

{ "date" : "2013-06-13", "author" : "gabriele", "title" : "Ligation results: let's screen it!", "content" : "Both the 1:2 ligation plates have number of colonies comparable with their control:

  • SAMsynthetase+RFP (1:2) = too many to count.
  • SAMsynthetase+RFP (ctrl) = too many to count.
  • SAMsynthetase (1:2) = 11 colonies.
  • SAMsynthetase (ctrl) = 12 colonies.

Performed 5 inocula for each of the two 1:2 plates, in 5ml LB with 5µl CM. Tomorrow miniprep, quantification, digestion and gel to control what happened.", "tags" : "SAMsynthetase" }