

Revision as of 16:13, 16 September 2013 by Lanqiao (Talk | contribs)


  • Site Author: Vasterad
  • Skeleton V1.1
  • Copyright 2011, Dave Gamache
  • Free to use under the MIT license.
  • 8/17/2011
  • /

/* ======================================================= */ /* Import Section /* ======================================================= */

/*================================================= */ /* Header ================================================== */

  1. header {background: #363636; padding:0; margin:0;}
  2. logo {display: block; height: 70px;}

.clearfix {content: "."; display: block; height: 0px; clear: both; visibility: hidden;} .spacer {margin-top: 20px;}

/*================================================= */ /* Navigation ================================================== */

  1. navigation select {display: none; width: 100%; padding: 7px; height: 35px}
  2. navigation select option {padding: 5px;}
  3. navigation {float: right;}
  4. navigation ul, #navigation li {list-style:none; padding:0; margin:0; display:inline; }
  5. navigation ul li{ float:left; position:relative; }
  1. navigation ul li a {

font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; display: inline-block; color: #aaa; padding: 23px 18px 26px 18px; text-transform: uppercase; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; border-top: 3px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.1s ease; -ms-transition: all 0.1s ease; -o-transition: all 0.1s ease; transition: all 0.1s ease; margin: 0 -4px 0 0; }

  1. navigation ul li a:hover{

background: #3f3f3f; border-top: 3px solid #81b600; color: #fff; }

  1. navigation ul ul {

opacity: 0;

 	filter: alpha(opacity=0); 

position: absolute; top:-99999px; left: 0; z-index: 999999; background: #3f3f3f; width: 200px; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; -moz-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; -o-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; -ms-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; }

  1. navigation ul ul li a:hover {

background: #81b600; color: #fff !important; border-bottom: 1px solid transparent; border-top: 1px solid transparent; }

  1. navigation ul ul li a {

padding: 8px 15px; display: block; width: 170px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: none; text-decoration: none; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; border-bottom: 1px solid #4a4a4a; border-top: 1px solid transparent; }

  1. navigation ul ul ul {

position:absolute; top:-99999px; left:100%; opacity: 0; -webkit-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; -moz-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; -o-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; -ms-transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; transition: opacity 0.4s ease-out; margin-left: 4px; }

  1. navigation ul li:hover>ul{ opacity: 1; position:absolute; top:99%; left:0;}
  2. navigation ul ul li:hover>ul{ position:absolute; top:0; left:100%; opacity: 1; z-index:497; background: #3f3f3f; border: 0; }
  3. navigation ul li:hover > a {background: #3f3f3f; border-top: 3px solid #81b600; color: #fff;}
  4. navigation ul ul li:hover > a {border-top: 1px solid transparent; color: #aaa;}
  5. current {background: #3f3f3f !important;border-top: 3px solid #81b600 !important;color: #fff !important;}

/*================================================= */ /* Tagline ================================================== */

  1. tagline {

margin: 30px 0; font-size: 22px; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; color: #505050; letter-spacing: -0.6px; text-align: center; line-height: 30px; }

  1. tagline span, #tagline a {

background: #81b600; color: #fff; padding: 0 7px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px; -moz-border-radius: 3px; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease; -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease; -ms-transition: all 0.2s ease; -o-transition: all 0.2s ease; transition: all 0.2s ease; }

  1. tagline span:hover, #tagline a:hover {background: #6b6b6b;}
  2. tagline p {margin: 3px;}

.tagline_page{border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; padding: 0 0 30px 0}

/*================================================= */ /* Subtitle ================================================== */

  1. subtitle {background: #f7f7f7; padding:0; margin:0; border-bottom: 1px solid #d7d7d7;}
  2. subtitle h3 {line-height: 70px; letter-spacing: -0.5px; font-size: 24px;}
  3. subtitle h3 span {color:#999999; font-size: 24px;}

.page_headline { font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, Tahoma; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; padding: 0 0 8px 0; margin: 20px 0; }

/*================================================= */ /* Single Project ================================================== */ .project_overview p { margin: 15px 0; }

.project_overview h3 { font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, Tahoma; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; padding: 0 0 3px 0; margin: 0 0 15px 0; }

.project_navi {margin-top: -55px !important;}

/*================================================= */ /* Blog Post Container ================================================== */

  1. blog_post_container {margin-top: 15px;}

.post {border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; margin-bottom: 15px;}

.post h2 a { font-size: 22px; font-weight: normal; color: #464646; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; line-height: 28px; letter-spacing: -0.5px; }

.post h2 a:hover {color: #777;}

.post-content p { line-height: 20px; margin: 15px 0 0 0; } { font-size: 12px; color: #6f9c00; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; margin: 15px 0 20px 0; display: inline-block; padding: 0 12px 0 0; background: url(../images/bullet_post_entry.png) no-repeat right; background-position: 100% 60%; } { color: #888; background: url(../images/bullet_post_entry_hover.png) no-repeat right; background-position: 100% 60%; }

.post-meta {color: #777; font-size: 12px; margin: 1px 0 15px 0;} .post-meta a {color: #6f9c00;text-decoration: none;} .post-meta a:hover {color: #999;}

.icon-calendar { background: url(../images/calendar_ico.png) no-repeat; display: inline-block; height: 13px; width: 12px; margin: 0 0 -1px 0; padding: 0 5px 0 0; }

.icon-author { background: url(../images/author_ico.png) no-repeat; display: inline-block; height: 16px; width: 13px; margin: 0 0 -5px 8px; padding: 0 8px 0 0; }

.icon-comment { background: url(../images/comment_ico.png) no-repeat; display: inline-block; height: 15px; width: 11px; margin: 0 0 -5px 8px; padding: 0 8px 0 0; }

/* Blog Blockquote */ .post-quote { background: #363636; padding: 20px; }

.post-quote blockquote { color: #ececec; font-family: "Droid Serif", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: italic; line-height: 22px; border-left: 1px solid #545455; padding: 0 0 0 18px; margin-left: 40px;

} .post-quote span, .post-quote a {color: #7db000; text-decoration: none;}

.post-quote .icon { background: url(../images/quote_ico.png) no-repeat; height: 15px; width: 25px; display: block; float: left; margin: 4px 0 0 0; }

/** Comments **/ .comments-sec{float:left; width:100%; line-height: 20px;} .comments-sec h3 {font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; color: #464646; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; margin: -9px 0 0 0; padding-bottom: 8px; letter-spacing: -0.5px;} .comments-sec h3 span {color: #888;}

ol.commentlist{float:left; width:100%;} ol.commentlist li{float:left; border-top:1px solid #e1e1e1; padding: 25px 0 20px 0;} ol.commentlist li:first-child{border:none; padding: 25px 0 0px 0;} ol.commentlist li{list-style: none;}

ol li ol.childlist{ float:right; width:89%; margin:0px} ol.commentlist li ol.childlist li:first-child{border-top:1px solid #e1e1e1; padding: 25px 0 0 0; font-size: 12px;} ol.commentlist li ol.childlist li{border-top:1px solid #e1e1e1; margin:25px 0 15px 0; font-size: 12px;}

.comments{float:left; width:100%} ol li ol.childlist .comment-des{ float:right; width:88%} .avatar{float:left}

.comment-des{float:right; width:89%} .comment-des strong{float:left; color:#464646; padding-right:5px; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; letter-spacing: -0.5px;} .comment-des span{float:left; color:#777; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif;} .comment-by{float:left; width:100%; padding-bottom:5px; padding-top:5px; color: #000;} .comment-by span.reply{color:#777; float:right} .comment-by span.reply a{color:#6f9c00; font-weight:bold; float:right; height:17px; margin-left:5px; font-weight: normal;} .comment-by span.reply a:hover{border:none; color: #888;} .comment-by{color:#888; padding-right:7px; float:right}

/** Leave a Comment **/ .form_comment label { display: block; color: #676767; margin-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 4px; }

.form_comment label span {color:#dd1d1d;}

.form_comment input, .form_comment textarea { width: 250px; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; color: #999; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; padding: 8px; background-color: #fff; outline: none; cursor: text; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; }

.form_comment textarea { width: 97%; max-width: 97%; height:140px; }

.form_comment input:focus, .form_comment textarea:focus { border: 1px solid #d1d1d1; color: #676767; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; }

.form_send input {margin: 10px 0 20px 0;}

/*================================================= */ /* Blog - Widget ================================================== */

  1. blog_widget_container {margin-top: 32px;}

.search input { width: 85%; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; color: #999; font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial; padding: 8px 15px 8px 28px; background: url(../images/search_ico.png) no-repeat 4% 54%; background-color: #fff; outline: none; cursor: text; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 15px; }

.search input:focus { border: 1px solid #d1d1d1; color: #676767; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; }

.widget {margin-bottom: 20px;} .widget-text p {color: #676767; line-height: 21px;}

.widget-title h3 { font-size: 14px; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, Tahoma; font-weight: bold; color: #464646; letter-spacing: -0.5px; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; padding-bottom: 1px; margin-bottom: 9px; }

.widget-categories a {color: #676767; display: block;} .widget-categories a:hover {color: #6f9c00;}

.widget-categories li { background: url(../images/bullet_categories.png) no-repeat 0% 50%; padding: 3px 12px; margin:0; list-style: none; }

/* Twitter - Blog */

  1. twitter-blog {

font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; float: left; display: block; color: #676767; }

  1. twitter-blog b a {color: #999999;}
  2. twitter-blog li {line-height: 21px;}
  3. twitter-blog li:last-child {padding: 0; margin: 0;}
  4. twitter-blog a {color: #6f9c00;}
  5. twitter-blog a:hover {color: #999;}

/* Flickr - Blog */ .flickr-widget-blog {margin-right: -12px; margin-top: 15px;} .flickr-widget-blog img {display: block; width: 100%;} .flickr-widget-blog a:hover {border-color: #6b6b6b;}

.flickr-widget-blog a { float: left; width: 55px; height: 55px; margin-right: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; border: 3px solid #dcdcdc; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;

   -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
   -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
   -ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
   transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;


a.older_entires { float: left; margin: 5px 0 20px 0; color: #676767; padding: 0 0 0 12px; background: url(../images/bullet_post_entry_hover_left.png) no-repeat left; background-position: 0% 60%; }

a.older_entires:hover { color: #6f9c00; background: url(../images/bullet_post_entry_left.png) no-repeat left; background-position: 0% 60%; }

a.newer_entires { float: right; margin: 5px 0 20px 0; color: #676767; padding: 0 12px 0 0; background: url(../images/bullet_post_entry_hover.png) no-repeat right; background-position: 100% 60%; }

.newer_entires:hover { color: #6f9c00; background: url(../images/bullet_post_entry.png) no-repeat right; background-position: 100% 60%; }

/*================================================= */ /* Features ================================================== */ .feature {margin: 0 0 20px 0;} {margin: 0 0 40px 0;} .feature-description {margin-left: 45px;}

.feature h4 { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; }

.feature-circle { font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; font-family: "open sans", sans-serif; display: inline-block; width: 35px; line-height: 35px; text-align: center; color: #fff; -moz-border-radius: 50px; -webkit-border-radius: 50px; border-radius: 50px; float: left; margin-top: 10px; } {background: #81b600;} .feature-circle.gray {background: #6b6b6b;}

/*================================================= */ /* Image Overlay ================================================== */ .item-img, .post-thumb, .slides {position: relative;}

.overlay { height: 100%;

   left: 0;
   position: absolute;
   top: 0px;
   width: 100%;
   z-index: 1;

z-index: 40; opacity: 0; -moz-opacity: 0; filter:alpha(opacity=0); -webkit-transition: opacity 150ms ease-in-out; -moz-transition: opacity 150ms ease-in-out; -o-transition: opacity 150ms ease-in-out; transition: opacity 150ms ease-in-out; } {background: url(../images/overlay_link.png) no-repeat center center, url(../images/overlay_bg.png) center center;} .overlay.zoom {background: url(../images/overlay_zoom.png) no-repeat center center, url(../images/overlay_bg.png) center center;}

.overlay:hover { opacity: 1; -moz-opacity: 1; filter:alpha(opacity=100); }

.item {margin: 0 0 35px 0;}

.item-meta h4 { font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; line-height: 16px; padding: 16px 0 0 0;


.meta-blog p {color: #676767;} .item-meta {color: #888;} .item-meta h4 a:hover{color:#6f9c00;} .item-meta span {color: #a0a0a0; display: block; line-height: 18px;} .item-meta p {line-height: 18px; margin-top: 7px;}

/*================================================= */ /* Headlines ================================================== */

  1. divider {

margin: 17px 0 26px 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; }

.related-title { background: url(../images/divider_bg.png) repeat-x; background-position: 50% 62%; margin: 0 0 15px 0; }

.related-title span { color: #464646; font-size: 18px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; background: #fdfdfd; padding: 0 10px 0 0; }

/*================================================= */ /* Testimonials ================================================== */ .testimonial_page {margin-bottom: 40px;}

.testimonials { background: #fff; border: 1px solid #ddd; padding:20px; line-height: 21px; }

.testimonials_bg { background: url(../images/testimonials_bg.png) no-repeat; margin-top: -1px; display: block; width: 200px; height: 30px; }

.testimonials_author { color:#6f9c00; float: right; display: block; margin-top: -23px; margin-bottom: 20px; }

.testimonials_author_page { color:#6f9c00; float: right; display: block; margin-top: -23px; margin-bottom: 20px; }

.testimonials_author span {color:#a0a0a0} .testimonials_author_page span {color:#a0a0a0}

/* Testomonials Carousel */ .carousel-disabled, .mr-rotato-disabled { height: 21px; width: 21px; background-color: #c0c0c0 !important; display: block; position: absolute; }

.mr-rotato-next { height: 21px; width: 21px; background: url(../images/carousel-next.png); background-color: #6b6b6b; display: block; position: absolute; right: 10px; }

.mr-rotato-prev { height: 21px; width: 21px; background: url(../images/carousel-prev.png); background-color: #6b6b6b; display: block; right: 33px; position: absolute; }

.mr-rotato-prev, .mr-rotato-next, .mr-rotato-disabled { margin-top: -45px; -moz-border-radius: 50px; -webkit-border-radius: 50px; border-radius: 50px; -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;

   -moz-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   -o-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   -ms-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;


.mr-rotato-prev:hover, .mr-rotato-next:hover {background-color:#81b600; }

/*================================================= */ /* Contact Form Styles ================================================== */

  1. google_map {padding: 0 0 40% 0;}

.page_content {margin-bottom: 25px;}

.page_content span.no_error { display: block; color: #458e4b; font-weight: normal; background-color: #defbc7; border: 1px solid #abcf9d;

   font-size: 12px;

text-align: center; height: 0; opacity:0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); -ms-filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0); overflow:hidden; width: 100%; }

.contact_submit {margin: 10px 0 0 0;}

.contact_text { width: 250px; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; color: #888; font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 9px; background-color: #fff; outline: none; }

.contact_form label { display: block;

   margin: 20px 0 5px 0;


.contact_form label span {color: #ff0000;}

.contact_textarea { width: 96%; max-width: 96%; height: 140px; border: 1px solid #d7d7d7; color: #888; font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 10px; background-color: #fff; outline: none; }

.input_error {background: #ffeceb; border: 1px solid #f2c4c2;} .input_noerror {background: #fff; border: 1px solid #d8d8d8;}

.contact_text:focus, .contact_textarea:focus { border: 1px solid #cbcbcb; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; box-shadow: 0 0 3px #e8e8e8; }

.address_contact {color:#676767; font-family: Tahoma,arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom:12px; line-height: 18px;} .address_contact img{float:left; padding-right:7px} .address_contact strong{font-weight:bold; color:#555; display:block; float:left; padding-bottom:8px; padding-right:4px; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif} .address_contact a{color:#6f9c00} .address_contact a:hover{color:#888}

/*================================================= */ /* Portfolio Styles ================================================== */

  1. filters {

float: left; margin-top: 25px; padding-bottom: 15px; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; display: block; width: 100%; margin-bottom: 20px; }

  1. filters ul li {

display: inline; padding: 0 10px 0 0; margin: 0 5px 0 0; background: url(../images/filter_divider.png) no-repeat 100% 50%; }

  1. filters li:last-child {background: none;}
  1. filters a {

color: #777; font-size: 12px; -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;

   -moz-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   -o-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   -ms-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;

padding: 2px 5px; }

  1. filters a:hover {

color: #fff; background: #888; padding: 2px 5px; }

.selected {background: #81b600; color: #fff !important;} .selected:hover {background: #81b600!important;}

.portfolio-item {margin-bottom: 20px;}

.portfolio-item-meta h4 { font-size: 12px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; line-height: 16px; padding: 12px 0 8px 0; margin: 0 0 8px 0; border-bottom: 1px solid #e1e1e1; }

.portfolio-item-meta a:hover {color:#6f9c00;} .portfolio-item-meta p {color: #888;}

/*================================================= */ /* Isotope Styles ================================================== */

/**** Isotope Filtering ****/

.isotope-item { z-index: 2; }

.isotope-hidden.isotope-item { pointer-events: none; z-index: 1; }

/**** Isotope CSS3 transitions ****/

.isotope, .isotope .isotope-item { -webkit-transition-duration: 0.8s; -moz-transition-duration: 0.8s; -ms-transition-duration: 0.8s; -o-transition-duration: 0.8s; transition-duration: 0.8s; }

.isotope { -webkit-transition-property: height, width; -moz-transition-property: height, width; -ms-transition-property: height, width; -o-transition-property: height, width; transition-property: height, width; }

.isotope .isotope-item { -webkit-transition-property: -webkit-transform, opacity; -moz-transition-property: -moz-transform, opacity; -ms-transition-property: -ms-transform, opacity; -o-transition-property: top, left, opacity; transition-property: transform, opacity; }

/**** Disabling Isotope CSS3 transitions ****/, .isotope-item, .isotope { -webkit-transition-duration: 0s; -moz-transition-duration: 0s; -ms-transition-duration: 0s; -o-transition-duration: 0s; transition-duration: 0s; }

/* Disable CSS transitions for containers with infinite scrolling*/ .isotope.infinite-scrolling { -webkit-transition: none; -moz-transition: none; -ms-transition: none; -o-transition: none; transition: none; }

/*================================================= */ /* About ================================================== */ .clients {border: 1px solid #e1e1e1; background: #fff; width: 100%; margin: 0 0 20px 0;} .team_img {border: 1px solid #e1e1e1; margin-bottom:15px;} .team {margin-bottom: 30px} .team h4 { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; color: #464646; line-height: 17px; }

.team span {color: #777;} .team p {padding-top: 8px;}

/*================================================= */ /* Footer ================================================== */

  1. footer {background: #363636; margin: 0; color:#bbbbbb; padding: 5px 0; }
  2. footer p {line-height: 20px;}
  3. footer_bottom {background: #3f3f3f; border-top: 1px solid #484848;}
  4. footer-logo {height: 70px; margin: 5px 0 0 0;}
  1. footer h4 {

font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; color:#fff; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; display: block; border-bottom: 1px solid #484848; padding: 10px 0; margin: 5px 0 15px 0; }

.copyright, .author-info {line-height: 50px; color: #aaa;} .copyright a, .copyright span, .author-info a, .author-info span {color:#ffffff;} .author-info {float: right;}

/*================================================= */ /* Footer - Social Icons ================================================== */{ float: left; width:100%; margin-top: 18px; } li{ float:left; margin-right:5px; width:27px; height:27px; display: block; } li a { -webkit-transition: opacity 120ms ease-in-out; -moz-transition: opacity 120ms ease-in-out; -o-transition: opacity 120ms ease-in-out; transition: opacity 120ms ease-in-out; float:left; width:27px; height:27px; display: block; -moz-opacity: 0.4;opacity: 0.4; filter:alpha(opacity=0.4); } li a:hover { opacity: 1; -moz-opacity: 1; } li.facebook a{background:url(../images/social_icons/facebook.png) no-repeat;} li.twitter a{background:url(../images/social_icons/twitter.png) no-repeat;} li.vimeo a{background:url(../images/social_icons/vimeo.png) no-repeat;} li.linked a{background:url(../images/social_icons/linked.png) no-repeat;} a{background:url(../images/social_icons/flickr.png) no-repeat;} li.behance a{background:url(../images/social_icons/behance.png) no-repeat;} li.delicious a{background:url(../images/social_icons/delicious.png) no-repeat;} li.deviantart a{background:url(../images/social_icons/deviantart.png) no-repeat;} li.dribbble a{background:url(../images/social_icons/dribbble.png) no-repeat;} li.forrst a{background:url(../images/social_icons/forrst.png) no-repeat;} a{background:url(../images/social_icons/google.png) no-repeat;} li.lastfm a{background:url(../images/social_icons/lastfm.png) no-repeat;} li.myspace a{background:url(../images/social_icons/myspace.png) no-repeat;} li.picassa a{background:url(../images/social_icons/picassa.png) no-repeat;} li.quik a{background:url(../images/social_icons/quik.png) no-repeat;} li.reddit a{background:url(../images/social_icons/reddit.png) no-repeat;} li.rss a{background:url(../images/social_icons/rss.png) no-repeat;}

/*================================================= */ /* Footer - Address ================================================== */ .address{color:#bbb; font-family: Tahoma,arial, sans-serif; padding-bottom:12px; line-height: 18px;} .address img{float:left; padding-right:7px} .address strong{font-weight:bold; color:#fff; display:block; float:left; padding-bottom:8px; padding-right:4px; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif} .address a{color:#75a500} .address a:hover{color:#bbb}

/*================================================= */ /* Footer - Twitter Widget ================================================== */

  1. twitter {

font-size: 12px; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; float: left; display: block; color: #bbb; margin-bottom: 20px; }

  1. twitter b a {color: #6b6b6b}
  2. twitter li {line-height: 18px;}
  3. twitter li:last-child {padding: 0; margin: 0;}
  4. twitter a {color: #75a500;}
  5. twitter a:hover {color: #bbb;}

/*================================================= */ /* Footer - Flickr Widget ================================================== */ .flickr-widget {margin-right: -6px}

.flickr-widget a { float: left; width: 42px; height: 42px; margin-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 8px; border: 3px solid #6b6b6b; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;

   -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
   -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
   -ms-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;
   transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;


.flickr-widget img {display: block;width: 100%;} .flickr-widget a:hover {border-color: #c0c0c0;}

/*================================================= */ /* Back To Top ================================================== */

  1. backtotop {

position: fixed; right:0px; display:none; bottom: 20px; margin: 0 20px 0 0; }

  1. backtotop a {

text-decoration:none; border:0 none; display:block; width:45px; height:45px; background: url(../images/back_to_top_btn.png) no-repeat 50% 50%; background-color:#c0c0c0; -webkit-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;

   -moz-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   -o-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   -ms-transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;
   transition: all 0.1s ease-in-out;


  1. backtotop a:hover {background-color: #81b600;}

/*================================================= */ /* #Media Queries ================================================== */ /* Desktop 960 */ @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) { .flexslider.home {height: 390px;} .flexslider {min-height: 1px;} {height: auto;} #portfolio-wrapper {min-height: 600px;} }

/* Smaller than standard 960 (devices and browsers) */ @media only screen and (max-width: 959px) {}

/* Tablet Portrait size to standard 960 (devices and browsers) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) { #tagline {font-size: 20px} #navigation ul li a {font-size: 11px;} #navigation ul ul li a {font-size: 12px;} .testimonials_author {display: none;} .flickr-widget a {height: 45px; width: 45px;} .flickr-widget-blog a {height: 59px; width: 59px;} .avatar {height: 40px; width: 40px;} }

/* All Mobile Sizes (devices and browser) */ @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { #navigation {float: left; width: 100%} #navigation select {display: block; float: left;} #navigation ul {display: none;} .slider-caption {display: none;} .slider-caption-2 {display: none;} #tagline {font-size: 20px} .author-info {display: none} .copyright {font-size: 11px;} .mr-rotato-prev, .mr-rotato-next, .mr-rotato-disabled {margin-right: -10px;} .flickr-widget {margin-bottom: 25px;} .meta-blog h4 {padding-top: 0;margin-top: 0;} #blog_widget_container {display: none;} .portfolio-item-meta {margin: 0 0 25px 0} #backtotop a {display: none;} }

/* Mobile Landscape Size to Tablet Portrait (devices and browsers) */ @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) { .flickr-widget a {height: 39px; width: 39px;} .img-blog {float: left; width: 30%; margin: 0 15px 15px 0;} .avatar {height: 35px; width: 35px;} .contact_textarea {width: 94%; max-width: 94%;} }

/* Mobile Portrait Size to Mobile Landscape Size (devices and browsers) */ @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) { .flickr-widget a {height: 47px; width: 47px;} .img-blog {float: left; width: 30%; margin: 0 15px 15px 0;} .meta-blog span, .meta-blog p {font-size: 11px; padding:0; line-height: 18px; margin: 0;} .post-meta {display: none;} .post h2 a {margin-bottom: 10px;} .avatar {height: 25px; width: 25px;} .contact_textarea {width: 92%; max-width: 92%;} } html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed, figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-size: 100%; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; } article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section { display: block; } body { line-height: 1; } ol, ul { list-style: none; } blockquote, q { quotes: none; } blockquote:before, blockquote:after, q:before, q:after { content: ; content: none; } table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }

/* #Basic Styles ================================================== */ body { background: #fdfdfd; font: 12px/21px Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; color: #676767; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; /* Fix for webkit rendering */ -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%;


/* Basic Alginment ================================================== */ .columns img, .column img{max-width: 100%; height: auto;} .content img{border: 1px solid #dfdfdf; margin-bottom: 15px;}

.align-left{float: left;} .align-center{text-align: center;} .align-right{float: right}

img.align-left{float: left; margin: 0 15px 12px 0;} img.align-center{text-align: center; clear: both; margin: 15px auto; display: block;} img.align-right{float: right; margin: 0 0 12px 15px;}

img, object, video {max-width: 100%; height: auto;display:block;} img {width: auto;max-width: 100%; border: 0;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;}

/* Flexible Embeds */ .embed {

   position: relative;
   padding: 0px;
   padding-bottom: 56.25%; /* 16/9 ratio */
   height: 0;
   overflow: hidden;


.embed iframe, .embed object, .embed embed {

   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
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   height: 100%;


.clearfix {content: "."; display: block; height: 0px; clear: both; visibility: hidden;} .spacer {margin-top: 20px;}

/* #Typography ================================================== */ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: #464646; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: normal; } h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a { font-weight: inherit; } h1 { font-size: 36px; line-height: 50px;} h2 { font-size: 25px; line-height: 40px; } h3 { font-size: 18px; line-height: 34px; } h4 { font-size: 16px; line-height: 30px; } h5 { font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; } h6 { font-size: 12px; line-height: 21px; } .subheader { color: #777; }

p {} p img { margin: 0; } p.lead { font-size: 21px; line-height: 27px; color: #777; }

em { font-style: italic; } strong { font-weight: bold; color: #333; } small { font-size: 80%; }

/* #Links ================================================== */ a, a:visited { color: #333; text-decoration: none; outline: 0;-webkit-transition: color 0.1s ease-in-out; -moz-transition: color 0.1s ease-in-out; -o-transition: color 0.1s ease-in-out; -transition: color 0.1s ease-in-out;} a:hover, a:focus { color: #000; } p a, p a:visited { line-height: inherit; }

/* #Lists ================================================== */ ul, ol { } ul { list-style: none outside; } ol { list-style: decimal; } ol, ul.square,, ul.disc { } ul.square { list-style: square outside; } { list-style: circle outside; } ul.disc { list-style: disc outside; } ul ul, ul ol, ol ol, ol ul { margin: 4px 0 5px 30px; font-size: 90%; } ul ul li, ul ol li, ol ol li, ol ul li { margin-bottom: 6px; } li { line-height: 18px; margin-bottom: 12px; } ul.large li { line-height: 21px; } li p { line-height: 21px; }

/* #Images ================================================== */

img.scale-with-grid { max-width: 100%; height: auto; }

/* #Responsive Menu ================================================== */ select { border: 0px; padding: 6px 4px; outline: none; font: 13px "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color: #777; margin: 0; width: 210px; cursor: pointer; max-width: 100%; display: block; margin-bottom: 20px; background: #fff; }

select{padding: 0;}

.container { position: relative; width: 960px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; }

   .container .column,
   .container .columns                         { float: left; display: inline; margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; }
   .row                                        { margin-bottom: 20px; }
   /* Nested Column Classes */
   .column.alpha, .columns.alpha               { margin-left: 0; },               { margin-right: 0; }
   /* Base Grid */
   .container .one.column,
   .container .one.columns                     { width: 40px;  }
   .container .two.columns                     { width: 100px; }
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   .container .four.columns                    { width: 220px; }
   .container .five.columns                    { width: 280px; }
   .container .six.columns                     { width: 340px; }
   .container .seven.columns                   { width: 400px; }
   .container .eight.columns                   { width: 460px; }
   .container .nine.columns                    { width: 520px; }
   .container .ten.columns                     { width: 580px; }
   .container .eleven.columns                  { width: 640px; }
   .container .twelve.columns                  { width: 700px; }
   .container .thirteen.columns                { width: 760px; }
   .container .fourteen.columns                { width: 820px; }
   .container .fifteen.columns                 { width: 880px; }
   .container .sixteen.columns                 { width: 940px; }
   .container .one-third.column                { width: 300px; }
   .container .two-thirds.column               { width: 620px; }
   /* Offsets */
   .container .offset-by-one                   { padding-left: 60px;  }
   .container .offset-by-two                   { padding-left: 120px; }
   .container .offset-by-three                 { padding-left: 180px; }
   .container .offset-by-four                  { padding-left: 240px; }
   .container .offset-by-five                  { padding-left: 300px; }
   .container .offset-by-six                   { padding-left: 360px; }
   .container .offset-by-seven                 { padding-left: 420px; }
   .container .offset-by-eight                 { padding-left: 480px; }
   .container .offset-by-nine                  { padding-left: 540px; }
   .container .offset-by-ten                   { padding-left: 600px; }
   .container .offset-by-eleven                { padding-left: 660px; }
   .container .offset-by-twelve                { padding-left: 720px; }
   .container .offset-by-thirteen              { padding-left: 780px; }
   .container .offset-by-fourteen              { padding-left: 840px; }
   .container .offset-by-fifteen               { padding-left: 900px; }

/* #Tablet (Portrait) ================================================== */

   /* Note: Design for a width of 768px */
   @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 959px) {
       .container                                  { width: 768px; }
       .container .column,
       .container .columns                         { margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px;  }
       .column.alpha, .columns.alpha               { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 10px; },               { margin-right: 0; margin-left: 10px; }                                { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; }
       .container .one.column,
       .container .one.columns                     { width: 28px; }
       .container .two.columns                     { width: 76px; }
       .container .three.columns                   { width: 124px; }
       .container .four.columns                    { width: 172px; }
       .container .five.columns                    { width: 220px; }
       .container .six.columns                     { width: 268px; }
       .container .seven.columns                   { width: 316px; }
       .container .eight.columns                   { width: 364px; }
       .container .nine.columns                    { width: 412px; }
       .container .ten.columns                     { width: 460px; }
       .container .eleven.columns                  { width: 508px; }
       .container .twelve.columns                  { width: 556px; }
       .container .thirteen.columns                { width: 604px; }
       .container .fourteen.columns                { width: 652px; }
       .container .fifteen.columns                 { width: 700px; }
       .container .sixteen.columns                 { width: 748px; }
       .container .one-third.column                { width: 236px; }
       .container .two-thirds.column               { width: 492px; }
       /* Offsets */
       .container .offset-by-one                   { padding-left: 48px; }
       .container .offset-by-two                   { padding-left: 96px; }
       .container .offset-by-three                 { padding-left: 144px; }
       .container .offset-by-four                  { padding-left: 192px; }
       .container .offset-by-five                  { padding-left: 240px; }
       .container .offset-by-six                   { padding-left: 288px; }
       .container .offset-by-seven                 { padding-left: 336px; }
       .container .offset-by-eight                 { padding-left: 384px; }
       .container .offset-by-nine                  { padding-left: 432px; }
       .container .offset-by-ten                   { padding-left: 480px; }
       .container .offset-by-eleven                { padding-left: 528px; }
       .container .offset-by-twelve                { padding-left: 576px; }
       .container .offset-by-thirteen              { padding-left: 624px; }
       .container .offset-by-fourteen              { padding-left: 672px; }
       .container .offset-by-fifteen               { padding-left: 720px; }

/* #Mobile (Portrait) ================================================== */

   /* Note: Design for a width of 320px */
   @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
       .container { width: 300px; }
       .container .columns,
       .container .column { margin: 0; }
       .container .one.column,
       .container .one.columns,
       .container .two.columns,
       .container .three.columns,
       .container .four.columns,
       .container .five.columns,
       .container .six.columns,
       .container .seven.columns,
       .container .eight.columns,
       .container .nine.columns,
       .container .ten.columns,
       .container .eleven.columns,
       .container .twelve.columns,
       .container .thirteen.columns,
       .container .fourteen.columns,
       .container .fifteen.columns,
       .container .sixteen.columns,
       .container .one-third.column,
       .container .two-thirds.column  { width: 300px; }
       /* Offsets */
       .container .offset-by-one,
       .container .offset-by-two,
       .container .offset-by-three,
       .container .offset-by-four,
       .container .offset-by-five,
       .container .offset-by-six,
       .container .offset-by-seven,
       .container .offset-by-eight,
       .container .offset-by-nine,
       .container .offset-by-ten,
       .container .offset-by-eleven,
       .container .offset-by-twelve,
       .container .offset-by-thirteen,
       .container .offset-by-fourteen,
       .container .offset-by-fifteen { padding-left: 0; }

/* #Mobile (Landscape) ================================================== */

   /* Note: Design for a width of 480px */
   @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) {
       .container { width: 420px; }
       .container .columns,
       .container .column { margin: 0; }
       .container .one.column,
       .container .one.columns,
       .container .two.columns,
       .container .three.columns,
       .container .four.columns,
       .container .five.columns,
       .container .six.columns,
       .container .seven.columns,
       .container .eight.columns,
       .container .nine.columns,
       .container .ten.columns,
       .container .eleven.columns,
       .container .twelve.columns,
       .container .thirteen.columns,
       .container .fourteen.columns,
       .container .fifteen.columns,
       .container .sixteen.columns,
       .container .one-third.column,
       .container .two-thirds.column { width: 420px; }

/* #Clearing ================================================== */

   /* Self Clearing Goodness */
   .container:after { content: "\0020"; display: block; height: 0; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
   /* Use clearfix class on parent to clear nested columns,
or wrap each row of columns in a
   .row:after {
     content: '\0020';
     display: block;
     overflow: hidden;
     visibility: hidden;
     width: 0;
     height: 0; }
   .clearfix:after {
     clear: both; }
   .clearfix {
     zoom: 1; }
   /* You can also use a 
to clear columns */ .clear { clear: both; display: block; overflow: hidden; visibility: hidden; width: 0; height: 0; }

.flex-container a:active, .flexslider a:active, .flex-container a:focus, .flexslider a:focus {outline: none;} .slides, .flex-control-nav, .flex-direction-nav {margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none;}

/* FlexSlider Necessary Styles

                                                                  • /

.flexslider {margin: 0; padding: 0;} .flexslider .slides > li {display: none; -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;} /* Hide the slides before the JS is loaded. Avoids image jumping */ .flexslider .slides img {max-width: 100%; display: block;} .flex-pauseplay span {text-transform: capitalize;}

/* Clearfix for the .slides element */ .slides:after {content: "."; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; line-height: 0; height: 0;} html[xmlns] .slides {display: block;}

  • html .slides {height: 1%;}

/* No JavaScript Fallback */ /* If you are not using another script, such as Modernizr, make sure you

* include js that eliminates this class on page load */

.no-js .slides > li:first-child {display: block;}

/* FlexSlider Default Theme

                                                                  • /

.flexslider {position: relative; zoom: 1;} .flexslider .slides {zoom: 1;} .flexslider .slides > li {position: relative;} /* Suggested container for "Slide" animation setups. Can replace this with your own, if you wish */ .flex-container {zoom: 1; position: relative;}

/* Caption Style 1 */ .slider-caption {width: 30%; padding: 22px; margin: 0 0 20px 20px; position: absolute; left: 0; bottom: 0; background: url(../images/slider_caption_bg.png); color: #aaa; font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 19px;} .slider-caption h3 {color: #fff; font-size: 16px; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; padding-bottom: 10px; margin:0; line-height: 22px; }

/* Caption Style 2 */ .slider-caption-2 {margin-left: 20px; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 40%; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: 19px;} .slider-caption-2 h3 {padding: 8px 10px; color: #fff; font-size: 19px; font-family: "Open Sans", Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold; letter-spacing: -0.5px; margin:0; line-height: 22px; background:#81b600; display: inline-block;}

.slider-caption p, .slider-caption-2 p{line-height: 19px; } .slider-caption-2 p{background: #363636; padding: 5px 10px;}

/* Control Nav */ .flex-control-nav {width: 100%; text-align: center; margin-top: 8px;} .flex-control-nav li {margin: 0 0 0 3px; display: inline-block; zoom: 1; *display: inline;} .flex-control-nav li:first-child {margin: 0;} .flex-control-nav li a {width: 14px; height: 14px; display: block; background: url(../images/slider_nav.png) no-repeat; cursor: pointer; text-indent: -999em;} .flex-control-nav li a:hover {background-position: 0 -0px;}

.flex-control-nav li {background-position: 0 -14px; cursor: default;}