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iGEM 2012


This summer, the 2013 MIT iGEM team worked to engineer exosome mediated cell-to-cell communication. In vivo cell-to-cell communication is vital for pattern formation, organ development, coordinated responses to environmental changes, and the maintenance of an organism (Bacchus, 2012)

Our Contribution

The 2013 MIT iGEM demonstrated that exosomes can be engineered to transport protein and miRNA signals of interest that can actuate a response in a receiver cell. Exosomes can be used to transport signals that are required for the differentiation and development of tissue. Two-way cell-to-cell communication will be very useful as we attempt to engineer more complex cellular networks, and the MIT iGEM teams believes that exosomal communication is an innovative means of engineering cell-to-cell communication.

Our Vision

One exciting application of engineered cell-cell communicatoin is in drug testing and development: tissue engineers are currently working to develop organoids (Lancaster, 2013) small tissue structures that recapitulate the behavior of organs in vitro. Organoids can be used to test drugs more rigorously in a human-like context rather than relying solely on animal models. Thus drugs can be developed with a better understanding of their toxicity and efficacy.


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