Team:DTU-Denmark/Notebook/1 July 2013
Main purpose today
Make M9 Medium for the biolector toxicity experiment
Who was in the lab
Helen, Gosia, Ariadni
According to open wetware protocol for Biolector Experiment
1L of Media:
- 10 mL Casamino Acid ( ready solution from Andreas)
- 2 mM MgSO4 (from 2M liquid stock)
- 0.1 mM CaCl2 (liquid solution with 15% gly)
- 200 mL M9 salts
- Fill to 1 L with sterilized water
1 L stock of M9 salts:
- 64 g Na2HPO4*7H2O = 31.2 g Na2HPO4
- 15 g KH2PO4
- 25 g NaCl
- 5 g NH4Cl