

Revision as of 02:31, 11 September 2013 by IgnatzZeng (Talk | contribs)

/* Slider (thanks to */ /*************************************/ .scrollable { /* required settinsg */ position: relative; overflow :hidden;

   margin-top: 14px;
   width: 963px;
   height: 370px;
   border: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
   box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
   -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); /* for the Safari browser */
   background: #FFFFFF;}

.scrollable .items { /* this cannot be too large */ width: 50000px; position: absolute;} .items div { float: left; width: 963px; height: 370px;} .prev {

       background: url(DTU-Denmark2011-slider-prev.png) no-repeat;
       height: 74px;
       width: 74px;
       position: absolute;
           left: -518px; /* ceil(963/2) + 74/2 = 482 + 37 = 519 */
           top: 310px;
       margin-left: 50%;
       cursor: pointer;}

.next {

       background: url(DTU-Denmark2011-slider-next.png) no-repeat;
       height: 74px;
       width: 74px;
       margin-right: 50%;
       position: absolute;
           right: -519px; /* floor(963/2) + 74/2 = 481 + 37 = 518 */
           top: 310px;
       cursor: pointer;}

.disabled {

       visibility: hidden;}

/* position and dimensions of the navigator */ .navi {

   left: -56px;
   margin-left: 50%;
   position: absolute;
   top: 505px;
   width: 112px;}

.navi a { width: 8px; height: 8px; float: left; margin: 3px; background: url(DTU-Denmark2011-slider-navigator-red.png) 0 0 no-repeat; /*background: url(DTU-Denmark2011-slider-navigator-dark.png) 0 0 no-repeat;*/ display: block; font-size: 1px;} .navi a:hover { background-position: 0 -8px;} .navi { background-position: 0 -16px;}

/* Tooltips (thanks to */ /*********************************************/ /*.tooltip {

       z-index: 2;

display:none; background:transparent url(black_arrow.png); font-size:14px; height:70px; width:160px; padding:25px; color:#fff;}

  • /