as cool as Nupur."], ["Inigo", "Inigo Montoya", "Cornell-nb-wet-bc.png", "You killed his father."], ["Nupur", "Nupur Bhatt", "Cornell-nb-dry-sc.png", "Source of all greater trash."] ];

if(window.find) { var firefox = /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);

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' + name + '
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' + info[i][1] + '
' + info[i][3] + '

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