Team:Paris Saclay/opensourcereflexion


Revision as of 08:02, 11 August 2013 by CarolineMir (Talk | contribs)

Open Source Reflexion

We have organized three big meetings during this summer. During each meeting we have choosen two problematics that one or two members of our team had to present. Among these problematics there are : what is opensource ? what are the rules that govern the opensource ? what is the influence of the open source in our economy ? ... After each presentation we have made a debate, and we have tried to hightlight the important points of each problematics, what we learned and what are the ethics questions according to us.

First meeting : 25/06/2013

People there: Caroline, Anais, Eric, Nima, Zouh, Gabriel et Nadia

Anais and Gabriel made a global presentation of the Open Source, what is it, how it works.


Eric made a presentation of the state of bioeconomy today (power point)


People there: Caroline, Anais, Eric, Nima, Zouh, Gabriel, Damir

Zouh made a presentation about the rules of the open source and the different kind of free software in computer science. (Paper)

Zouh presentation.

Damir made a presentation about the development and the democratization of science thanks to the open source (PowerPoint)

Thanks to this presentation we have better understood the extent and the impact of open source (in science) in our society. It led us to think about the riscks of open source in science and bioterrorism in synthetic biology.


People there : Caroline, Anais, Eric, Zouh, Damir

Eric made a presentation about the bioterrorism (powerpoint)

Thanks to this presentation, we notticed the fact that the origin of bioterrorism is varied, it could be a sect, a party, one person or a entiere group.