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<meta name="description" content="">
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<title>Achievement & judge criteria</title> </head>


<section id="Overview">

<a href=" description">1.We construct a series of new standard Biobrick part and device and submit it to MIT.</a>

<a href="">2.We design a “RNA guardian” device and prove it matches our goals and submit it to MIT.</a>

3.We find that Biobrick BBa_K590015 do not work because of the wrong sequence, so we correct it and registry the mamJ gene(BBa_K1059014).

4.We utilize the microfluidic chip to build the mathematical model reflecting the relationship between the bacterial number and magnetic field intensity.

5.We preserved Magnetospirillum Magneticum AMB-1 mamAB genes in E.coli, prevented the genes lose when AMB-1 strain was cultured in High oxygen partial pressure environment.

6.We help Tsinghua University by constructing a device and sharing drugs.



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