Team:Wageningen UR/Attributions


Revision as of 03:11, 5 October 2013 by Karrenbelt (Talk | contribs)

Attributions and acknowledgements

Mark van Passel Gave us lots of valuable advice as our iGEM mentor
Dorett Odoni Gave us lots of valuable advice as our iGEM mentor
Ruben van Heck Gave us lots of valuable advice as our iGEM mentor
Leo de Graaff Supervised Marit for Actin-GFP
Teresita Bello Gonzalez Supervised Emiel and Jingjing for the chromoprotein project
Peter Schaap Supervised Michiel for modeling
Laura van de Straat Advised us on labwork
Tom Schonewille Advised us on labwork and helped with ordering of materials
Nico Claassens Supervised Shreyans for the ATP-biosensor
Daan van Vliet Supplied information about directed evolution
Gary Yellen Supplied the pH-biosensor sequence
Hiromi Imamura Supplied the ATP-biosensor
iGEM Braunschweig 2013 Supplied chromoproteins
iGEM Uppsala 2012 Supplied chromoproteins
Dennis van Kappen Advised and helped in designing our wiki
Richard van der Oost Made all our wishes into an animation
Thessa Blijleven Designed the mascotte and safety strips
Paulien Poelarends Giving the workshop
Board of Science cafe Wageningen Helped us organise the Science cafe