“And by what, O Socrates, is the soul nourished?” - Hippocrates
“By knowledge, of course, I said.” - Socrates
Characterization of our biobricks is a chance for us to prove that our design works as intended. We invite you along on a journey through our attempts to obtain proof of concept; to show that Bacteriorganic Rubber is a true possibility. This page will slowly guide you through our results, but keep in mind that not everything is presented below. For all the details, consult our protocol page where you will find a comprehensive picture of our project.
The question of design and therefore function is two-fold: How do we - and can we - control the expression of our system? And do the expressed proteins work as intended? These are the questions this page sets out to answer. Specifically, we have characterized our regulable biobricks (LacI/Plac and AraC/Para) and our central genes (dxs(b. subtilis) and HRT2)
Composite production system
Characterization of LacI/Plac
The dxs gene is placed under the control of the lactose promoter (see Design). We assayed the inducible capabilities of our design and, as part of the experiment, we tested the ability to suppress expression prior to induction. The assay was carried out by measuring protein levels of Dxs fused to GFP using Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting (FACS).A lacI:LVA basic part was available at parts registry, and we added a promotor and a terminator, producing a device. The GFP fusion devices with and without the lacI:LVA device were assayed to check for expression control. One triplicate of MG1655 and two triplicates of each MG1655 strains carrying either pSB1C3-Plac-dxs (B. subtilits)-GFP or pSB1C3-Pcon-lacI:LVA-term-Plac-dxs (B. subtilits)-GFP were grown from OD600 0.005 to approximately 0.2. At this OD the MG1655 triplicate and one triplicate of each strain carrying constructs were induced with 1 mM IPTG at time 0 min. FACS measurements were done at times: -30, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 min, thus showing the expression of GFP in each strain - both when induced and when not induced (Fig. 1).
The result shows that strains lacking LacI:LVA do not repress expression from the lactose promoter. Even without induction, there is clear expression of GFP. Conversely, strains expressing LacI:LVA repress the promoter until induction. Approximately 90 min after induction of the strain expressing LacI:LVA, protein level is at its maximum. Still, maximum protein level is lower than that of the strain lacking LacI:LVA. Also, the fraction of flourescent cells is lower in the samples of pSB1C3-LacI:LVA-Plac-dxs (B. subtilits)-GFP compared to pSB1C3-Plac-dxs (B. subtilits)-GFP, indicating that expression of GFP is somewhat repressed, despite induction.
This experience has been added to the experience of the part encoding the lacI:LVA basic part on parts registry
Characterization of AraC/Para
To test whether overexpression of AraC improved expression control, devices with and without the araC device were assayed. Duplicates of MG1655 strains carrying either pSB1C3-Para-HRT2 or pSB1C3-Pcon-araC-term-Para-HRT2 were grown to late-exponential phase: OD600=0.8. At this OD, the strains were induced with 0.2 % arabinose at time t=0 min, and samples were taken at times: -2 min, 15 min, and 30 min. Total RNA purified from the samples were run on a gel, blotted onto a membrane, and hybridized with probes specific for HRT2 mRNA and 5S rRNA (loading control), respectively.
The results prove that we are capable of inducing our HRT2 devices with arabinose. There is only little expression before induction and within the first 15 min, expression is at its maximum. Overexpression of AraC does not seem to have an effect on the expression levels after 15 min compared to natural levels of AraC. However, it is inconclusive whether AraC might contribute to an effect at times less than 15 min after induction. (Fig. 2).
This experience has been added to the experience of the part encoding the arabinose promoter on parts registry.
Characterization of dxs (B. subtilis)
Functionality assayTo optimize the flow through the MEP pathway, the dxs gene was overexpressed, the expectation being increased levels of IPP and DMAPP(see Specification). To examine if overexpression indeed resultats in an increase in substrate, we attempted to assay the levels of DMAPP using a headspace gas chromatography (GC)-technique.
DMAPP was hydrolyzed in acid to the volatile hydrocarbon gas isoprene. The gas was subsequently analyzed with headspace GC. A linear relationship between amount of detected isoprene and DMAPP concentration has previously been established. Source: Alison J. Fisher et. al; Nonradioactive Assay for Cellular Dimethyllyl Diphosphate We were capable of producing a standard curve by reacting DMAPP with acid for 2 min (instead of the 60 min specified in the previous study) (Fig. 3). At this time, we obtained optimal peak detection for standard solutions. We were, however, incapable of detecting isoprene, even in high concentrations of bacterial samples treated with acid. The test was expanded to include acid hydrolyzation for 2, 30, 60 or 90 min, yet we could not detect isoprene, and therefore not detect DMAPP.
Figure 3.
Optimization of the procedure is needed before characterization of the dxs bricks can be completed using this approach. We suspect that the complexity of the bacterial samples is too high, and thus the reaction does not take place as fast as might be necessary for detection in our setup. Sonication of bacterial samples with and without addition of standard DMAPP, and subsequent measurements might shed some light on this hypothesis.
However, it should be noted that the GC wasn’t fully functional during the test period, consequently leading to broader peaks and thus lowered the sensitivity of the instrument. On the 3rd of October, we received a mail from Professor Lars Porskjær Christensen, Department of Chemistry-, Bio- and Environmental Technology, University of Southern Denmark:
"...The GC has now been repaired and the sensitivity has been improved considerably. The GC-peaks should be very sharp now. This may be the reason that you have not observed any release of isoprene from your samples...MailTranslated from danish".
Unfortunately, with only 2 days left to wiki-freeze, there was no time for another round of testing.
Growth Experiment
Figure 4.
Carrying the dxs devices and expressing the gene could impair the growth, and hence be important in production purpose. To test if the growth of MG1655 bacteria is impaired when carrying and expressing our dxs devices, we measured the growth rate with OD600 measurements.
2 triplicates of MG1655 carrying no vector, empty pSB1C3 vector, pSB1C3-Plac-dxs (B. subtilis), pSB1C3-Pcon-lacI-Plac-dxs (B. subtilis), or pSB1C3-Pcon-lacI:LVA-Plac-dxs (B. subtilis) were started from ONC at time 0 hours, OD600=0.005, and grown at 37ºC and at 180 rpm. OD600 measurements were done every half hour, and 1 of each triplicate was induced at time 2.5 hours. All strains grew at the same pace and induction didn’t impair growth rate (Fig. 4).
Characterization of HRT2
Rubber purificationTo discover rubber, it is useful to isolate the rubber from the rest of the bacterial cells. This will allow us to remove as many variables in the detection assays as possible. The rubber was purified according to SOP0031 - Rubber purification which was made by us, based on a literature search and chemical evaluation of solubility of the polyisoprene. The cells were sonicated in ethanol suspension, washed in acetone, and extracted in n-hexane (both steps was ON).
We tried two different methods to evaluate the most efficient extraction method. In the first method we tried to wash with acetone and extract with n-hexane in a soxhlet extractor. As the second method, we tried to exclude the time consuming soxhlet steps and washed for a shorter duration with acetone in 50 mL falcon tubes (15 min shake at 37 deg) and extracting the rubber by adding hexane to the cell suspension and spinning down the sample to save the supernatant (hexane solution). We tested the rubber extractions on WT + polyisoprene on both soxhlet and non-soxhlet methods and evaluated the result on H1-NMR. The result seemed similar, and therefore we chose to stay with the non-soxleth method as our SOP for purifying rubber, since the time required for that protocol was significantly less.
We did a thorough literature study of polyisoprene on MALDI-ToF and found that the formation of adducts by adding AgNO3- would make it possible to ionize the long alkene chain even though it has no functional groups that can be ionized.
We tried several matrixes including MBTMBT2-mercaptobenzothiazole, DHBDHB2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid, CHCACHCAalpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, SASAsinapinic acid and DTDTdithranol but we never had time to test on anything but our standard polyisoprene (Mw 38 kDa,) which unfortunately was too large a molecule to be detected by the bruker MALDI-ToF machine. We have come to the conclusion that the machines’ hardware settings are not matching the requirements for these large molecules and therefore we might still be able to find our sample even though we cannot see our standard, since the sample is expected to be around 2-10 kDa. Unfortunately we have not had the time to test this, since the machine is frequently occupied by other research groups.
First round
On the spectrums seen above (fig 1x,y,z) you can see from fig (X), that the pure polyisoprene gives peaks (seen from fig. U) at 5.12 A), 2.04(B) and 1.68(C) in the ratio 1(A):4(B):3(C). Additionally we see a peak at 1.56 indicating water (the standard was not dried in a vacuum oven ON as the rubber purification). The peak at 0.00 ppm is the defining peak of the ppm axis and represents TMSTMSTetramethylsilane which is a calibrating standard.
Our rubber purification (SOP0031 - Rubber purification) of WT + polyisoprene give the same peak placement as the pure polyisoprene ((A), (B) and (C)) however the integration of the 3 peaks shows a relationship of approx. 1:5:4. This can be explained by the impurities in the area 0-2.5 ppm that might add additional integration value to the peaks assigned to polyisoprene (B) and (C) causing a disruption of the true relationship. Some peaks from the solvents used to purify the rubber with (Acetone (ppm), Ethanol (ppm) and Hexane (ppm)) as well as a small amount of water (1.56 ppm) is seen as well.
DXS + PT shows the same peaks (A), (B) and (C) as both the WT + polyisoprene and pure polyisoprene tests indicating the presence of our rubber. We see the same distortion of the spectrum by solvents, as the rubber purification from WT + polyisoprene.
Second round To validate the first experiments we wanted to include a negative test (WT) as well, in order to exclude the possibility of a naturally occurring polyisoprenoid compound in E. coli. We performed rubber purification on WT, PT+DXS and PT. The three samples where unfortunately not dried properly in the vacuum oven due to apparatus malfunction.
Below you can observe 3 spectrums N, O and P matching WT, PT+DXS and PT respectively. From spectrum N you can see that there is no peaks at all in 5.12, 2.04 and 1.68 proving the fact that we do not have any rubber present in our WT bacteria (or any other compound that might have the same chemical shift values). In the PT+DXS (fig O) we observe only a very weak peak at 5.12 indicating the (A) hydrogens. This peak has the same splitting pattern as the first round of H1-NMR but it has a very low intensity. The (B) and (C) peaks are hidden in the background noise, which is most likely due to cell debris and solvents which did not evaporate appropriately. We suspect the machinery to have decreased sensitivity towards our isoprene peaks due to the high amount of solvent seen from the assigned peaks.
In the PT (P) spectrum we have difficulty identifying the 5.12 peak which is most likely due to lack of sample. We observe that the general intensity of the overall spectrum is lower than all the others, indicating that we probably lost some sample during the purification protocol compared to the other samples.