
From 2013.igem.org

/* idTabs ~ Sean Catchpole - Version 2.2 - MIT/GPL */ (function(){ var dep = {"jQuery":"http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"}; var init = function(){

/* Options (in any order):

start (number|string) 
   Index number of default tab. ex: $(...).idTabs(0) 
   String of id of default tab. ex: $(...).idTabs("tab1") 
   default: class "selected" or index 0 
   Passing null will force it to not select a default tab 

change (boolean) 
   True - Url will change. ex: $(...).idTabs(true) 
   False - Url will not change. ex: $(...).idTabs(false) 
   default: false 

click (function) 
   Function will be called when a tab is clicked. ex: $(...).idTabs(foo) 
   If the function returns true, idTabs will show/hide content (as usual). 
   If the function returns false, idTabs will not take any action. 
   The function is passed four variables: 
     The id of the element to be shown 
     an array of all id's that can be shown 
     the element containing the tabs 
     and the current settings 

selected (string) 
   Class to use for selected. ex: $(...).idTabs(".current") 
   default: ".selected" 

event (string) 
   Event to trigger idTabs on. ex: $(...).idTabs("!mouseover") 
   default: "!click" 
   To bind multiple event, call idTabs multiple times 
     ex: $(...).idTabs("!click").idTabs("!focus") 

  • /


 $.fn.idTabs = function(){ 
   //Loop Arguments matching options 
   var s = {}; 
   for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; ++i) { 
     var a=arguments[i]; 
       case Object: $.extend(s,a); break; 
       case Boolean: s.change = a; break; 
       case Number: s.start = a; break; 
       case Function: s.click = a; break; 
       case String: 
         if(a.charAt(0)=='.') s.selected = a; 
         else if(a.charAt(0)=='!') s.event = a; 
         else s.start = a; 

   if(typeof s['return'] == "function") //backwards compatible 
     s.change = s['return']; 
   return this.each(function(){ $.idTabs(this,s); }); //Chainable 

 $.idTabs = function(tabs,options) { 
   var meta = ($.metadata)?$(tabs).metadata():{}; 
   var s = $.extend({},$.idTabs.settings,meta,options); 

   //Play nice 
   if(s.selected.charAt(0)=='.') s.selected=s.selected.substr(1); 
   if(s.event.charAt(0)=='!') s.event=s.event.substr(1); 
   if(s.start==null) s.start=-1; //no tab selected 
   //Setup Tabs 
   var showId = function(){ 
       return s.change; //return if already selected 
     var id = "#"+this.href.split('#')[1]; 
     var aList = []; //save tabs 
     var idList = []; //save possible elements 
       if(this.href.match(/#/)) { 
     if(s.click && !s.click.apply(this,[id,idList,tabs,s])) return s.change; 
     //Clear tabs, and hide all 
     for(i in aList) $(aList[i]).removeClass(s.selected); 
     for(i in idList) $(idList[i]).hide(); 
     //Select clicked tab and show content 
     return s.change; //Option for changing url 

   //Bind idTabs 
   var list = $("a[href*='#']",tabs).unbind(s.event,showId).bind(s.event,showId); 
   list.each(function(){ $("#"+this.href.split('#')[1]).hide(); }); 

   //Select default tab 
   var test=false; 
   if((test=list.filter('.'+s.selected)).length); //Select tab with selected class 
   else if(typeof s.start == "number" &&(test=list.eq(s.start)).length); //Select num tab 
   else if(typeof s.start == "string" //Select tab linking to id 
   if(test) { test.removeClass(s.selected); test.trigger(s.event); } //Select tab 

   return s; //return current settings (be creative) 

 $.idTabs.settings = { 

 $.idTabs.version = "2.2"; 

 $(function(){ $(".idTabs").idTabs(); }); 


} //init

// Check Dependencies var check = function(o,s){

 s = s.split('.'); 
 while(o && s.length) o = o[s.shift()]; 
 return o; 


// Add Script var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var add = function(url){

 var s = document.createElement("script"); 
 s.type = "text/javascript"; s.src = url; 


// Save Self var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); var src = s[s.length-1].src;

// Load Dependencies var ok=true; for(d in dep) {

 if(check(this,d)) continue; 

} if(ok) return init();

// Reload Self add(src);
