Team:Washington/DNA SEQUENCING
DNA Sequencing
- Add 10uL of miniprep DNA (at least 50ng/ul) + 5 uL of primer to a PCR Strip Tube. The only labels on the Tube should be AC01 ... ACXX (depending on the number of samples, XX)
Create a COPY of the genewiz_premix document (in folder) and rename it with today’s date.
- Enter your DNA Name (make sure it is not redundant and in order of wells you are submitting)
- DNA Type --> "Plasmid" (click the Type button to autofill the rest, same for all others)
- DNA Length --> "6000kb"
- Primer Name → i.e. "VF2" or "VR" (if you want forward or reverse, respectively)
Send Google doc to Advisor in sharing options.
- Print out receipt (Send to an advisor and we can print it out) and place labeled samples (AC01 ... ACXX) and order sheet in a Plastic Bag and then Drop Box
- When sequencing is completed you can view the results by logging in going to the appropriate link under "Recent Orders" on the lower right side of the screen