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             <p>Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere carnem virus. Zonbi tattered for solum oculi eorum defunctis go lum cerebro. Nescio brains an Undead zombies. Sicut malus putrid voodoo horror. Nigh tofth eliv ingdead.
             The company is the brainchild of a group of university students primarily from the University of Manchester. The team has spent, in total, hundreds of man hours in the research and the development of the product and the method of production to get it how it is in its current form.<br>
Cum horribilem walking dead resurgere de crazed sepulcris creaturis, zombie sicut de grave feeding iride et serpens. Pestilentia, shaun ofthe dead scythe animated corpses ipsa screams. Pestilentia est plague haec decaying ambulabat mortuos. Sicut zeder apathetic malus voodoo. Aenean a dolor plan et terror soulless vulnerum contagium accedunt, mortui iam vivam unlife. Qui tardius moveri, brid eof reanimator sed in magna copia sint terribiles undeath legionis. Alii missing oculis aliorum sicut serpere crabs nostram. Putridi braindead odores kill and infect, aere implent left four dead.
To date the team has developed a functional method to produce this synthetic palm oil from utilising <i>E. coli</i> to produce the components of palm oil. Work has also been done surrounding the potential of assigning intellectual property rights to the production process we have been utilising to produce our product (see the <a href="" target="_blank">Patenting</a> pages)<br>
Zombie ipsum reversus ab viral inferno, nam rick grimes malum cerebro. De carne lumbering animata corpora quaeritis. Summus brains sit​​, morbo vel maleficia? De apocalypsi gorger omero undead survivor dictum mauris. Hi mindless mortuis soulless creaturas, imo evil stalking monstra adventus resi dentevil vultus comedat cerebella viventium. Qui animated corpse, cricket bat max brucks terribilem incessu zomby. The voodoo sacerdos flesh eater, suscitat mortuos comedere
As a team largely composed of personnel who are experienced and educated in the field of science and synthetic biology, together we form a powerful unit.<br>
<b>Company Ownership</b><br>
The company will be owned by the ten group members and the University of Manchester, each holding equal shares. Due to countries such as Malaysia being largely economically dependent on the current cultivation and processing of palm oil, the team is eager to minimise the impact this business would have on these countries. For this reason, licences to use the business would be offered to the Malaysian government at a negotiated price that would reflect the current value of palm oil. The Malaysian government would then be permitted to use the processes involved in <i>E. c(oil)i</i> to continue to profit from trade in palm oil components. It is predicted that replacing traditional methods of palm oil production with <i>E. c(oil)i</i> would support the economy of Malaysia. <br>
It is hoped that the costs for running <i>E. c(oil)i</i> would be reduced when the business is operating in Malaysia due to differences in staffing costs and utilities bills.  

Revision as of 19:51, 28 October 2013





Company Summary
The company is the brainchild of a group of university students primarily from the University of Manchester. The team has spent, in total, hundreds of man hours in the research and the development of the product and the method of production to get it how it is in its current form.

To date the team has developed a functional method to produce this synthetic palm oil from utilising E. coli to produce the components of palm oil. Work has also been done surrounding the potential of assigning intellectual property rights to the production process we have been utilising to produce our product (see the Patenting pages)

As a team largely composed of personnel who are experienced and educated in the field of science and synthetic biology, together we form a powerful unit.

Company Ownership

The company will be owned by the ten group members and the University of Manchester, each holding equal shares. Due to countries such as Malaysia being largely economically dependent on the current cultivation and processing of palm oil, the team is eager to minimise the impact this business would have on these countries. For this reason, licences to use the business would be offered to the Malaysian government at a negotiated price that would reflect the current value of palm oil. The Malaysian government would then be permitted to use the processes involved in E. c(oil)i to continue to profit from trade in palm oil components. It is predicted that replacing traditional methods of palm oil production with E. c(oil)i would support the economy of Malaysia.

It is hoped that the costs for running E. c(oil)i would be reduced when the business is operating in Malaysia due to differences in staffing costs and utilities bills.