
From 2013.igem.org

Revision as of 20:28, 1 October 2013 by MLaw (Talk | contribs)

var toggleSpeed = 150;

var current_display = 'main';

var cur_main_display = 1;

var leaveFeedOpen = false;

var firstTimeOpened = true;

var cur_content = "";

var mode = "temp";

var tocLeft = "";

var tocTopPerm = "";


   var loop1,
   c1 = 0;
   var loop2,
   c2 = 0;
   var loop3,
   c3 = 0;
   var loop4,
   c4 = 0;
   $('.box_2').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ){
      if( e.type=='mouseleave' ){
        clearInterval( loop1 );
        loop1 = setInterval(function(){        
           $('.box_2 .slice').css({transform: "rotate("+ ( (++c1) % 360 ) +"deg)"});                
   $('.box_3').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ){
      if( e.type=='mouseleave' ){
        clearInterval( loop2 );
        loop2 = setInterval(function(){        
           $('.box_3 .slice').css({transform: "rotate("+ ( (++c2 * -1) % 360 ) +"deg)"});                
   $('.box_4').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ){
      if( e.type=='mouseleave' ){
        clearInterval( loop3 );
        loop3 = setInterval(function(){        
           $('.box_4 .slice').css({transform: "rotate("+ ( (++c3 * 1) % 360 ) +"deg)"});                
   $('.box_5').on('mouseenter mouseleave', function( e ){
      if( e.type=='mouseleave' ){
        clearInterval( loop4 );
        loop4 = setInterval(function(){        
           $('.box_5 .slice').css({transform: "rotate("+ ( (++c4 * -1) % 360 ) +"deg)"});                
   var agentStr = navigator.userAgent;
   if (agentStr.indexOf("Trident/5.0") > -1) {
       if (agentStr.indexOf("MSIE 7.0") > -1)
           mode = "Compatibility View";
           mode = "IE9";
   else if (agentStr.indexOf("Trident/4.0") > -1) {
       if (agentStr.indexOf("MSIE 7.0") > -1)
           mode = "Compatibility View";
           mode = "IE8";
       mode = "IE7";
   // Code for organising pages into viewable
   // Strip the hash
   var href = (location.href).split("#");
   // Split the components
   var url = href[0].split("/");
   // Check that you're not on the calendar and that you're not in Compatibility View
   if(url[url.length - 1] != "calendar" && url[url.length - 1] != "Team:Newcastle")// && mode != "Compatibility View")
       alert(url[url.length - 1]);
       $(window).scroll( function(e){
           var windowTop = $(window).scrollTop();
           var tocTop = $('#toc').offset().top;
           var contentTop = $('#page_content').offset().top - 10;
           if(windowTop > contentTop)
               $('#toc').css({'position': 'fixed',
                              'top': '5px',
           } else
               $('#toc').css({'position': 'relative',
                              'top': '0px',
                             'left': '0px'});
   $('.top_menu li').hover(function(){
   }, function(){
   $('#image_display .proj_box, #image_display .image_box').hover(function(){
   }, function(){
   // Event handlers for closing the pop up box. Individual actions taken by a page must be created in that page's JQuery
   $('#pop_up #pop_up_close').click(function(){
   $('#pop_up #pop_up_underlay').click(function(){
   if(mode != "Compatibility View")
           var href = $(this).children('a').attr('href');
           $('#toc').find('a[href="' + cur_content + '"]').toggleClass('active');
           $('#bodyContent').find(cur_content + '_section').hide();
           $('#bodyContent').find(href + '_section').show();
           cur_content = href;


function ParsePage(hash) {

   tocLeft = $('#toc').offset().left - 10;
   tocTopPerm = $('#toc').offset().top - $(window).scrollTop();