This is the documentation of our lab work. For detailed protocols of certain procedures please refer to Protocols. Attributions are given for each day, however please check our Attributions section for efforts beyond the lab work.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Today we received the NEB iGEM Support Kit. This will keep the labwork rolling ;-)
Yesterday’s colony PCR(E0420 and C0061+B0015) was analyzed on a 1% agarose gel.The amplified fragment for E0420 matched the expected fragment size of 1192 bp. The PCR for C0061+B0015 failed. A faint PCR product of 6-7kb could be detected for clone 2 indicating (again) an additional oligonucleotide sequence 5’ of the biobrick. This additional DNA sequence may have up to 6kb. We isolated the plasmid DNA from all clones of E0420 and C0061 + B0015 with a Miniprep Kit following the manufacturer’s instructions to send them to GATC.
In order to clone the inducible promoters Plux (R0062), Prhl (R0071) and Plas (K091117) 5’ of the RBS (B0032), we digested them with EcoRI and SpeI. At the same time the lactonase (C0060) and lactonase + TT were digested with XbaI and PstI to clone them 3’ of a RBS. The autoinducer synthases + TT (C0078+B0015, C0070+B0015, C0061+B0015) were digested with XbaI and PstI for cloning. Also we did a test restriction of C0061 since the DNA sequence indicated it contained an additional nucleotide sequence.
The expected fragments of the promoters are 82, 80 and 153 bp. We were not able to detect the fragments on the agarose gel. The restriction digest of C0060, C0078+B0015 and C0070+B0015 was not complete. However, the fragments matched the expected sizes, so they were extracted from the agarose gel.
For C0061, the restriction failed. The size of the linearized vector is about 10kb confirming differences in the partsregistry annotation and the brick.