Team:Paris Bettencourt/Notebook/Tuesday 2nd July/Trojan Horse


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Glycerol stock
From overnight culture of MG1655-6300 O/N : T001
Centrifuge 4000rpm, 10 minutes,
Take out liquid
Resuspend cells in 1mL glycerol, 2mL LB
Separate in two cryotubes, one for the -80°C, one for the -20°C

Making MG1655-6300 competent using Electroporation protocol
Test of the competent cells (negative
Transforming with pCOLADuet-1
Transforming with pACYCDuet-1
Plating 3 different quantity of cells (20ul, 50uL, 100uL) respectively on Cm and Kan plates (dilution 1000x for the antibiotics)