

Revision as of 15:48, 26 September 2013 by Junjiezhang (Talk | contribs)


Liao Xihao is the leader of SCUT team. Besides in charge of team routines, Xihao is also responsible for odorant receptor part and helps SYSU IGEM team to express Bax, an apoptosis protein.

Wang Yicong is in charge of the oscillating odorant part including Oscillator and producer, and is also the financial manager of the team.

Chen Rui cooperates with Wang Yicong to accomplish the oscillating odorant part, performing particularly outstanding in obtaining the strains we need and provides a lot of information about travel.

Yan zewei is in charge of the design of our wiki, poster and team uniform and is one of the members of oscillating odorant.

Kuang Junqi manage the receptor part and mainly focused on the pathway construction. He constructed a biosensor of odorant and expressed reporter system.

Du Yaqin is involved in the construction and optimization of odorant receptor pathway. She made great contribution to Far1 gene knockout.

Li Zhiwei is responsible for the group of Modeling. He is the head of Modeling and he is also the only member of this group.

Chen Xuenian is also an art designer of our team, including our logo, wiki and shirts. Besides, he made the achievement of quantitative of detection and analysis diacetyl.

Wang Yuying is in charge of affair of Human Practice, arranging teach-in and Laboratory open day for undergraduate.

Chen Yiding and Wu Yuhang are responsible for writing NOTEBOOK & TEAM as well as the design of brochure.

Chen Yanzhi make his efforts in Wiki cooperating Yan Zewei.

Liu Yuheng is involved in the oscillator and make his contribution to the construction of oscillator.