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Revision as of 13:58, 1 August 2013 by TanviSinha (Talk | contribs)
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Results from the Transformation of limonene Biobrick (BBa_K118025) to the pSB1C3 vector

  1. The Viability test showed colony growth on it, as expected
  2. The Resistance test showed no colony growth, as expected
  3. The ligation experiment with 10ul DNA showed no results for both the 20ul and 200ul plates. This was not expected.
  4. The ligation experiment with 5ul DNA showed no results for both the 20ul and 200ul plates. This was not expected.
  5. The positive RFP control showed red colonies, as expected.

Discussion: The results of the viability test indicates that the cells used were viable, and the resistance test indicated that the these cells did not have any intrinsic resistance to the chloroamphenicol antibiotic. The positive RFP control showed red colonies, which implies that the transformation was successful. Since our ligations showed no results, it can be assumed that there was a problem with the ligation experiment itself.

  • Running the gel for Limonene biobrick digests (BBa_K118025) again for separation of the 2kb and 5kb fragment

Lim1 digest 31 07 2013.jpg

    • Extracted the 5kb fragment using Bioline gel extraction kit.
  • Protocol for the extraction: