Team:Imperial College/Collaboration


Revision as of 14:33, 25 September 2013 by Rkelwick (Talk | contribs)



If you would like to collaborate just contact us via Twitter @imperialigem

Helpers at SB6

The BioBricks Foundation Synthetic Biology Conference Series (SBx.0 Conference) is the world’s foremost professional meeting in the field of synthetic biology. The BioBricks Foundation is the proud organizer of the conference series and this year Imperial had the honour of hosting the conference. SB6 ran 9th-11th July 2013. We were helpers at the conference, working behind the scenes to help delegates and in collaboration with the event organisers we ensured everything ran smoothly.

We were also lucky enough to see some great talks, and enjoyed networking amongst the synbio community! The buzz of SB6.0 gave us a boost and the inspiration for our iGEM project.


Presented at the YSB1.0 meeting

We presented at the very first Young Synthetic Biologists meeting at the Wellcome Trust. YSB1.0 was designed as an extension of the UK iGEM team meetup that has been organised in previous years. We had a great time and loved sharing our ideas, networking and having fun with the rest of the UK iGEM community. As an additional bonus, Randy Rettberg, one of the co-founders and current president of the iGEM foundation gave us an inspirational talk.

SPS High School iGEM team

Yale: PLA-degradation

UCL: Modelling


With SPS HSigem team.jpg
iGEMHS Team: Saint Paul's
Presented at the Young Synthetic Biologists meeting
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We were helpers at SB6
We transformed and sent for sequencing BioBrick parts BBa_C0061 and BBa_C0062 from our 2013 parts distribution. We were prepared to send the physical DNA to the team, however this became unnecessary since following our transformation advice the team was successful in obtaining the DNA from their own distribution.
We contributed comments and suggestions to the teams characterisation survey
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We responded to the NRP_UEA-Norwich iGEM team request for soil samples.
Gave B. subtilis promoter advice to the Chicago iGEM team.

Our Sponsors

TueSponsorsEppendorf.png 125px Invitrogen.jpg Geneart.jpg CSynBI.JPG