

Revision as of 13:08, 3 October 2013 by Mattias.Horan (Talk | contribs)

The end, or?

These final words are being written on Friday the 4th of October - a mere 9 hours before wikifreeze. Allow all of us to thank you for taking the time to check out our project. We hope you enjoyed the tour!

Did you get all the information you wanted? If not, go back and dig deeper.

You can always contact us on our team’s e-mail or at any of the team member’s e-mails.

We look forward to presenting our work in Lyon.

Sofie, Patrick, Thøger, Sissel, Heidi, Mattias, Maria, Nicky, and Andreas

But what now? If you want to know more about synthetic biology and the iGEM competition, check out iGEM’s homepage ( and the wikis of hundreds of other brilliant iGEM teams. (