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<title>AutoAnnotator by Team TU-Munich 2013</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<input type="button" onclick="myFunction()" value="Show alert box" />
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!--[if lte IE 8]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]-->
<p id="Command">Enter a sequence below!</p>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<input type="text" id="EnteredSequence"> Enter sequence!
<title>AutoAnnotator by Team TU-Munich 2013</title>
<input type="button" onclick="go_countingFun()" value="Click here to create table">
<p id="CountingResult">Counting Array will appear here!</p>
function myFunction()
window.alert("Hello! I am an alert box!");
<p id="Command">Enter a BioBrick number below, either starting with "BBa_" or just the alphanumeric code! <br>
Alternatively (e.g. for new BioBricks, which aren't in the Registry yet) you can enter the nucleotide sequence directly.
var amino_acids = {A:0,R:0,N:0,D:0,C:0,Q:0,E:0,G:0,H:0,K:0,M:0,F:0,P:0,S:0,T:0,W:0,Y:0,V:0};
<input type="text" id="EnteredBioBrick"> Enter BioBrick number or DNA sequence!
<input type="button" id="CreateTableButton" onclick="get_sequence()" value="Click here to create table">
// IUPAC amino acid weights
<p id="htmlExplanation"></p>
var amino_weights = {
<p id="htmlTable"></p>
    "A":  89.09,
    "C": 121.16,
    "D": 133.10,
    "E": 147.13,
    "F": 165.19,
    "G":  75.07,
    "H": 155.16,
    "I": 131.18,
    "K": 146.19,
    "L": 131.18,
    "M": 149.21,
    "N": 132.12,
    "P": 115.13,
    "Q": 146.15,
    "R": 174.20,
    "S": 105.09,
    "T": 119.12,
    "V": 117.15,
    "W": 204.23,
    "Y": 181.19
var water_weight = 18.02;
// Kyte & Doolittle index of hydrophobicity
<p id="wikiExplanation"></p>
var kd = {
  'A': 1.8, 'R':-4.5, 'N':-3.5, 'D':-3.5, 'C': 2.5,
      'Q':-3.5, 'E':-3.5, 'G':-0.4, 'H':-3.2, 'I': 4.5,
      'L': 3.8, 'K':-3.9, 'M': 1.9, 'F': 2.8, 'P':-1.6,
      'S':-0.8, 'T':-0.7, 'W':-0.9, 'Y':-1.3, 'V': 4.2 };
// Flexibility
<textarea readonly id="wikiTable" style="width:100%; display: none;" rows="4"></textarea>
// Normalized flexibility parameters (B-values), average (Vihinen et al., 1994)
var Flex= {
  'A': 0.984, 'C': 0.906, 'E': 1.094, 'D': 1.068,
      'G': 1.031, 'F': 0.915, 'I': 0.927, 'H': 0.950,
      'K': 1.102, 'M': 0.952, 'L': 0.935, 'N': 1.048,
      'Q': 1.037, 'P': 1.049, 'S': 1.046, 'R': 1.008,
      'T': 0.997, 'W': 0.904, 'V': 0.931, 'Y': 0.929};
// Hydrophilicity
// 1 Hopp & Wood
//for enter to trigger program when cursor in the textfield
// Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78:3824-3828(1981).
$('#EnteredBioBrick').keyup(function(event) {
var hw = {
if (event.which == 13){
  'A':-0.5, 'R': 3.0, 'N': 0.2, 'D': 3.0, 'C':-1.0,
$('#EnteredBioBrick').blur(); //to loose focus
      'Q': 0.2, 'E': 3.0, 'G': 0.0, 'H':-0.5, 'I':-1.8,
      'L':-1.8, 'K': 3.0, 'M':-1.3, 'F':-2.5, 'P': 0.0,
      'S': 0.3, 'T':-0.4, 'W':-3.4, 'Y':-2.3, 'V':-1.5 };
// Surface accessibility
// 1 Emini Surface fractional probability
var em = {
  'A': 0.815, 'R': 1.475, 'N': 1.296, 'D': 1.283, 'C': 0.394,
      'Q': 1.348, 'E': 1.445, 'G': 0.714, 'H': 1.180, 'I': 0.603,
      'L': 0.603, 'K': 1.545, 'M': 0.714, 'F': 0.695, 'P': 1.236,
      'S': 1.115, 'T': 1.184, 'W': 0.808, 'Y': 1.089, 'V': 0.606 };
// 2 Janin Interior to surface transfer energy scale
var ja = {
  'A': 0.28, 'R':-1.14, 'N':-0.55, 'D':-0.52, 'C': 0.97,
      'Q':-0.69, 'E':-1.01, 'G': 0.43, 'H':-0.31, 'I': 0.60,
      'L': 0.60, 'K':-1.62, 'M': 0.43, 'F': 0.46, 'P':-0.42,
      'S':-0.19, 'T':-0.32, 'W': 0.29, 'Y':-0.15, 'V': 0.60 };
// A two dimentional dictionary for calculating the instability index.
// Guruprasad K., Reddy B.V.B., Pandit M.W.    Protein Engineering 4:155-161(1990).
// It is based on dipeptide values therefore the vale for the dipeptide DG is DIWV['D']['G'].
var DIWV = {
'A': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 44.94, 'E': 1.0, 'D': -7.49,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': -7.49,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0 },
        'C': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 20.26,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 33.60,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 33.60, 'L': 20.26, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': -6.54, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 33.60, 'W': 24.68, 'V': -6.54, 'Y': 1.0},
        'E': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 44.94, 'E': 33.60, 'D': 20.26,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 20.26, 'H': -6.54,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 20.26, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': -14.03, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
        'D': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': -6.54, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 20.26, 'R': -6.54,
              'T': -14.03, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
        'G': {'A': -7.49, 'C': 1.0, 'E': -6.54, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': 13.34, 'F': 1.0, 'I': -7.49, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': -7.49,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': -7.49, 'W': 13.34, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': -7.49},
        'F': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 13.34,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': -14.03, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 33.601},
        'I': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 44.94, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 13.34,
              'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 20.26, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': -1.88, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -7.49, 'Y': 1.0},
        'H': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': -9.37, 'F': -9.37, 'I': 44.94, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 24.68, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 24.68,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': -1.88, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': -6.54, 'W': -1.88, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 44.94},
        'K': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': -7.49, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 33.60, 'L': -7.49, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 24.64, 'P': -6.54, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 33.60,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -7.49, 'Y': 1.0},
        'M': {'A': 13.34, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 58.28,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': -1.88, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': -6.54, 'P': 44.94, 'S': 44.94, 'R': -6.54,
              'T': -1.88, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 24.68},
        'L': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': -7.49, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 33.60, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 20.26,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 24.68, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
        'N': {'A': 1.0, 'C': -1.88, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': -14.03, 'F': -14.03, 'I': 44.94, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 24.68, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': -6.54, 'P': -1.88, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': -7.49, 'W': -9.37, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
        'Q': {'A': 1.0, 'C': -6.54, 'E': 20.26, 'D': 20.26,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': -6.54, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 44.94, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -6.54, 'Y': -6.54},
        'P': {'A': 20.26, 'C': -6.54, 'E': 18.38, 'D': -6.54,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 20.26, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': -6.54, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 20.26, 'R': -6.54,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': -1.88, 'V': 20.26, 'Y': 1.0},
        'S': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 33.60, 'E': 20.26, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': 1.0, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 20.26, 'P': 44.94, 'S': 20.26, 'R': 20.26,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
        'R': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 20.26,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 13.34,
              'Q': 20.26, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 44.94, 'R': 58.28,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': 58.28, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': -6.54},
        'T': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 20.26, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': -7.49, 'F': 13.34, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': -14.03,
              'Q': -6.54, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': 1.0, 'W': -14.03, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 1.0},
        'W': {'A': -14.03, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': 1.0,
              'G': -9.37, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 24.68,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 24.68, 'L': 13.34, 'N': 13.34,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 1.0, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': -14.03, 'W': 1.0, 'V': -7.49, 'Y': 1.0},
        'V': {'A': 1.0, 'C': 1.0, 'E': 1.0, 'D': -14.03,
              'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 1.0,
              'K': -1.88, 'M': 1.0, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 20.26, 'S': 1.0, 'R': 1.0,
              'T': -7.49, 'W': 1.0, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': -6.54},
        'Y': {'A': 24.68, 'C': 1.0, 'E': -6.54, 'D': 24.68,
              'G': -7.49, 'F': 1.0, 'I': 1.0, 'H': 13.34,
              'K': 1.0, 'M': 44.94, 'L': 1.0, 'N': 1.0,
              'Q': 1.0, 'P': 13.34, 'S': 1.0, 'R': -15.91,
              'T': -7.49, 'W': -9.37, 'V': 1.0, 'Y': 13.34}
// Data for the calculation of the Isoelectric Point
/* pK values are from:
* Bjellqvist, B.,Hughes, G.J., Pasquali, Ch., Paquet, N., Ravier, F., Sanchez,
J.-Ch., Frutiger, S. & Hochstrasser, D.F.
The focusing positions of polypeptides in immobilized pH gradients can be predicted
from their amino acid sequences. Electrophoresis 1993, 14, 1023-1031.
* Bjellqvist, B., Basse, B., Olsen, E. and Celis, J.E.
Reference points for comparisons of two-dimensional maps of proteins from
different human cell types defined in a pH scale where isoelectric points correlate
with polypeptide compositions. Electrophoresis 1994, 15, 529-539.
var positive_pKs = {'Nterm': 7.5 , 'K': 10.0, 'R': 12.0, 'H': 5.98          };
var negative_pKs = {'Cterm': 3.55, 'D': 4.05, 'E': 4.45, 'C': 9.0 , 'Y': 10.0};
var pKcterminal = {'D': 4.55, 'E': 4.75};
var pKnterminal = {'A': 7.59, 'M': 7.0, 'S': 6.93, 'P': 8.36, 'T': 6.82, 'V': 7.44, 'E': 7.7};
var charged_aas = ['K', 'R', 'H', 'D', 'E', 'C', 'Y'];
// or ProMost?
function readSequence() {
var sequence = document.getElementById("EnteredSequence").value;
var cleanSequence = sequence.replace(/ /g, "");
return cleanSequence;
function count_amino_acids(sequence){
    //Counts standard amino acids, returns an array {AminoAcid:Number}
var amino_acids_content = {A:0,R:0,N:0,D:0,C:0,Q:0,E:0,G:0,H:0,K:0,M:0,F:0,P:0,S:0,T:0,W:0,Y:0,V:0};
var amino_acids_freq = {A:0,R:0,N:0,D:0,C:0,Q:0,E:0,G:0,H:0,K:0,M:0,F:0,P:0,S:0,T:0,W:0,Y:0,V:0};
for (i=0; i<sequence.length; i++){
var total=sequence.length;
for (aa in amino_acids){
$('#EnteredBioBrick').keydown(function(event) {
amino_acids_freq[aa] = amino_acids_content[aa] * (100 / total);
if (event.which == 13) {
return [amino_acids_content,amino_acids_freq];
function compute_molecular_weight(amino_acids_content){
var molec_weight = water_weight;
for (aa in amino_acids){
molec_weight = molec_weight + amino_acids_content[aa] * (amino_weights[aa] - water_weight);
return molec_weight;
function findReadingFrame(sequence){
var a = 0;
return a;
function go_countingFun() {
var input = readSequence();
var counting_result = count_amino_acids(input);
var amino_content = counting_result[0];
var amino_freq = counting_result[1];
var total_aminos = input.length;
var molecular_weight = compute_molecular_weight(amino_content);
// Create the output
var outputText = "" // + "You entered the sequence: "+input + "<br>The content is:<br>";
/* for (aa in amino_acids) {
outputText = outputText + " " +aa +" "+ amino_content[aa] + " "
+ amino_freq[aa].toFixed(2) + "%" + "<br>";
outputText = outputText + "The total number of amino acids is "
+ total_aminos + "<br><br>"
outputText = outputText + "Copy the following into the wiki to get the protein-data-table: <br><br>"
+ "{|cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"1\" "
+ "<br>|colspan=\"20\"|'''Automatically determined parameters using the [ BioBrick-AutoAnnotator]'''"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"10\"|BioBrick: <partinfo>BBa_K1159000</partinfo>"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"10\"|Used open reading frame from position ?x? to ?y?."
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|A (Ala)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.A + " (" + amino_freq.A.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|R (Arg)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.R + " (" + amino_freq.R.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|N (Asn)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.N + " (" + amino_freq.N.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|D (Asp)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.D + " (" + amino_freq.D.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|C (Cys)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.C + " (" + amino_freq.C.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|Q (Gln)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.Q + " (" + amino_freq.Q.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|E (Glu)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.E + " (" + amino_freq.E.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|G (Gly)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.G + " (" + amino_freq.G.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|H (His)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.H + " (" + amino_freq.H.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|K (Lys):"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.K + " (" + amino_freq.K.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|M (Met)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.M + " (" + amino_freq.M.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|F (Phe)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.F + " (" + amino_freq.F.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|P (Pro)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.P + " (" + amino_freq.P.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|S (Ser)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.S + " (" + amino_freq.S.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|T (Thr)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.T + " (" + amino_freq.T.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|W (Trp)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.W + " (" + amino_freq.W.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|Y (Tyr)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.Y + " (" + amino_freq.Y.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|V (Val)"
+ "<br>|" + amino_content.V + " (" + amino_freq.V.toFixed(2) + "%)"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|'''Amino acid counting:'''"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Total number of amino acids (aa):"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|" + total_aminos
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Number of positively charged aa:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?9?"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Number of negatively charged aa:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?9?"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|'''Biochemical parameters:'''"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Molecular weight [Da]:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|" + molecular_weight
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Theoretical pI:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?4?"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Extinction coefficient:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?4?"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|'''Estimated half-life:'''"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Mammals:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?4 h?"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Yeast:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?4?"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|''E. coli'':"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?4?"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|'''Codon usage:'''"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Mammals:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?good?"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|Yeast:"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?Ok?"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|''E. coli'':"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"2\"|?bad ?"
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"3\"|'''RFC standard:'''"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"17\"|This is a RFC 25 BioBrick, thus ATGGCCGGC and ACCGGT were added to the 5' and 3' ends."
+ "<br>|-"
+ "<br>|colspan=\"20\"| The BioBrick-AutoAnnotator was created by [ TU-Munich 2013] iGEM team. For information please read the [ description]."
+ "<br>|}"
+ "<br><br>";
{|cellspacing="0" border="1"
|colspan="20"|'''Automatically determined parameters using the [ BioBrick-AutoAnnotator]'''
|colspan="10"|BioBrick: BBa_K1159000
|colspan="10"|Used open reading frame from position ?x? to ?y?.
|A (Ala)
|10 (4.00%)
|R (Arg)
|8 (3.20%)
|N (Asn)
|13 (5.20%)
|D (Asp)
|18 (7.20%)
|C (Cys)
|2 (0.80%)
|Q (Gln)
|8 (3.20%)
|E (Glu)
|16 (6.40%)
|G (Gly)
|25 (10.00%)
|H (His)
|10 (4.00%)
|K (Lys):
|20 (8.00%)
|M (Met)
|6 (2.40%)
|F (Phe)
|13 (5.20%)
|P (Pro)
|11 (4.40%)
|S (Ser)
|9 (3.60%)
|T (Thr)
|16 (6.40%)
|W (Trp)
|1 (0.40%)
|Y (Tyr)
|12 (4.80%)
|V (Val)
|17 (6.80%)
|colspan="3"|'''Amino acid counting:'''
|colspan="3"|Total number of amino acids (aa):
|colspan="3"|Number of positively charged aa:
|colspan="3"|Number of negatively charged aa:
|colspan="3"|'''Biochemical parameters:'''
|colspan="3"|Molecular weight [Da]:
|colspan="3"|Theoretical pI:
|colspan="3"|Extinction coefficient:
|colspan="3"|'''Estimated half-life:'''
|colspan="2"|?4 h?
|colspan="3"|''E. coli'':
|colspan="3"|'''Codon usage:'''
|colspan="3"|''E. coli'':
|colspan="2"|?bad ?
|colspan="3"|'''RFC standard:'''
|colspan="17"|This is a RFC 25 BioBrick, thus ATGGCCGGC and ACCGGT were added to the 5' and 3' ends.
|colspan="20"| The BioBrick-AutoAnnotator was created by [ TU-Munich 2013] iGEM team. For information please read the [ description].
<p id="newoutput"></p>

Latest revision as of 21:26, 14 September 2013

AutoAnnotator by Team TU-Munich 2013

Enter a BioBrick number below, either starting with "BBa_" or just the alphanumeric code!
Alternatively (e.g. for new BioBricks, which aren't in the Registry yet) you can enter the nucleotide sequence directly.

Enter BioBrick number or DNA sequence!