YPD Medium
10.0 g | Yeast extract |
20.0 g | Peptone |
92.0 mg | Adenine-sulfate |
33 ng | Adenine |
(16.6 g | Agar) |
50.0 mL | Sterile glucose (40 %) |
to 1000 mL | Aqua dest. |
For plates add agar, for liquid medium leave out agar.
Mix all reagents in an autoclavable flask and fill up to 1000 mL with Aqua dest. Autoclave, let cool down a bit, and add antibiotics if medium is required for selective purposes. Perform next steps at laminar flow cabinet! Add glucose solution. Store medium at 4 °C.
If agar was added: cast plates in petri dishes (approx. 20 mL per plate) while medium is still warm. Store plates at 4 °C.