Team:Calgary Entrepreneurial/Data


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All of this would not be possible without the resources and support we received from a variety of individuals and groups. Our team would like to thank all of the support that we received this year, particularly from our University, our sponsors and our advisors. Thank you!


University Support

The University of Calgary Entrepreneurial iGEM team would like to thank and acknowledge all of the support from the University, particularly the Faculty of Medicine, in terms of student stipends, facilities, and materials which made this project possible. We would also like to thank the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE) for providing us with office space where we worked over the summer and into the fall term.

Contributions made by Students and by Industry Collaborations

All work presented here was performed by the students on our team. All research was conducted by the students with input from our advisory board. Contributions from industry collaborations are clearly outlined where applicable. Specifically, we would like to acknowledge ACAMP for assisting us in finding the information necessary to design a manufacturing strategy. We would also like to thank HydroQual for providing us with meaningful feedback on end user requirements for our first generation product.

Support from Advisors

Our professors and advisors contributed support and ideas to the students on various different topics. In particular, we would like to thank Dr. Lisa Gieg, who advised us on the technology, John Mackay who provided us with insight from a legal prospective and Dr. Chris Dambrowitz, Dr. Sean Caffrey, Dr. Anwar Haq, Dr. Navneet Sharma and Dr. Rob Malach for their continual support and feedback during this project.


Our team would also like to thank our generous sponsors, without whom this project would not have been possible. Specifically, we would like to thank Alberta Innovates Technology Futures. Through their geekStarter program, they provided us with not only funding, but also opportunities to connect with experts as well as other iGEM students in order to refine our project. Particularly, we would like to thank Jennifer Hill and Sarah Lee for all of their advice and hard work with geekStarter.

Alberta Innovates Technology Futures & geekStarter

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University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine

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O'Brien Centre for the Bachelor of Health Sciences

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  • Alberta Energy. (2011). Progress Report 2011: Responsible Actions: A Plan for Alberta’s Oil Sands.
  • Alberta Environment. (2011). Joint Canada|Alberta Implementation Plan for Oil Sands Monitoring.
  • Alberta Regional Aquatics Monitoring Program. (2012). 2012 Technical Report Executive Summary.
  • Environment Canada. (2011). An Integrated Oil Sands Environmental Monitoring Plan.
  • Environment Canada. (2011) Lower Athabasca Water Quality Monitoring Plan - Phase 1.
  • IBIS World Industry Report. (2013). Oil Drilling and Gas Extraction in the US. Report: 21111
  • IBIS World Industry Report. (2013). Laboratory Testing Services in the US. Report: 54138
  • IBIS World Industry Report. (2013). Environmental Consulting in the US. Report: 54162
  • IBIS World Industry Report. (2013). Scientific Research and Development in the US. Report: 54171
  • IBIS World Industry Report. (2013). Remediation and Environmental Cleanup Services in the US. Report: 56291
  • IBIS World Industry Report. (2013). Biotechnology in the US. Report: NN001
  • Kalorama Information. (2005). Medical and Biological Sensors and Sensor Systems. Report: KLI751025
  • Mint Global Database (accessed August 12, 2013). Biosensor Business Data
  • Pembina Institute, The. (accessed August 12, 2013). Tailings Information