Template:Team:SydneyUni Australia/Results/JQueryCollapse

From 2013.igem.org


* Collapse plugin for jQuery
* --
* source: http://github.com/danielstocks/jQuery-Collapse/
* site: http://webcloud.se/jQuery-Collapse
* @author Daniel Stocks (http://webcloud.se)
* Copyright 2013, Daniel Stocks
* Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.

(function($) {

 // Constructor
 function Collapse (el, options) {
   options = options || {};
   var _this = this,
     query = options.query || "> :even";
   $.extend(_this, {
     $el: el,
     options : options,
     sections: [],
     isAccordion : options.accordion || false,
     db : options.persist ? jQueryCollapseStorage(el[0].id) : false
   // Figure out what sections are open if storage is used
   _this.states = _this.db ? _this.db.read() : [];
   // For every pair of elements in given
   // element, create a section
   _this.$el.find(query).each(function() {
     var section = new Section($(this), _this);
     // Check current state of section
     var state = _this.states[section._index()];
     if(state === 0) {
     if(state === 1) {
     // Show or hide accordingly
     if(section.$summary.hasClass("open")) {
     else {
   // Capute ALL the clicks!
   (function(scope) {
     _this.$el.on("click", "[data-collapse-summary]",
       $.proxy(_this.handleClick, scope));
 Collapse.prototype = {
   handleClick: function(e) {
     var sections = this.sections,
       l = sections.length;
     while(l--) {
       if($.contains(sections[l].$summary[0], e.target)) {
   open : function(eq) {
     if(isFinite(eq)) return this.sections[eq].open();
     $.each(this.sections, function() {
   close: function(eq) {
     if(isFinite(eq)) return this.sections[eq].close();
     $.each(this.sections, function() {
 // Section constructor
 function Section($el, parent) {
   $.extend(this, {
     isOpen : false,
     $summary : $el
       .attr("data-collapse-summary", "")
       .wrapInner('<a href="#"/>'),
     $details : $el.next(),
     options: parent.options,
     parent: parent
 Section.prototype = {
   toggle : function() {
     if(this.isOpen) this.close();
     else this.open();
   close: function(bypass) {
     this._changeState("close", bypass);
   open: function(bypass) {
     var _this = this;
     if(_this.options.accordion && !bypass) {
       $.each(_this.parent.sections, function() {
     _this._changeState("open", bypass);
   _index: function() {
     return $.inArray(this, this.parent.sections);
   _changeState: function(state, bypass) {
     var _this = this;
     _this.isOpen = state == "open";
     if($.isFunction(_this.options[state]) && !bypass) {
     } else {
       if(_this.isOpen) _this.$details.show();
       else _this.$details.hide();
     _this.$summary.removeClass("open close").addClass(state);
     _this.$details.attr("aria-hidden", state == "close");
     _this.parent.$el.trigger(state, _this);
     if(_this.parent.db) {
       _this.parent.db.write(_this._index(), _this.isOpen);
 // Expose in jQuery API
   collapse: function(options, scan) {
     var nodes = (scan) ? $("body").find("[data-collapse]") : $(this);
     return nodes.each(function() {
       var settings = (scan) ? {} : options,
         values = $(this).attr("data-collapse") || "";
       $.each(values.split(" "), function(i,v) {
         if(v) settings[v] = true;
       new jQueryCollapse($(this), settings);
 //jQuery DOM Ready
 $(function() {
   $.fn.collapse(false, true);
 // Expose constructor to
 // global namespace
 jQueryCollapse = Collapse;
