Index.Recycle of the DNA in the gel and deal with gel


1>After collect the gel, weight it and crush it with 1ml tip or centrifuge tube.

2>Add the same volume of the solution1, then vortex or put it upside down.

3>Heat it in the 50-60’c water until all of it melt. During this period, vortex it or vibrate 3 or 4 times to accelerate the melt of it. If the gel fragment is small, it can melt just in 3 or 4 mins. But it takes much longer time when the fragment is large. And it must be heated up at least 2 mins in the 50-60’c after all the gel melt totally. Any temperature between 50-60’c is suitable for the reagent case. If the length of the DNA is longer tha 5k bp, it’d better turn upside down. Vortex results in the break of the long DNA easily.

4>Add it into the DNA purification cylinder, then put it in the room temperature for 1min. If the volume of it is too large, put part of it into the cylinder, then pour the rest of it the second time.

5>Centrifuge for 1min at the highest speed, roughly around 12000 to 14000rmp, and leave out the liquid got from the tube.

6>Add 700ul solution2 into the DNA purification cylinder, and put it in the room temperature for 1min.

7>Centrifuge it at the highest speed for 1min, and leave out the impurities, and leave out the liquid got from the tube.

8>Add 500ul solution2 again and centrifuge it at the highest speed for 1min. leave out the impurities, and leave out the liquid got from the tube.

9>Centrifuge it for 1min again, leave out the remaining impurities and volatilize the rest.

10>Mount the DNA purification cylinder on the 1.5ml centrifuge tube. Then add 30ul solution to the surface of the cylinder, and put it remaining for 1min.

11>Centrifuge for 1min at the highest speed, and we get the high-purified DNA molecular.