Team:KU Leuven/Journal/FFL/wetlab


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Secret garden

Congratulations! You've found our secret garden! Follow the instructions below and win a great prize at the World jamboree!

  • A video shows that two of our team members are having great fun at our favourite company. Do you know the name of the second member that appears in the video?
  • For one of our models we had to do very extensive computations. To prevent our own computers from overheating and to keep the temperature in our iGEM room at a normal level, we used a supercomputer. Which centre maintains this supercomputer? (Dutch abbreviation)
  • We organised a symposium with a debate, some seminars and 2 iGEM project presentations. An iGEM team came all the way from the Netherlands to present their project. What is the name of their city?

Now put all of these in this URL:, (loose the brackets and put everything in lowercase) and follow the very last instruction to get your special jamboree prize!

tree ladybugcartoon


  • Week4: Getting started

    This week we started working on the proof of concept of the feed forward loop in the lab. First of all we selected the necessary bricks and took the plasmids out of the iGEM distribution kit plates. We transformed them into chemically competent inoue cells (which were made before and stored at -80°C) according to the ‘transformation kit protocol’.
    Following bricks were transformed: C0076, K823016, C0077, R0080, P0340, R0078, K082003, C0080 and R0011.
    All of them were plated out in the presence of chloramphenicol, except for R0011 which is resistant to ampicilline. We made 2 plates for every brick, one with 100 µl and one with 1000 µl LB. The bacteria were grown overnight at 37°C.
    The next day we checked our plates and all of them had colonies except for the plates of R0011. We picked one colony of every plate and put the bacteria into tubes with 4 ml of LB medium and 4 µL chloramfenicol to incubate overnight in a shaking incubator at 37°C. Then we decided to transform the failed brick (R0011) and an extra brick (C0060) by electroporation because the efficiency of this method should be higher. We plated them out and let them grow overnight at 37°C.
    The plates with brick C0060 had nicely grown colonies and we put them at 4°C for usage next week. The plates with brick R0011 didn't show colonies. Afterwards we noticed that we used the wrong antibiotic resistance. We took the tubes with the successful bricks out of the shaking incubator and we used 400 µl of the LB with bacteria together with 400 µl of glycerol to make a stock in the -80°C.
    The remaining 3.6 ml was used for a plasmid extraction using the home-made protocol. After the extraction we used the NanoDrop to see if we had a good amount of DNA and no interference of proteins or salts. The values are shown below:

    ng/µl 260/280260/230
    R0078 111.61.731.07
  • Week 5

    This week, we decide to do our first digestions. We digested the GFP brick (K082003) with SpeI and EcoRI and the brick with the double terminator (B0015) with XbaI and EcoRI. We put the digested GFP brick on gel in three lanes. After running the gel, we cut the gel in two: one part containing the ladder and one lane with GFP, the other part containing two lanes with GFP. We only stained the part of the gel containing the ladder, this to avoid mutations in the insert of the two other lines. This lanes were used for gel extraction (and ligation afterwards), the lane next to the ladder was used to determine where the insert was located on the gel. After visualisation we marked where our digest was and cut out the part at the same height in the other gel. Afterwards the second gel was stained to check if the bands were cut out correctly. Then we used a kit for gel extraction of the GFP fragment.
    gel 29/07 digested GFP brick (vector+insert)
    After we dephosphorylated the digested vector with terminator and did a pcr purification with a kit, we ligated the GFP insert in this vector according to the ‘Digestion and ligation protocol’. We transformed the product by electroporation. The day after no colonies had appeared, which was expected because the electroporation machine indicated that there was no DNA in the sample (which is of course not possible). So we did the transformation again, but this time with chemically competent inoue cells according to the ‘transformation kit protocol’. Colonies appeared and we inoculated 2 of them in 4 ml LB with chloramphenicol.
    We also inoculated some bricks that were stored at -80°C for usage in the next few weeks, namely B0015, B0034 and K608002. We did plasmid extraction of these and of the cells with GFP + terminator next day. We used the NanoDrop to measure the concentrations shown below. We digested 10 µl of the construct with GFP and terminator with EcoRI and PstI to confirm if the right insert is present. This was indeed the case, as you can see on the gel.
    gel 02/08

      ng/µl 260/280260/230

    Because we didn’t get high plasmid concentrations for all of the bricks we transformed in week 4, we inoculated a colony from the plates containing K823016, C0060, R0080, C0076 and C0077 in 4ml LB, in the presence of chloramphenicol. The bacteria were grown overnight in the shaking incubator at 37°C. The day after we extracted the plasmids, but this time we used a kit instead of the home-made protocol. The values of the NanoDrop are shown below. Both the yield and purity were better than before.

    ng/µl 260/280260/230

    This week we also digested the bricks C0067, C0077, C0080, K823016, P0340 and C0060 with SpeI en EcoRI. We put the digestions on a gel and all bricks showed the correct bands (one for the insert and one for the vector). We excised the bands and purified them with a kit.
    Gel 31/7 nr2: volgorde ladder - K823016 - P0340 – C0080 – C0077 – C0060 – C0076
    We cut the plasmid containing brick I719005 with SpeI and PstI, dephosphorylated the vector and did a pcr purification. We used the NanoDrop and measured a concentration of 34,2 ng/µl.