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iGEM Software Division Coding Practices Questionnaire

Team name



Are you using the iGEM Software repository at If you have instead stored your code elsewhere, please explain where and why you have put it there. If your code is not in the iGEM repository, are you using any version control system such as Git, CVS, or SVN?

No, we never use the iGEM Software repository. We have stored our code in our own server. Because our project is to built up a synthetic biology community on web. We haven't used any version control system.

Q2: User Data

a. Does your software store any private data supplied by the user? (For example: the user's name and email address, passwords, DNA sequences, circuit designs, etc.) If yes, please describe what kind of data is stored. If no, skip the rest of this question and move on to question 3.

Yes, our software stores user's name, e-mail address,passwords, experiment data and circuit designs supplied by the users. It also stores chat records between users. But people can choose to open their e-mail address,experiment data and circuit designs to the public. And we advocate this.

b. What is the URL or IP address where the user's private data is stored? Where is the physical computer or hard drive that contains the user's private data?

Our website is "" all our database is stored in the Internet. For the place of user's private data, there is a file that stores all data of one certain user's information. The URL is not final defined yet. But it would be ordered perfectly. We will upload a text file(.txt) to define all URL after the software is completed. And for the local data, users can set the file path and store data both on the Internet and physical computer.

c. Please describe any encryption, password protection, etc. that you use to protect the user's data. (It is not mandatory to have such protections, but if you do, describe them.)

We are trying to apply MD5 encryption, an one-way encryption to protect user's data. it means that we encrypt user passwords in to MD5 value and then contrast it with the MD5 stored in the database. For the data transfered between server and client is only MD5(it can't be decode back) ,we can protect the user's data simpleness.


Does your software include any other security features? Please describe them here.

Yes, our software includes other two security features, Restricted Rights and Information Verification. Restricted Rights means a user only have some limited rights. And Information Verification is a process to verify gene circuits and information submitted by users.


Does your software let the user create a design by choosing parts/genes from a list/database, such as the Registry? If so, which lists/databases are included? Is there any restriction on which parts/genes the user can choose?

Yes, a part of our software let user create a gene circuit from a database. The database is built up by ourselves and includes many biobricks that we chose and the logical relationship between each part. No, there is no restriction on which parts the user can choose.


Does your software allow users to write new data into any public lists or databases? If so, do you check the new data for errors before allowing it to be written?

Yes, a part of our software let user create a gene circuit from a database. The database is built up by ourselves and includes many biobricks that we chose and the logical relationship between each part. No, there is no restriction on which parts the user can choose.


Does your software include any other features that encourage the user to create safe designs? Please describe them here.

We are working hard to apply a encourage mechanism that makes users willing to do a safe design, such as adding virtual currency or applying review mechanism. So that users may diligently make their design more safe to earn satisfaction. We also print the safe agreement on our websites to remind users design safety.


Is your team also doing biological work in a wet lab?
