Team:Heidelberg/Templates/MM week20p




  • co-transform TOP10 with pRB22.3 and pIK7.1, plate on Cm+Kan, grow at 37°C


  • after ca. 18h at 37°C: lots of tiny colonies, not blue
  • leave at RT in drawer (no light)


  • colonies became blue
TOP10 cotransformed with pRB22.3 and pIK7.1
  • start constructing pIK8: promoter even weaker than the one used by Cambridge 2007, weak RBS
  • run PCRs of (2 ng DNA, 20 µl total volume, using Q5):
    • pIK2.6 with primers IK40+IK43 -> f7
Cycles temperature [°C] Time [s]
1 98 30
35 98 10
58 10
72 300
1 72 600
1 10 inf
    • BBa_I746200 with primers IK41+IK42 -> f8
Cycles temperature [°C] Time [s]
1 98 30
35 98 10
60 10
72 90
1 72 600
1 10 inf


Lane 1: NEB 2-log; lane 2: f7; lane 3: f8
  • run gel, gel-purify fragments -> 6.3 ng/µl in 20 µl (f7); 36.1 ng/µl in 20 µl (f8)
  • perform Gibson assembly: 8 µl f7, 2 µl f8, 10 µl MM, incubate at 50°C for 1h
  • dilute Gibson mix 1:4, electroporate electrocompetent DH10ß with 1 µl, 14 µl of dilution
  • plate 10 µl, rest on Cm, grow at 37°C


  • very large and very small colonies present, pick starting with small colonies, run colony-PCR with primers IK26+VR (iTaq, 20 µl total volume) using 2 ng of BBa_I746200 in pSB1AK3 as positive control:
Cycles temperature [°C] Time [s]
1 95 300
35 95 30
54 30
72 240
1 72 600
1 10 inf
  • clones grown in eppendorf tubes in 2xYT+Cm at 37°C


Colony-PCR of DH10ß transformed with pIK8 and primers IK26+VR. Lane 1: NEB 2-log; lanes 2-11: colonies; lane 12: positive control (BBa_I746200 in pSB1AK3)
  • run gel
  • colonies designated pIK8.1, pIK8.2, pIK8.6, pIK8.9 positive
  • transfer to baci falcons, add 2xYT+Cm, grow at 37°C


Restriction digest of pIK8 with BamHI+HindIII. Lane 1: NEB 2-log; lane 2: pIK8.1; lane 3: pIK8.2; lane 4: pIK8.6; lane 5: pIK8.9
  • make miniPreps: 73.5 ng/µl (pIK8.1), 12.9 ng/µl (pIK8.2), 289.0 ng/µl (pIK8.6), 169.0 ng/µl (pIK8.9) in 37.5 µl each
  • digest with BamHI+HindIII using 2 µl (pIK8.1), 10 µl (pIK8.2), 1 µl (pIK8.6), 1 µl (pIK8.9) DNA (20 µl total volume)
  • expected: 2.1 + 7.3 kb