Team:Shenzhen BGIC 0101/portfolio


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Revision as of 10:03, 19 September 2013


* Portfolio Plugin for Codrops
* author: Marcin Dziewulski 
* url: or
* inspiration:
* last modified: 11.08.2011
* MIT License


   $.fn.portfolio = function(options) {

var d = { image: { width: 800, height: 750, margin: 20 }, path: { width: 10, height: 10, marginTop: 5, marginLeft: 5 }, animationSpeed: 400 }; // default settings

var s = $.extend({}, d, options);

       return this.each(function(){

var $t = $(this), plugin = { init: function(){ this.set.position(); this.paths.draw(); this.paths.go(); this.animate.item();

}, set: { position: function(){ $t.find('.item').each(function(i){ var t = $(this); t.css({ left: (s.image.width+s.image.margin)*i+'px' }); t.find('div').each(function(j){ var t = $(this); t.css({ top: (s.image.height+s.image.margin)*j+'px' }); }); }); } }, paths: { draw: function(){ $t.append($('<div />').addClass('paths')); var path = $t.find('.paths'), items = $t.find('.item'); items.each(function(i){ var t = $(this), div = t.find('div'); path.append($('<div />').addClass('path'+i).css({ width: s.path.width+'px', left: (s.path.width+s.path.marginLeft)*i+'px' }) ); div.each(function(j){ $('<a />').attr({ href: '#', rel: j }).css({ width: s.path.width+'px', height: s.path.height+'px', top: (s.path.height+s.path.marginTop)*j+'px' }).appendTo(path.find('.path'+i)) }); }); path.find('.path0').find('a').eq(0).addClass('active'); }, go: function(){ $t.find('.paths').find('a').click(function(){ var t = $(this), all = $t.find('.paths').find('a'), column = t.parent('div').attr('class').split('path')[1], row = t.attr('rel'), inside = $t.find('.inside'), top = row*(s.image.height+s.image.margin), left = column*(s.image.width+s.image.margin); inside.animate({ top: -top+'px', left: -left+'px' }, s.animationSpeed, function(){ plugin.position.get(inside); }); return false; }); }, classes: function(column, row){ var anchors = $t.find('.paths').find('a'), anchor = anchors.filter(function(){ var t = $(this), col = t.parent('div').attr('class').split('path')[1], r = t.attr('rel'); return col == column && r == row; }); anchors.removeClass('active'); anchor.addClass('active'); } }, animate: { item: function(){ var down = { top: '-='+(s.image.height+s.image.margin)+'px' }, up = { top: '+='+(s.image.height+s.image.margin)+'px' }, next = { top: 0, left: '-='+(s.image.width+s.image.margin)+'px' }, prev = { top: 0, left: '+='+(s.image.width+s.image.margin)+'px' } plugin.animate.img('.down', down, 40); plugin.animate.img('.up', up, 38); plugin.animate.img('.next', next, 39); plugin.animate.img('.prev', prev, 37); }, img: function(element, object, key){ var inside = $t.find('.inside'), type = $.browser.mozilla ? 'keypress' : 'keydown'; $(element).click(function(){ var t = $(this); if (!t.hasClass('active')){ inside.animate(object, s.animationSpeed, function(){ plugin.position.get(inside); t.removeClass('active'); }); } t.addClass('active'); return false; }); $(document).bind(type, function(e) { var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which; if(code == key && $(element).is(':visible')) { if (!':animated')) { inside.animate(object, s.animationSpeed, function(){ plugin.position.get(inside); }); } } return false; });

} }, position: { get: function(element){ var top = element.position().top, left = element.position().left; plugin.position.check(top, left); }, check: function(top, left){ top = ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version) == 8 && top != 0) ? top-1 : top; var items = $t.find('.item'), size_left = items.length-1, max_left = -size_left*(s.image.width+s.image.margin), column = left*size_left/max_left, current = items.filter(function(){ return parseInt($(this).css('left')) == -left; }), size_top = current.find('div').length-1, max_top = -size_top*(s.image.height+s.image.margin), row = top*size_top/max_top, arrows = $t.find('.arrows'), up = arrows.find('.up'), down = arrows.find('.down'), next = arrows.find('.next'), prev = arrows.find('.prev'); if (left==max_left){ next.hide(); } else {; } if (left<max_left){location.href = "Home"} if (left<0) {; } else { prev.hide(); } if (top==max_top){ down.hide(); } else {; } if (top<0) {; } else { up.hide(); } plugin.paths.classes(column, row); } } } plugin.init();


}(jQuery)); var o = { init: function(){ this.portfolio.init();

}, portfolio: { data: { }, init: function(){ $('#portfolio').portfolio(; } } }

$(function(){ o.init(); });