Team:KU Leuven/Team


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   <h3>The Team Members</h3>
   <h3>The Team Members</h3>
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  <h3>Meet the team</h3>
  <p>16 enthusiastic KU Leuven students who don’t mind working the whole summer join hands to kick some ass, iGEM style. It’s a very diverse team consisting of students with different backgrounds. There are 10 guys and 6 girls present with studies in biochemistry, (bio-)engineering, medicine, philosophy and others. The team is supported by former iGEMers and employees from all levels of the KU Leuven.
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'''16 enthusiastic [ KU Leuven] students''' who don’t mind working the whole summer join hands to kick some ass, iGEM style. It’s a very diverse team consisting of students with different backgrounds. There are 10 guys and 6 girls present with studies in biochemistry, (bio-)engineering, medicine, philosophy and others. The team is supported by former iGEMers and employees from all levels of the KU Leuven.

Revision as of 13:35, 29 August 2013

Secret garden

Congratulations! You've found our secret garden! Follow the instructions below and win a great prize at the World jamboree!

  • A video shows that two of our team members are having great fun at our favourite company. Do you know the name of the second member that appears in the video?
  • For one of our models we had to do very extensive computations. To prevent our own computers from overheating and to keep the temperature in our iGEM room at a normal level, we used a supercomputer. Which centre maintains this supercomputer? (Dutch abbreviation)
  • We organised a symposium with a debate, some seminars and 2 iGEM project presentations. An iGEM team came all the way from the Netherlands to present their project. What is the name of their city?

Now put all of these in this URL:, (loose the brackets and put everything in lowercase) and follow the very last instruction to get your special jamboree prize!

tree ladybugcartoon


Meet the team

16 enthusiastic KU Leuven students who don’t mind working the whole summer join hands to kick some ass, iGEM style. It’s a very diverse team consisting of students with different backgrounds. There are 10 guys and 6 girls present with studies in biochemistry, (bio-)engineering, medicine, philosophy and others. The team is supported by former iGEMers and employees from all levels of the KU Leuven.

Group picture
Aurelie picture


Biomedical sciences Sponsoring & Wiki

My name is Aurelie Lenaerts I am a Bachelor student in Biomedical Sciences at the KUL. Biology has been my interest ever since it became part of my curriculum. iGEM pulled my attention towards synthetic biology, in which the symbiotic relationships between man and bacteria can be exploited. I enjoy travelling and most definitely enjoy trying new foods in these places. My latest adventure was to Lund, Sweden for an exchange semester.


Chemical Engineering Modeling & Human Practices

My name is Bert Mortier and I’m a chemical engineering student. Besides applied chemistry I’m also fascinated with biochemistry and microbiological life. To apply engineering techniques to bacteria seems a challenging idea. In addition to several scientific topics, I’m also interested in ethics, which is an intriguing aspect of synthetic biology. The greater part of my spare time I share with my friends.

Aurelie picture
Aurelie picture


Biochemistry & Biotechnology Sponsoring & Human Outreach

My name is Flore De Wit and I'm 21 years old. I’m finishing my first year of the master biochemistry and biotechnology. When I’m not busy with school, I enjoy running, baking and travelling. It’s a unique chance to participate in iGEM with people from different backgrounds and a good opportunity to gain new experiences and knowledge, in and around the lab.


Biochemistry & Biotechnology Wiki & Human Outreach

Hi, I'm Frederik, a first year master's student in Biochemistry & Biotechnology. I am one of the wikians this year, and for this I'm learning the html fundamentals, with an emphasis on 'fun'. And a second emphasis on 'mental'. Also in the human outreach team I will play a role, for instance teaching kids about synthetic biology. In my spare time you can find me in the forests doing orienteering and mountainbiking. In the future I would love to pass on my passion for science and become a science teacher or journalist.

Aurelie picture
Laurens picture


Biochemistry & Biotechnology Wetlab

I am Laurens De Backer and I’m currently enrolled in my first Master year in biochemistry and biotechnology. I’ve chosen for the major research. This research domain requires a good knowledge of microbiology and gene technology, so that’s why iGEM is the ideal additional learning school. In my spare time I like going to the pub with friends, I play basketball and I enjoy singing and playing guitar.


Medicine Wetlab & Human Practices

I’m Lukas Marcelis and I am in my fourth year of Medical studies. You can find me coordinating the lab work and discussing ethics with everyone I meet. I also assist in research at the department of pathology of the UZ Leuven and I am vice-president of the Leuven student-researchers association (LVSO). Besides that and having some much needed fun with my friends there are few dull moments! iGEM is a new and exciting challenge for me. Synthetic biology is a young and rapidly expanding field of science. To be a part of these developments together with a multidisciplinary and amazing team is just plain fun.

Lukas picture
Michael picture


Philosophy Human Practices

My name is Michael Poorthuis, graduate student in philosophy at the KU Leuven and graduate student in medicine at Utrecht University. I was asked to provide an ethical review of our iGEM project. The leading question will be: Are ethics related to technological progress, via synthetic biology, or is it like a sermon on Sunday, totally separated from everyday reality?


Bio-engineering Wetlab & Communication

I’m Pieter De Bruyn and I’m 22 years old. I’m currently doing my master in bio-engineering: cell and gene technology at the KU Leuven. Participating in the iGEM project was a great opportunity to put all these things we learn in practice and construct an organism that does something we intended it to do. I am a fan of rock music; a good movie and a cooled beer. Combine the last with any of the first two and I’m good to go.

Pieter picture
Robbert picture


Biochemistry & Biotechnology Outreach & Wetlab

I am Robbert Boudewijns and I am 22 years old. I study biochemistry & biotechnology, I’m currently in my first Master year. Apart from my studies, I like to do activities with the chemistry/biochemistry student movement, play volleyball and write for the Leuven student newspaper. As a team player, working with my iGEM partners to reach a goal together, doing something we love, is an awesome experience.


Biomedical Sciences Logistics

My name is Saar Vandekeere and I am currently Mastering in the Biomedical Sciences (Neurology). Fascinated about everything that has to do with science & research, and having tons of energy, I'm always enthusiastic to tell you more than you ever wanted to know. Since I am always willing to help, I'll try to improve myself this year as a member of the logistics team of igem 2013!

Saar picture
Sabine picture


Medicine Outreach & Communication

My name is Sabine Thieren. I’m studying medicine at the University of Leuven. I’m interested in science en research. I worked as a student-researcher in several labs. I’m playing the bassoon in my spare time and I’m also a member of the Arenberg Orchestra in Leuven. For the iGEM project and the synthetic biology I’ll try to raise awareness among the general public. We’re going for it!


Bio-engineering Modeling & Logistics

My name is Sander Wuyts and I am currently studying Bio-Engineering: Cell and Gene technology. Genetics and microbiology are my favourite courses within this education. But also bio-informatics is my cup of tea. That’s why I chose to study a minor in the bio-informatics. Thanks to a project like iGEM I get the opportunity to combine all these fields, and discover whole new ones. This is why I am very motivated, and sure that we will succeed in our mission. Because there is more to life than just science, I also play volleyball in the weekends and go snowboarding in winter.

Sander picture
Su picture


Molecular & Cellular Biophysics Wetlab & Wiki

My name is Su Wang, I’m in my first year of master in the field of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics. I am really looking forward to the whole iGEM competition, I believe iGEM is not only a competition that broadens our views and horizons, but also can bring its extraordinary way of thinking to the whole society. I am convinced that our team will devote our passion, persistence, energy and knowledge to accomplish this competition!


Bio-engineering Sponsoring, Wetlab & Logistics

My name is Sylvie Weckx. I'm studying Bio-Engineering: Cell and Gene technology with a minor in Plant Production. In my spare time I go climbing with friends, but I also like some other adventurous activities, like mountainbiking and snowboarding. I love challenges and iGEM will certainly be a big challenge! iGEM is the perfect way to gain scientific experience, but there are so many other interesting aspects involved.

Sylvie picture
Tina picture


Biomedical Sciences Modeling & Communication

I am Tina Smets, a first master student in Biomedical Sciences. I think that iGEM is a great way to get in touch with synthetic biology and to open new horizons. It’s going to be an exciting and wonderful scientific experience for all of us! When I’m not roaming the world of synthetic biology, I like swimming, reading and going to concerts and festivals.


Electrical Engineering Modeling

My name is Tomas Van Pottelbergh. Currently, I'm in my third bachelor of Electrical Engineering. I'm very interested in the applications of engineering in medicine and biology, like systems biology for example. Apart from studies, I play the piano, am a scout leader and involved in the European students’ organization BEST. I also like traveling and hiking.

Tomas picture
Ingmar picture



I am Ingmar Claes and I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics . After my studies of bio-engineering, I did a PhD on the probiotic bacterium Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. In this PhD, I studied the factors determining the probiotic effect of the L. rhamnosus GG in experimental colitis. Interdisciplinary studies were performed combining bacterial genetics and immunology. I always had and I still have a profound interest in scientific research, especially linking applied microbiology, mucosal immunology and health issues. The opportunity to guide the students on this iGEM project in a rather new field of synthetic biology looked very appealing and fascinating but also challenging. I am therefore looking forward to working with such motivated students on this iGEM project.

Veerle De Wever


Hi there fellow iGEMmer, My name is Veerle De Wever, I am the KU Leuven iGEM team advisor in everything non-scientific such as sponsoring, administration, logistics, .... Leuven is my hometown but I went abroad to obtain my PhD in genetics and biochemistry from the University of Vienna (Austria). While doing a postdoc in Canada, I came in contact with iGEM via the Calgary team of 2011, 2012. I was sold immediately and, upon my return to Leuven, more than happy to support the KU Leuven team. My research interests lie with signal transduction; particularly in response to environmental changes. Currently I am working as a postdoctoral researcher in the lab of Prof. Dr. Mathieu Bollen (Dept of Cellular and Molecular Medicine) on protein phosphatases and their roles as master metabolic regulators in health and disease.

Veerle picture
Johan picture

Johan Robben


I am Professor Dr. Johan Robben and I'm a member of the Department of Chemistry, section Biochemistry, Molecular and Structural Biology at the KU Leuven. I am leading the Laboratory of Molecular and Synthetic Biology which currently focusses on polymerases and artificial nucleic acids. My main expertise is in molecular biology, protein engineering, genomics and proteomics. I was scientific advisor of the KU Leuven iGEM student teams in 2008, 2009 and 2011.

Sam De Vlieger

Philosophy Student

I am currently doing a Master in philosophy at the KU Leuven. As part of the iGEM team I hope to gain an understanding of the scientific process in the field of synthetic biology, and more specifically, the role of ethics within this process.

Sam picture