Line 7,425: |
Line 7,425: |
| frameRate(1); | | frameRate(1); |
| | | |
- | var tol = 0.01;
| |
- | //var dead = true;
| |
- | //var lastF = 1;
| |
- | //var dies = false;
| |
- | var dt = 0.1;
| |
- | var mouseOverSlider = false;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*Arrow Stuff */
| |
- | var arrowsinCol = 10 ;
| |
- | var arrowsinRow = 10;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*Function Stuff */
| |
- | var xMin = 0;
| |
- | var xMax = 2;
| |
- | var yMin = 0;
| |
- | var yMax = 2;
| |
- | var xLength = xMax - xMin;
| |
- | var dx = xLength/arrowsinCol;
| |
- | var yLength = yMax - yMin;
| |
- | var dy = yLength/arrowsinRow;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*Graph Stuff*/
| |
- | var graphWidth = 400;
| |
- | var graphHeight = 400;
| |
- | var graphxMin = 150;
| |
- | var graphxMax = graphxMin + graphWidth;
| |
- | var graphyMin = 510;
| |
- | var graphyMax = graphyMin - graphHeight;
| |
- |
| |
- | var boxWidth = graphWidth / arrowsinCol;
| |
- | var boxHeight = graphHeight / arrowsinRow;
| |
- | var yTickIntervals = 4;
| |
- | var xTickIntervals = 4;
| |
- | var tickgraphdX = graphWidth / xTickIntervals;
| |
- | var tickgraphdY = graphHeight/ yTickIntervals;
| |
- | var tickLength = 10;
| |
- | var tickdX = xLength/ xTickIntervals;
| |
- | var tickdY = yLength/ yTickIntervals;
| |
- |
| |
- | var graphdY = 50;
| |
- | var graph2yMin = graphyMin + graphHeight + graphdY;
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | /* arrow aestics */
| |
- | var triLength = 9;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*Theta Stuff*/
| |
- | var thetaMin = 0;
| |
- | var thetaMax = 3;
| |
- | var thetaLength = thetaMax - thetaMin;
| |
- | var numofIntervals= 6;
| |
- | var thetaInterval = thetaLength/numofIntervals;
| |
- | var thetaPlay = 1;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*UI Text Box Stuff*/
| |
- | var myFont = createFont("Times", 15);
| |
- | var uiBoxX = graphxMin + graphWidth*3/5;
| |
- | var uiBoxY = 40;
| |
- | var uiWidth = 150;
| |
- | var uiHeight = 38;
| |
- | var uiIntervalLength = uiWidth / numofIntervals;
| |
- | var heading = "Theta: ";
| |
- |
| |
- | /*ODE solver Stuff*/
| |
- | var numPoints = 200;
| |
- | var tMin = 0;
| |
- | var tMax = 10;
| |
- | var tLength = tMax - tMin;
| |
- | var ic = 1;
| |
- |
| |
- | var icX = 0.5;
| |
- | var icY = 1;
| |
- |
| |
- | var ballX = (icX/xLength)*(graphWidth) + graphxMin;
| |
- | var ballY = - (icY/yLength)*(graphHeight) + graphyMin;
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var eHeading = "Initial E. Coli Concentration: " + icY;
| |
- | var eHeaderY = 70;
| |
- |
| |
- | var yHeading = "Initial Yeast Concentration: " + icX;
| |
- | var yHeaderY = 50;
| |
- |
| |
- | var dieHeading = "The Population Dies";
| |
- | var dieHeadingX = 240;
| |
- | var dieHeadingY = 20;
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var arrow = function(X, Y, graphX, graphY){
| |
- | /* These never change*/
| |
- | this.graphX = graphX;
| |
- | this.graphY = graphY;
| |
- | /*X, Y are locations where the function will be evaluated */
| |
- | this.functionX = function(x, y) {
| |
- | return y - x;
| |
- | };
| |
- | this.functionY = function(x, y) {
| |
- | return thetaPlay*y*(x - 1); /*y; */
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | this.calculate = function(){
| |
- | this.lengthX = this.functionX(X, Y);
| |
- | this.lengthY = this.functionY(X, Y);
| |
- | this.length = sqrt( pow(this.lengthX, 2) + pow(this.lengthY, 2));
| |
- | if (this.lengthX >= 0) {
| |
- | this.theta = atan(this.lengthY / this.lengthX);
| |
- | }
| |
- | else{
| |
- | this.theta = atan(this.lengthY / this.lengthX) + 3.1415;
| |
- | }
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | this.drawOn = function(maxLength) {
| |
- | strokeWeight(1); stroke(0, 0, 0);
| |
- | var alpha = 36*(3.1415/180);
| |
- | var scaledLength=(this.length / maxLength)*boxHeight; // Box height scales arrow length
| |
- | var endX = this.graphX + scaledLength*cos(this.theta)/2;
| |
- | var endY = this.graphY - scaledLength*sin(this.theta)/2;
| |
- | line(this.graphX - scaledLength*cos(this.theta)/2, this.graphY + scaledLength*sin(this.theta)/2, endX, endY);
| |
- | triangle(endX, endY, endX + cos(3.1415 + this.theta - alpha/2)*triLength, endY - sin(3.1415 + this.theta - alpha/2)*triLength, endX + cos(3.1415 + this.theta + alpha/2)*triLength, endY - sin(3.1415 + this.theta + alpha/2)*triLength);
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var drawHeader = function(x, y, heading){
| |
- | textFont(myFont, 15);
| |
- | fill(0, 0, 0);
| |
- | text(heading, x, y);
| |
- | fill(0, 0, 0);
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var makeAxis = function(xlabel, ylabel, min){
| |
- | strokeWeight(3);
| |
- | stroke(13, 1, 1);
| |
- | line(graphxMin + ((0 - xMin)/xLength)*graphWidth, min, graphxMin + ((0 - xMin)/xLength)*graphWidth, min - graphHeight );
| |
- | line(graphxMin, min + ((0 - yMin)/yLength)*graphHeight, graphxMax, min + ((0 - yMin)/yLength)*graphHeight);
| |
- |
| |
- | strokeWeight(2);
| |
- | textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
| |
- | for (var k = 0; k < yTickIntervals + 1; k++){
| |
- | line(graphxMin, min - k*tickgraphdY, graphxMin - tickLength, min - k*tickgraphdY);
| |
- | text(yMin + k*tickdY, graphxMin - 30, min - k*tickgraphdY + 5);
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | translate(graphxMin - 40, min - graphHeight/2);
| |
- | rotate(2*3.1415*(3/4));
| |
- | textAlign(CENTER, BOTTOM);
| |
- | text(ylabel, 0, 0);
| |
- | resetMatrix();
| |
- |
| |
- | /*X axis */
| |
- | textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
| |
- | for (var p = 0; p < xTickIntervals + 1; p++){
| |
- | line(graphxMin + p*tickgraphdX, min, graphxMin + p*tickgraphdX, min + tickLength);
| |
- | text(xMin + p*tickdX, graphxMin + p*tickgraphdX - 3, min + 30);
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | text(xlabel, graphxMin + graphWidth/2, min + 50);
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var plotSolution = function(t, y, min, color) {
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | if (min >graphyMin){
| |
- | stroke(56, 79, 224);
| |
- | }
| |
- | else{
| |
- | stroke(255, 0, 0);
| |
- | }
| |
- | if (color === 1){
| |
- | stroke(56, 79, 224);
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var point1X = (t[0] - xMin)*graphWidth/xLength +graphxMin;
| |
- | var point1Y= - (y[0] - yMin)*graphHeight/yLength +min;
| |
- | var point2X; var point2Y;
| |
- |
| |
- | strokeWeight(2);
| |
- |
| |
- | for (var kk = -1; kk < t.length; kk++){
| |
- | point2X = (t[kk] - xMin)*(graphWidth/xLength) + graphxMin;
| |
- | point2Y = - (y[kk] - yMin)*graphHeight/yLength + min;
| |
- | if (point2X <= graphxMax)
| |
- | if (point2X >= graphxMin)
| |
- | if (point2Y <= min)
| |
- | if(point2Y >= (min - graphWidth))
| |
- | if(point1X <= graphxMax)
| |
- | if(point1X >= graphxMin)
| |
- | if(point1Y < min)
| |
- | if(point1Y > (min - graphWidth))
| |
- | line(point1X, point1Y, point2X, point2Y);
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | point1X = point2X;
| |
- | point1Y = point2Y; }
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var odefunX = function(y1, y2){
| |
- | var sol = [];
| |
- | sol[0] = y2 - y1;
| |
- | sol[1] = thetaPlay*y2*(y1 - 1);
| |
- | return sol;
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var odeSolution = function (icONE, icTWO) {
| |
- | this.yone = [];
| |
- | this.ytwo = [];
| |
- | this.calculate = function(){
| |
- | this.yone = [];
| |
- | this.ytwo = [];
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | this.yone.push(icONE);
| |
- | this.ytwo.push(icTWO);
| |
- | var counter = 0;
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var odePart;
| |
- | var on = true;
| |
- |
| |
- | while(on){
| |
- |
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] < 2){
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] > 0 ){
| |
- | if (this.ytwo[counter] > 0){
| |
- | if (this.ytwo[counter] < 2) {
| |
- | odePart = odefunX(this.yone[counter], this.ytwo[counter]);
| |
- | this.yone.push(- odePart[0]*dt + this.yone[counter]);
| |
- | this.ytwo.push(- odePart[1]*dt + this.ytwo[counter]);
| |
- | counter++;
| |
- |
| |
- | } else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }} else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }}
| |
- | else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }}
| |
- | else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | }
| |
- | on = true;
| |
- |
| |
- | this.yone.reverse();
| |
- | this.ytwo.reverse();
| |
- |
| |
- | while(on){
| |
- |
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] < 2){
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] > 0.1 ){
| |
- | if (this.ytwo[counter] > 0.1){
| |
- | if (this.ytwo[counter] < 2) {
| |
- | odePart = odefunX(this.yone[counter], this.ytwo[counter]);
| |
- | this.yone.push(odePart[0]*dt + this.yone[counter]);
| |
- | this.ytwo.push(odePart[1]*dt + this.ytwo[counter]);
| |
- | counter++;
| |
- |
| |
- | } else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }} else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }}
| |
- | else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }}
| |
- | else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | };
| |
- | this.plot = function(){
| |
- | plotSolution(this.yone, this.ytwo, graphyMin);
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var flagellum = function(x, y1, y2, theta) {
| |
- | var cx1 = x - s + 0.01*s*sin(theta);
| |
- | var cx2 = x - s*2 + 0.01*s*sin(theta+90);
| |
- | var x2 = x - s*3;
| |
- | var cy1 = y1 + 2*s*cos(theta);
| |
- | var cy2 = y1 - 2*s*cos(theta+90);
| |
- | bezier(x, y1, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, x2, y2);
| |
- |
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var s = 9;
| |
- |
| |
- | var drawYeast = function(xx, yy){
| |
- | fill(194, 85, 72);
| |
- | noStroke();
| |
- | ellipse(xx + 5 , yy + 5 , 20, 20);
| |
- | ellipse(xx, yy, 20, 20);
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var drawBacteria = function(xx, yy){
| |
- | translate(xx, yy);
| |
- | rotate(3.14*4/3);
| |
- | //
| |
- | strokeWeight(2);
| |
- | fill(124, 159, 139);
| |
- | stroke(111, 96, 86);
| |
- | rect(-s, -s/2, s*2, s, s);
| |
- |
| |
- | strokeWeight(1);
| |
- | noFill();
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | flagellum(-s, 0, 0, 0.25 * frameCount % 360);
| |
- | flagellum(-s, -1, -3, 30 + 0.25 * frameCount % 360);
| |
- | flagellum(-s, 1, 3, 60 + 0.25 * frameCount % 360);
| |
- | flagellum(-s, 0, 2, 90 + 0.25 * frameCount % 360);
| |
- | flagellum(-s, 0, -2, 90 + 0.25 * frameCount % 360);
| |
- | resetMatrix();
| |
- | // if (!dead){
| |
- | // lastF++;
| |
- | // }
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var interactiveSolver = function (icONE, icTWO) {
| |
- | this.yone = [];
| |
- | this.ytwo = [];
| |
- | this.t = [];
| |
- | t.push(0);
| |
- | this.yone.push(icONE);
| |
- | this.ytwo.push(icTWO);
| |
- |
| |
- | var counter = 0;
| |
- | var odePart;
| |
- | var on = true;
| |
- |
| |
- | while(on){
| |
- |
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] < 2){
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] > 0.1 ){
| |
- | if (this.ytwo[counter] > 0.1){
| |
- | if (this.ytwo[counter] < 2) {
| |
- | odePart = odefunX(this.yone[counter], this.ytwo[counter]);
| |
- | this.yone.push(odePart[0]*dt + this.yone[counter]);
| |
- | this.ytwo.push(odePart[1]*dt + this.ytwo[counter]);
| |
- | counter++;
| |
- | this.t.push(counter*dt);
| |
- |
| |
- | } else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }} else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }}
| |
- | else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }}
| |
- | else{
| |
- | on = false;
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | textFont(myFont, 18);
| |
- | fill(0, 0, 0);
| |
- | textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
| |
- |
| |
- | noFill();
| |
- | if (this.yone[counter] > 0.8) {
| |
- |
| |
- | text("The Population Survives!", graphxMin + graphWidth/2, dieHeadingY);
| |
- | //dead = false;
| |
- | stroke(0, 250, 0);
| |
- | }
| |
- | else {
| |
- | text("The Population Dies", graphxMin + graphWidth/2, dieHeadingY);
| |
- | //dead = true;
| |
- | stroke(250, 0, 0);
| |
- | }
| |
- | rect(graphxMin, 7, graphWidth, 80, 10);
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | plotSolution(this.yone, this.ytwo, graphyMin, 1);
| |
- | plotSolution(this.t, this.ytwo, graph2yMin);
| |
- | plotSolution(this.t, this.yone, graph2yMin);
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var eColiY= - (this.ytwo[0] - yMin)*graphHeight/yLength + graph2yMin;
| |
- | var yeastY= -(this.yone[0] - yMin)*graphHeight/yLength + graph2yMin;
| |
- | drawYeast(graphxMin, yeastY);
| |
- | drawBacteria(graphxMin, eColiY);
| |
- | // drawBacteria(graphxMin - 40, graphyMin - graphHeight*5/8);
| |
- | // drawYeast(graphxMin + graphWidth*5/9 + 10, graphyMin + 45);
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var mousePressed = function() {
| |
- | mouseOverSlider = true;
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var mouseReleased = function() {
| |
- | mouseOverSlider = false;
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | //Setting up arrows to be in Vector field
| |
- | /*Vector Field */
| |
- | var arrows = [];
| |
- | var funcX = xMin + dx/2; /* Start X */
| |
- | var funcY = yMin + dy/2;
| |
- | var graphX = graphxMin + boxWidth/2;
| |
- | var graphY = graphyMin - boxHeight/2;
| |
- | var maxLength = 0;
| |
- | var count = 0;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*This is for finding the actual values in the x and y direction*/
| |
- | for (var k = 0; k < arrowsinRow; k++) {
| |
- | for (var l = 0; l < arrowsinCol; l++){
| |
- | arrows.push(new arrow(funcX, funcY, graphX, graphY));
| |
- | arrows[count].calculate();
| |
- | funcX += dx;
| |
- | graphX+= boxWidth;
| |
- |
| |
- | /* Find Max Length to scale arrow lengths */
| |
- | if (maxLength < arrows[count].length) {
| |
- | maxLength = arrows[count].length;
| |
- | }
| |
- | count++;
| |
- | }
| |
- | funcY += dy;
| |
- | funcX = xMin + dx;
| |
- | graphX = graphxMin + boxWidth/2;
| |
- | graphY -= boxHeight;
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | var nullClines = [];
| |
- | nullClines.push(new odeSolution(1.001, 1.001));
| |
- | nullClines.push(new odeSolution(0.999, 0.999));
| |
- | nullClines[0].calculate();
| |
- | nullClines[1].calculate();
| |
- |
| |
- | var boxSlider = function(x, y, w, h, heading, theta, max, thetaInterval) {
| |
- | this.x = x;
| |
- | this.y = y;
| |
- | this.w = w;
| |
- | this.h = h;
| |
- | this.heading = heading;
| |
- | this.theta = theta;
| |
- | this.max = max;
| |
- | this.myX = (w-30)*(this.theta/this.max) + this.x + 15;
| |
- | this.myY = this.y + 28;
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | this.draw = function(){
| |
- | noStroke();
| |
- | fill(50, 50, 50);
| |
- | rect(x+2, y+2, w, h, 8);
| |
- | fill(255, 255, 255, 230);
| |
- | rect(x, y, w, h, 8);
| |
- | textFont(myFont, 15);
| |
- | fill(0, 0, 0);
| |
- | textAlign(LEFT, BOTTOM);
| |
- | text(heading + this.theta, x+10, y+16);
| |
- | fill(50, 50, 50, 220);
| |
- | rect(x+10, y+25, w-20, 6, 6);
| |
- | ellipse(this.myX, this.myY, 15, 15);
| |
- |
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | this.moveSlider = function(){
| |
- | if (mouseX > x+5)
| |
- | if (mouseX < x + w + 10)
| |
- | if (mouseY < y + h + 30)
| |
- | if (mouseY > y){
| |
- |
| |
- | this.theta = round(((mouseX - x ) / w) * this.max* 10)/10;
| |
- |
| |
- | thetaPlay = this.theta ;
| |
- | this.myX = (w-30)*(this.theta/this.max) + x + 15;
| |
- | this.draw();
| |
- |
| |
- | count = 0 ;
| |
- | maxLength = 0;
| |
- | for (var i = 0; i < arrowsinRow; i++){
| |
- | for (var j = 0; j < arrowsinCol; j++){
| |
- | arrows[count].calculate(); /*maxLength is to scale everything, boxHeight is the */
| |
- |
| |
- | if (maxLength < arrows[count].length) {
| |
- | maxLength = arrows[count].length;
| |
- | }
| |
- | count++;
| |
- | }
| |
- | }
| |
- | nullClines[0].calculate();
| |
- | nullClines[1].calculate();
| |
- |
| |
- | }
| |
- | };
| |
- | };
| |
- |
| |
- | var slider = new boxSlider(uiBoxX, uiBoxY, uiWidth, uiHeight, heading, thetaPlay, thetaMax, thetaInterval);
| |
| | | |
| var draw = function(){ | | var draw = function(){ |
Line 7,942: |
Line 7,430: |
| background(248, 252, 253); | | background(248, 252, 253); |
| | | |
- | /*UI Theta Box*/
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | textAlign(LEFT, CENTER);
| |
- | /*E. Coli Concentration Box*/
| |
- | drawHeader(graphxMin + 10, eHeaderY, eHeading);
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | //textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER);
| |
- | /*Yeast Concentration Box */
| |
- | drawHeader(graphxMin + 10 , yHeaderY, yHeading);
| |
- | makeAxis('Time', 'Concentration', graph2yMin);
| |
- | makeAxis('Yeast', 'E. Coli', graphyMin);
| |
- |
| |
- | if (mouseOverSlider){
| |
- |
| |
- | slider.moveSlider();
| |
- | if (mouseX > graphxMin)
| |
- | if ( mouseX < graphxMax )
| |
- | if ( mouseY < graphyMin)
| |
- | if (mouseY > graphyMax) {
| |
- | ballY = mouseY;
| |
- | ballX = mouseX;
| |
- | icX = ((ballX - graphxMin)/graphWidth)*xLength + xMin;
| |
- | icY = ((graphyMin - ballY)/graphHeight)*yLength+ yMin;
| |
- | eHeading = "Initial E. Coli Concentration: " + round(icY*100)/100;
| |
- | yHeading = "Initial Yeast Concentration: " + round(100*icX)/100;
| |
- | }
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- |
| |
- | count = 0;
| |
- |
| |
- | /*This is for drawing the arrows on the graph*/
| |
- | for (var i = 0; i < arrowsinRow; i++){
| |
- | for (var j = 0; j < arrowsinCol; j++){
| |
- | arrows[count].drawOn(maxLength, boxHeight); /*maxLength is to scale everything, boxHeight is the */
| |
- | count++;
| |
- | }
| |
- | }
| |
- | slider.draw();
| |
- | nullClines[0].plot();
| |
- | nullClines[1].plot();
| |
- |
| |
- | if (icX < 1 + tol)
| |
- | if (icX > 1 - tol)
| |
- | if (icY > 1 - tol)
| |
- | if (icY < 1 + tol){
| |
- |
| |
- | icX = 1+tol;
| |
- | icY = 1+tol;
| |
- |
| |
- | }
| |
- |
| |
- | interactiveSolver(icX, icY);
| |
| | | |
- | stroke(56, 79, 224);
| |
- | fill(56, 79, 224);
| |
- | ellipse(ballX, ballY, 10, 10);
| |
| }; | | }; |
| } | | } |