

Revision as of 03:44, 28 September 2013 by Rathinho (Talk | contribs)
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$(document).ready(function() {

   var data = [{
       time: "10th Mar.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Recruitment of Team Member -- 10th,Mar. to 30th,Mar.', 'Promulgation and Seminar -- 10th,Mar. to 10th,Mar.', 'Interview with Applicants -- 18th,Mar. to 18th,Mar.', 'Kick-off Meeting -- 30th,Mar to 30th,Mar']
   }, {
       time: "1st Apr.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Project Start-up -- 1st,Apr. to 30th,Apr.', 'Literature Review of Synthetic Biology -- 1st,Apr. to 30th,Apr.', 'Model Preparation -- 1st,Apr. to 30th,Apr.', 'Logo Design -- 1st,Apr. to 15th,Apr.', 'Wiki Page Initialization -- 1st,Apr. to 15th,Apr.', 'Wiki Headers, Footers and Links -- 16th,Apr. to 21th,Apr.', 'Wiki Content -- 23th,Apr. to 23th,Apr.', 'Wiki Content and Framework -- 23th,Apr. to 29th,Apr.', 'Software Programming Framework Construction -- 1st,Apr. to 30th,Apr.']
   }, {
       time: "1st May.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Topic Selection -- 1st,May. to 30th,May.', 'Paticipation in the iGEM seminar held by Beijing Genomics Institute -- 26th,May. to 26th,May.', 'Document of Regulated Promoter -- 7th,May. to 12th,May.', 'Selection of Topic -- 1st,May. to 30th,May.']
   }, {
       time: "1st Jun.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['School Final Examination Month -- 1st,Jun. to 30th,Jun.', 'Programing -- 1st,Jun. to 15th,Jun.', 'Document for Plasmid assembling Experiment -- 25th,May. to 2nd,Jun.', 'Game Document -- 25th,Jun. to 27th,Jun.']
   }, {
       time: "1st July.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Front end -- 1st,July. to 31th,July.', 'Interaction Document -- 1st,July. to 8th,July.', 'Programming -- 9th,July. to 1st,Aug.', 'Game -- 8th,July. to 24th,July.', 'Design of Wiki Page -- 8th,July. to 23th,July.', 'Core Part of Modeling -- 1st,July. to 20th,July.', 'Biotic Experiment -- 25th,July. to 3rd,Aug.']
   }, {
       time: "1st Aug.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Back end and Interface -- 1st,Aug. to 31th,Aug.', 'Database Development -- 2nd,Aug. to 2nd,Aug.', 'Computation of Experssion Rate -- 3rd,Aug. to 3rd,Aug.', 'Front end Document Version 2.0 -- 6th,Aug. to 6th,Aug.', 'Back end Document -- 1st,Aug. to 7th,Aug.', 'Front end UI Design -- 3rd,Aug. to 10th,Aug.', 'Back end Demo,12 days -- 4th,Aug. to 15th,Aug.', 'Full Version of Modeling -- 4th,Aug. to 15th,Aug.', 'Front end Graphical Interface Update -- 6th,Aug. to 31th,Aug.', 'Data Collection -- 16th,Aug. to 31th,Aug.']
   }, {
       time: "5th Aug.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Human Practice -- 5th,Aug. to 20th.Sep.', 'Team T-shirt Initial Design -- 5th,Aug. to 15th,Aug.', 'Full Version of Game Demo -- 5th,Aug. to 15th,Aug.', 'Team T-shirt Final Design -- 16th,Aug. to 25th,Aug.', 'Final Version of the Game -- 16th,Aug. to 25th,Aug.', 'Toys -- 10th,Aug. to 31th,Aug.', 'Counter Promotion -- 10th,Sep. to 20th,Sep.', 'Promulgation and Seminar -- 10th,Sep. to 20th,Sep.', 'Inviting Other Teams to Use -- 10th,Sep. to 20th,Sep.', 'Wiki Documents and Materials -- 1st,Sep. to 20th,Sep.', 'Team Photo Taking -- 10th,Sep. to 10th,Sep.']
   }, {
       time: "1st Sep.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Debug and Modify -- 1st,Sep. to 19th,Sep.', 'Model Demostration -- 1st,Sep. to 19th,Sep.', 'Experimental Verification -- 1st,Sep. to 19th,Sep.', 'Software Debugging -- 1st,Sep. to 19th,Sep.']
   }, {
       time: "21st Sep.",
       picurl: '',
       content: ['Preparation for the Competition -- 21th,Sep to 3rd,Oct.', 'Powerpoint -- 21th,Sep to 3rd,Oct.', 'Poster -- 21th,Sep to 3rd,Oct.', 'Logistics -- 21th,Sep to 3rd,Oct.', 'Software Final Debugging -- 21th,Sep to 3rd,Oct.']

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function renderTimeLine(data) {

   for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
       createBlock(data[i], i);

   function createBlock(itemData, idx) {
var timeline = $("
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    " + itemData.time + "

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