Team:DTU-Denmark/plot mutant1
Time series plots of Mutant1
clear all % create model model=SBmodel('mutant_1.txt') SBPDmakeMEXmodel(model,'modelmex'); %calculate steady state SBsteadystate(model) conc = [5.872e-2 5.872e-1 5.872 29.358]; %1,10,100 and 500 mg/L enz = [2.115e-4 1.0575e-03 2.115e-3 2.115e-1]; % 100, 500, 1000 and 100 000 enzymes per cell count = 0; for i=1:4 count = 0; for j=1:4 count = count+1; % make parametervector parametervector = makeparamvecSBPD('modelmex',{'NH30','E'},[conc(i); enz(j)]); output=modelmex([0:0.001:5],[],parametervector); % save results in separate vector NO2(:,count) = output.statevalues(:,1); end t = output.time'; % plot concentrations over time: figure plot(t,NO2(:,1),t,NO2(:,2),'--',t,NO2(:,3),':',t,NO2(:,4),'-.','LineWidth',2) if i == 1 title('1 mg/l ammonia (58.72 uM)') elseif i == 2 title('10 mg/l ammonia (587.2 uM)') elseif i == 3 title('100 mg/l ammonia (5.872 mM)') elseif i == 4 title('500 mg/l ammonia (29.358 mM)') end xlabel('Time in [min]','FontSize',16) ylabel('NO2 concentration in [mM]','FontSize',16) hleg1 = legend('100 enzymes per cell','500 enzymes per cell','1000 enzymes per cell','100 000 enzymes per cell'); set(hleg1,'Location','SouthEast','FontSize',12) end